Varsity Captain/Co-Captain

Application Process

Eligibility for Captains:

Varsity captain andco-captain will be cheerleaders who are on the varsity squad for the 2017-2018 school year.

The captain and co-captain candidates must complete the following in order to be considered for the positions. Each step will be evaluated based on a structured rubric by two coaches and one administrator.

Notebook/Application – 40%

The notebook will address areas of leadership. This process will provide insight into the candidate’sleadership style and priorities. (Specific requirements attached.)

Interview – 20%

The interview will allow the coach to see how the candidate interacts with interviewers.

Squad Vote/Instruction – 20%

Each candidate will be required to teach a cheer or chant to the team. This will allow to show their ability to take control of the room. Each squad member will get two votes to select two candidates.

Tryout Score – 20%

Each candidate’s total tryout score will provide information regarding technique, abilities and conduct.

NAME: ______SQUAD: ______


POSITION (circle at least one): CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN

Expectations for Captains:

Cheerleader captains should possess leadership skills, maintain good organization skills, and demonstrate a strong moral responsibility at ALL times.

The captain will, under coaches’ supervision;

●work closely and cooperatively with the coaches

●start cheers/chants

●coordinate pep rally planning with coaches

●decide which uniforms will be worn for each event

●regularly monitor weekly calendar for upcoming practices and changes

●regularly communicate details about games, practices, and events

●immediately report complaints, uncooperative behaviors, squad problems, etc. to the sponsor so they may be rectified

●always set good examples and follows the code of conduct in ALL situations

●report to practice at least ten minutes early and be the last to leave

●ensure mats are out and practice begins on time

●lead conditioning and stretching

●participatein ALL extra activities including fundraisers, community service, and volunteer opportunities

●leading the team by example

oearly to practice

oproperly dressed; daily squad attire, hair up, no jewelry

ozero unexcused absences

opositive attitude always

ojumps/tumbling/spiriting after every cheer/chant

Captains will be held to a much higher standard than the rest of the squad members, all candidates must be up to the task.

I, ______, hereby understand the requirements of a captain/co-captain, and I will do my best to always set a positive example for the Braswell High School cheer squad. I plan to follow the rules set forth in the BHS Cheerleading Constitution and understand the consequences if I fail to adhere to the rules and regulations. I will commit myself to attending all practices, fundraisers, and performances and will always strive to have a positive attitude. I understand that I will be held to a higher standard if appointed as the varsity captain or co-captain.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Candidate Signature Date

Candidate Notebook

DUE – Thursday May 11th by 4:30 PM

The candidate’s notebook is the application for a captain position. It should be well thought out, neat, and organized. IT MUST BE THE CANDIDATE'S OWN WORK. Each coach will rate each candidate on a scale of 0 to 5 in each category in the candidate notebook to reach a score.

The following items are required,

  1. Cover page: Must include the candidate's name. Create a “motto” for the 2017-2018 year. (EX. “Whatever It Takes” “One Team, One Dream” “Cheer Hard or Go Home”)
  2. Practices:

-Design an outline for how practice time will be structured and utilized

  1. Pep rally ideas:

-Describe visions for pep rallies.

-List ideas, skits, and outline of structure for at least two pep rallies

  1. Teamwork strategies:

-Design a creative activity the team can do before camp to get to know each other

-Develop some traditions we can use every year

-Develop ideas on how the varsity team can be better mentors for younger teams.

▪How can we utilize the Big Sis/Lil Sis for this?

  1. Community service opportunities:

-List 2 ideas for community service events

-Give a tentative time-line of when to complete events

  1. Leadership Goals-Respond to the following:
  2. Personalities of a leader: Identify your leadership tone (the optimist, the pessimist, the motivator, the organizer, or the disciplinarian) and why you believe you fit that category.
  3. Attitudes of a leader: List and explain 2 personal leadership ideals that the captain should strive to possess.
  4. Power of a leader: Define 2 expectations that the team would have of its captain/squad leader in order to balance the power a leader must possess.
  5. Success of a leader: In order to ensure success of the team, define 5 goals the captain/co-captain needs.
  6. General Questions-Respond to the following:
  7. List things that worked well last year for the squad?
  8. Identify things that need to be done differently?
  9. List all the activities you are involved in. Will any of these activities conflict with cheerleading if you make captain/co-captain? If so, how do you plan to manage your time so that you can function as our leader?

Captain and co-captain Interviews will be held in the Cheer Coaches’ office

Monday, 5/15 @ 4:20 PM