Registered Charity No 226676
November 2015
Dear Supporter of the Scarcroft Village Hall,
We are delighted to report that the hall continues to be used by the residents of both the village and surrounding areas on a regular basis and we have maintained a full diary for much of the year. In addition, we have held several fundraising events throughout the year including Families Day and the Rugby World Cup (including some short lived support for the host nation!).
As always, it is fantastic to see many of you use the hall for what it is there for – a focal point for the local community.
It would be great to find more supporters and people who would like to join the Village Hall Management Committee. Lack of support led to the cancellation of the proposed James Bond Casino Night which unfortunately meant that many months of planning and expense were wasted. This was truly a shame as the Village Hall relies on these fund raising eventsand donations to keep running.
If anyone would like to become a Member of the Management Committee please let us know.
2014saw major improvements to the hall, including new floor and new kitchen as well as a big screen with even bigger sound.
2015 may not have seen such a dramatic transformation but work has, nevertheless, continued behind the scenes. A new ventilation and extraction system has been installed in the kitchen. Damp and cold are a thing of the past, new flooring is on its way for the WCs and a new fire door is about to be installed. These works may not sound exciting but, without them (plus the everyday maintenance and compliance required), no one would be able to use the Village Hall for kids parties, workshops, yoga and all the other activities that take place there.
The smooth running of the Village Hallis possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters; including Leeds City Council, Scarcroft Parish Council, the attendees at our functions and our Friends of the Village Hall. Your support for the hall is invaluable and there is always something that requires replacement or repair.There are still areas of the hall that need attention and we still need new chairs! Therefore, I would like to invite you to become a Friend of the Village Hall for 2016 and a minimum donation of £20 per person will allow you to play a vital role in the future success of the hall.
If you feel able to support the hall and would like to become a Friend of the Village Hall, please complete the form below and return it with a cheque made payable to ‘Scarcroft Village Hall’ to the address below by 4 January 2016. As a thank you to all our Friends of the Hall, there will be a free luncheon at the Village Hall at 12.30pm on Sunday 10th January 2016, when you can see for yourself the changes that have been made. Please indicate whether you will be able to attend on the form.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you in January.
The Management Committee
I/We would like to become a Friend of the Scarcroft Village Hall and enclose a cheque for £......
I/We will/will not (delete as required) be attending the luncheon on Sunday, 10th January 2016.
Name(s):...... Telephone:......
Address:...... Email Address:......
Please return by 4th January 2016 to: The Secretary, 9 Woodlands Park, LS14 3JU or email