Proposed Retail Development at St. David’s Way, Bermuda Park, Nuneaton
Design and Access Statement
1. This Design and Access Statement accompanies a revised application for full planning permission subsequent to the approval of application code: 031107 on 14 March 2012. This application, submitted on behalf of Tawnywood Limited proposed minor changes to the approved layout of the building primarily by sub-dividing it into three new retail units as set out in the Planning Statement and the accompanying drawings. This Design & Access Statement is prepared in accordance with the advice set out in Section 3 of Circular 01/2006, issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
2. The proposed layout now envisages the provision of three retail units on vacant land immediately adjacent to St David’s Way lying between the access to the Holiday Inn Hotel and the Cannon’s Health Club. The site comprises generally level ground and is approximately 0.25 hectares in area. The retail units are single-storey in construction and have a gross floor area of 541m2 (5950ft2). Car parking facilities comprising 18 spaces, including 2 accessible spaces, and rear servicing will be provided as shown on the Site Plan (Drawing No.152B), with the access road extended to link with the existing access serving Nuffield Health Club and the bowling alley.
3. In preparing this proposal, the following principles were again borne in mind:
1. The provision of facilities for which there is an identified need.
2. The opportunity to complement the existing development in terms of siting, scale, appearance and materials of construction.
3. The need to provide access for vehicles and pedestrians, including disabled persons, that is safe and convenient, whilst providing parking facilities in accordance with the Council’s standards.
4. The ability to supplement existing development in the area by providing landscaping that enhances the appearance of the development and its surroundings.
4. It is considered that all the above principles are respected in the chosen design. Externally, the appearance of the building will reflect that of the adjacent developments to the west, rather than the red facing brickwork of the hotel. Whilst the building is single-storey in construction, it is separated from the more massive adjacent Cannons’ Health Club by a belt of landscaping that will be reinforced, if permission is granted. The applicant will be pleased to agree a precise specification for external walling and roofing as part of the conditions of planning permission.
5. The proposed development does not lie within a Flood Risk Zone so that no Flood Risk Assessment is considered necessary. Foul drainage will discharge to the existing sewers in St David’s Way and surface water will discharge either to the separate surface water discharge system, appropriately designed soakaways or to proprietary grey water storage systems.
6. The submitted plans show a car parking facility for a total of 18 vehicles, serving both units, including 2 accessible disabled person spaces and a separate rear servicing area for the 2 units. From these spaces, access will be possible to the entrance doorways of both units by means of easily negotiable, suitably surfaced slopes that are capable of being utilised by a disabled person confined to a wheelchair. The interior circulation of each unit will also be designed to facilitate ease of movement by a wheelchair user. All car parking spaces will be suitably surfaced with a bound macadam finish. The surrounds to the car parking will be kerbed and these will be dropped where it is necessary to facilitate pedestrian and disabled person access. It will be noted that the access position accords with the layout in respect of the access road from St David’s Way that has already been constructed. A vehicular link will be created between this proposal and the access serving the adjoining leisure uses to the west.
7. The site is regarded as being of very low ecological value so that an Ecological Appraisal is not submitted; this similarly applies to the provision of a Landscape Assessment. There is established planting on the boundary with the Nuffield Health Club and this will be reinforced by additional supplementary planting as part of the sites development. Insofar as is known to the applicant there are no underlying services, cables or drains that cannot be relocated as part of a successful site redevelopment. Likewise, particularly having regard to the history of opencast coal excavations on the land, the land contains no archaeological remains that must be protected.
8. The proposed development should not result in any significant increase in the local noise climate. The site is located within an existing leisure development, closely associated with adjoining employment areas. Strict measures will, however, be implemented to control noise, vibration and dust during the construction process. Similarly, having regard to their location, the proposed development should not involve a significant change to local light levels.
9. The development will be readily accessible, within easy walking distance, to public transport routes through this part of Bermuda Park via St David’s Way. Very importantly, the new facilities will also be accessible to the housing area at Bermuda Park, nearby employment areas and the leisure area itself, on foot and by cycle. Accordingly, the development will not be solely dependent on the private motorcar as a means of transport.
10. The development will be constructed to the highest energy conservation standards and grey water from the roof of the building can be collected in a proprietary sub-surface storage system so that it can be re-used, for example, for the watering of landscaped areas.
11. Insofar as is known to the applicant, the land is not contaminated. No other forms of polluting materials are known to be present in this part of Bermuda Park. Facilities will be provided for the disposal of commercial refuse and for the recycling of materials in common with those at adjacent developments.
12. This is considered to be a highly sustainable location for these proposed uses within the context of the overall development of Bermuda Park and its development to create a Local Centre, for the reasons set out above, accords with the provisions and main theme of the Development Plan for the area. In the applicant’s submission, there are important material considerations, as outlined in this Design and Access Statement and in the letter that accompanied the application, which justify the grant of planning permission. For these slightly revised proposals.
13. If, during the Council’s consideration of this revised planning application and this accompanying Design and Access Statement, any further elaboration or clarification of details contained within the application or this statement are necessary, please contact me at the address below.
John Church Planning Consultancy Limited
Victoria Buildings
117 High Street
Clay Cross
S45 9DZ
Tel: 01246 861174
Fax: 01246 861097
File: W10