professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry
and head of Civil Engineering Dept. Aljouf University.
B.Sc. Civil Engineering [Assiut University 1979]
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Surveying) [Assiut University 1984]
Post-Graduate Diploma in Photogrammetry
[ITC (the Netherlands) 1987]
M.Sc. in photogrammetry [ITC (the Netherlands) 1989]
Ph.D. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing [Assiut University
(Egypt) and ITC (the Netherlands) 1991]
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering (Surveying, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing[Assiut University 1999]
Professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry [Assiut University 2007]
Professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry [Aljouf University 2009]
Head of Civil Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering Aljouf University 2010]
1979 – 1984
1984 - 1986
1985 (August-
1986 - 1990
1991 (Agust)
1993 (July)
( 3 months)
1994 (June)
1994 (July)
(4 weeks)
1995 (June)
1995 (July)
(3 weeks)
1995 (August)
(One week)
1995 (September)
1996 (March)
1996 (July)
1996 (December)
1997 (September)
1999 (September)
1999 (November)
2000 (July)
2001 (January)
2004 (September)
2004 –2005
2007(February) / Demonstrator [Civil Engineering Department Assiut University]
Assistant Lecturer [Civil Engineering Department Assiut University]
Invitation by the International Association for the Exchange of Student for Technical Experience (IAESTE) for training and sharing in some surveying applications at Ijsselmeerpolder Development Authority in the Netherlands.
Attending courses and carrying out research work in ITC related to the fields of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Digital Mapping and Cartography (as a special course for P1 and P2 Diplomas). Carrying out the experimental work of the Ph.D. Thesis in ITC (the Netherlands).
Getting the Ph.D. degree and carrying out the following activities:
Lecturing to under-graduate and post-graduate students in the fields of Ground Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Digital Mapping.
Supervising the final project of B.Sc. students. Supervising research work for M.Sc. Degrees.
Teaching Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Digital Mapping to the under graduate students in Assiut University, South Valley University and El Azhar University (Egypt).
Teaching Hydrographic and Beach surveying to the under graduate students and post graduated students applying traditional and advanced techniques. In the traditional technique simple instruments such as sextant and taut wire measurement with direct water depth measurement are used. In the advanced techniques, echo sounding and super sonic echo sounding with incorporation of Global Positioning System (GPS) and computer processing of data are used.
Teaching advanced Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Digital Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the students of MSc in Assiut University, South Valley University and El Azhar University (Egypt).
Sharing the activities of the Consultant Engineering Center of the Civil Engineering Department (Assiut University).
Attending advanced courses on Remote Sensing and Environmental Management held in the UK by the University of York and Hunting Technical Services Company.
Director of study and lecturing in an advanced course on “Land Use Mapping with GPS, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques”, provided by Remote Sensing Center, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University.
Attending advanced courses on Remote Sensing and GIS held in the UK by the University of York, UK.
Director of study and lecturing in an advanced course on “Land Use Mapping and Environmental Applications”, provided by Remote Sensing Center, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, in collaboration with University of York UK.
Attending advanced courses on Geographic Information Systems held in the UK by the University of York and Hunting Technical Services company.
Attending an advanced course on Geographic Information Systems and their applications, provided by Research Center, University of Alexandria.
Director of study and lecturing in an advanced course on “Geographic Information Systems with Environmental Applications”, provided by Remote Sensing Center, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , in collaboration with University of York UK.
Director of study and lecturing in an advanced course in “Modern Surveying Methods”, Provided by Remote Sensing Center, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University.
Attending and presenting a paper in the conference of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) in Vienna, Austria.
Director of study and lecturing in an “Advanced Course in Contour Mapping and Volume Calculation using SURFER Software”, provided by Remote Sensing Center, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University .
Attending an advanced course on Remote Sensing Techniques and Applications, provided by Research Center, University of Alexandria.
Getting the Degree of Associated professor in Civil Engineering (Surveying, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
Getting the price of pest research in the Faculty of Engineering in the field of Civil Engineering
Attending and presenting two papers in the conference of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) in Amsterdam, Holland.
Attending and presenting a paper in the International Conference of Mobile Mapping, held in Ain Shams University- Cairo – Egypt.
Attending the International Conference of Arab Map 2004 (ITI Fifth Arab Conference on Geographic Information Systems) Cairo – Egypt
Teaching GIS to the under graduate students of the new collage of Computer Science and Information (Assiut University – Egyptr)
Sharing the activities of The Netherlands project in the Egyptian Surveying Authority (ESA) under the supervision of the international institute ITC (in the Netherlands)
Sharing the activities of Teaching Quality project in Assiut University and attending the related courses
Getting the Degree of professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry
Supervising the activities of the surveying lab. in civil Eng. Dept. Preparing plans for improving the instruments of the lab. and training coerces for undergraduate and post graduate students
October 2009 / Join Aljouf University as staff member in Civil engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering
September 2010 / Head of Civil engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Aljouf University
February 2-4 2013 / Attending the 16th gulf engineering meeting (Judah 2-4 February 2013)
December 16-17 2013 / Attending workshop on Capital Project Management Issues & Opportunities (University of Tabuk, Faculty of Engineering December 16-17 2013)

Prof. Dr Farrag Ali Farrag

professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry

Civil Engineering Dept. Aljouf University

Publication List

بيان بمجمل الأبحاث العلمية الخاصة بالأستاذ الدكتور / فــراج على فــراج

أستاذ المساحة والفوتوجرامترى بقسم الهندسة المدنية - كلية الهندسة – جامعة الجوف – المملكة العربية السعودية

1-Accuracy of Earthwork Calculations From Digital Elevation Models

By: Ahmed Abd El-raheam and Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : يناير 1996

2-Detailed Study on The Groundwater Situation by The Use of GPS, Satellite Images, and GIS on The Area Adjacent to Qift-Quseir Road, Eastern Desert, Egypt

By: Dr. Abd Elhay Ali FARRAG and Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر :الإلقاء بالمؤتمر الدولى Hydro GIS 96 بالنمسا تاريخ النشر :ابريل 1996

3- Study of Some Factors Affecting the Accuracy of DEM

By: Ahmed Abd El-raheam, Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Eng. . Khalil R.

مكان النشر : مجلة كلية الهندسة - جامعة أسيوط تاريخ النشر :يوليو 1996

4-The Influence of Terrain Type and Density of Digital Elevation Model on The Geometric Quality of Satellite Orthoimages

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى ISPRS 96 بالنمسا تاريخ النشر : يوليو 1996

5-Monitoring of Environmental Pollution Using SPOT Satellite Images

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : مايو 1997

6-A Complementary Groundwater and Soil Study in Wadi El-Assiuti by the Help of Satellite Images and GIS Techniques

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Dr. Abd Elhay Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : ديسمبر 1997

7-Determination of Growth In Built-Up Areas And Site Assessment of New Cities Using Satellite Images

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية لكلية الهندسة جامعة اسيوط تاريخ النشر : يوليو 1998

8-The Role of SPOT Satellite Images in Mapping Air Pollution Caused by Cement Factories

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى ISPRS 2000 بهولندا تاريخ النشر : يوليو 2000

9-Mapping of Reclamation Rate in the Egyptian Deserts Using SPOT Satellite Images

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Dr. Mostafa Abd-Elbary EBRAHIM

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى ISPRS 2000 بهولندا تاريخ النشر : يوليو 2000

10-. Development of A Surveying Method For 3d Measurements of Railway Tracks

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG & Dr. Khalil R. and Chesi G

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى Mobile Mapping بالقاهرة تاريخ النشر : يناير 2001

11- Using Cad As A New Technique in Digital Close Range Photogrammetry For Accuracy Studies

By: Mostafa Abd-Elbary EBRAHIM and Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر: يوليو 2001

12- Geometrical Analysis Of Different Lenses of Non Metric Camera for Digital Photogrammetric Applications

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Eng. Ahmed Serwa (2002)

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر:يوليو 2002

13- Studying Some Factors Affecting The Accuracy of Digital Photogrammetric Applications

By: Dr. Ahmed A. MOHAMED, Dr.Farrag Ali FARRAG, and Eng. Ahmed A. A. ABD EL-HAFIZ

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى لقسم الهندسة المدنية جامعة أسيوط تاريخ النشر : أكتوبر 2003

14- Evaluation of Accuracy Improvement Obtained By High Resolution Scanners In Photogrammetric Applications of Non Metric Cameras

By: Prof. Dr. Abd Elaal M. Abd Elwahed Dr. Farrag Ali Farrag and Eng. Ahmed Serwa

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الدولى لقسم الهندسة المدنية جامعة أسيوط تاريخ النشر : أكتوبر 2003

15- Digital Photogrammetric Analysis of Stereo Images Obtained by Zoom Lenses

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Dr. Mostafa Abdel-Bary EBRAHIM

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : : أكتوبر 2003

16- Investigation of Sampling And Interpolation Techniques For DEMs Derived From Different Data Sources

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG & Dr. Khalil R. and Chesi G

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : نوفمبر 2005

17- Experimental Investigation Into The Incorporation of Main Form Lines in Grid Based Digital Elevation Models

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : أبريل 2006

18- Comparison of Land Cover Change Detection Techniques with Satellite Images: Case study in Assiut, EGYPT

By: Dr. Farrag Ali FARRAG and Eng. Yaser Gaber (under publication)

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية للهندسة المدنية - جامعة الأزهر تاريخ القبول للنشر : 21/3/2006

19-Land Cover/Landuse Change Detection Using Landsat Satellite Images: Case study in Aden Governorate, Republic of Yemen

By: Prof.Dr.A.M.Abdlwahe, Prof.Dr. Farrag Ali Farrag, and Eng. Magda Saeed Alnoban

مكان النشر : المجلة العلمية لكلية الهندسة جامعة أسيوط تاريخ النشر : مايو 2008

20-Accuracy Assessment Study Of Static-GPS In South Egypt

By: Eng. Ashraf Talaat, Dr. Ashraf Farah, and Prof . Dr. Farrag A. Farrag

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الهندسى العاشر لجامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : ديسمبر 2008

21- Accuracy Assessment Of Digital Elevation Models Using GPS

By: Eng. Ashraf Talaat, Dr. Ashraf Farah, and Prof . Dr. Farrag A. Farrag

مكان النشر : المؤتمر الهندسى العاشر لجامعة الأزهر تاريخ النشر : ديسمبر 2008

22- Assessment Study of Using Online (CSRS) GPS-PPP Service for Mapping Applications in Egypt

By: Eng. Mohamed Abd-Elazeem, Dr. Ashraf Farah, and Prof . Dr. Farrag A. Farrag

مكان النشر : مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسى الدولى الحادى عشر ، القاهرة فى 21 -23 اكتوبر 2010

23- CUT-OFF Elevation Angle Effect on GPS Postioning Accuracy

By: Eng. Mohamed Abd-Elazeem, Dr. Ashraf Farah, and Prof . Dr. Farrag A. Farrag

مكان النشر : مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسى الدولى الحادى عشر ، القاهرة فى 21 -23 اكتوبر 2010

24- Assessment Study of Using Online (CSRS) GPS_PPP Service For Mapping Applications. By F. A. Farrag , Etl

Al-Azhar Engineering Eleventh International Conference December 21 - 23, 2010 Cairo Egypt

25- Cut-Off Elevation Angle Effect on GPS Positioning Accuracy.

By F. A. Farrag , Etl

Al-Azhar Engineering Eleventh International Conference December 21 - 23, 2010 Cairo Egypt

26- Potential of Using High Resolution Satellite Images For Mapping Applications.

By F. A. Farrag , Etl

Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 39, No 3, pp.513- 528, May 2011

27- Evaluation of Information Contents and Feature Extraction Capability From Egypt SAT1 Images.

By F. A. Farrag , Etl

Journal of Engineering Science, Assiut University, Vol. 39, No 3, pp.529- 538, May 2011

Prof. Dr Farrag Ali Farrag

professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry

Civil Engineering Dept. Aljouf University