Instructor: Dr. Pamela Harrison

Office: NU187

Phone: 480-461-7157

email: (preferred)

Web site:

Office Hours: MW 12:00-12:50pm, TR 1:45-3:15pm, F by Appointment

You must have the same instructor (me) for both lecture and laboratory.

Lecture section 38083 TR 10:30 – 11:45 LS101

Laboratory section 38084 TR 8:55 – 10:20 LS102 38085 TR 12:05 – 1:30 LS102

Course Objective

The student will study the structure and function of the human body. Topics include cells, tissues, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system.



Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Tortora and Derrickson, 14th Ed., 2014. Custom Edition for Mesa Community College. Includes softcover text, e-text and access code to WileyPlus.

Note: if you already own any of the following textbooks, they are also acceptable.

Visual Anatomy and Physiology: Martini and Ober, 2st Ed., 2014.

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Tortora and Derrickson, 13th Ed., 2011.

Human Anatomy & Physiology: Elaine N. Marieb and Katja N. Hoehn, 9th Ed., 2012.

Anatomy and Physiology: KennethSaladin, 6th Ed. 2011.

The Body Beautiful: Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy and Physiology for Bio201: Ronald D. Hill et al., 2014-2015 Printing.

Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend all lectures and lab sessions. READ your school catalog for details. I will follow the attendance policy stated within the catalog.

Withdrawal Policy

Should it become necessary for you to withdraw from the course, it is your responsibility to fill out the required paperwork. Students who miss 4 consecutive class periods without notification will receive a Y (withdrawn failing) for the course. Please see your student schedule in for the Last Day to Withdraw without an Instructor Signature for each class in which you are enrolled. After the Last Day to Withdraw without an Instructor Signature you must come to me with paperwork and I will withdraw you from the class. To receive a letter grade for the course you must continue to attend and take the final exam.

MCC Early Alert Program (EARS)

Mesa Community College is committed to the success of all our students. Numerous campus support services are available throughout your academic journey to assist you in achieving your educational goals. MCC has adopted an Early Alert Referral System (EARS) as part of a student success initiative to aid students in their educational pursuits. Faculty and Staff participate by alerting and referring students to campus services for added support. Students may receive a follow up call from various campus services as a result of being referred to EARS. Students are encouraged to participate, but these services are optional. Early Alert Web Page with Campus Resource Information can be located at:

Special Services

If you have a documented disability, including a learning disability, and would like to discuss possible accommodations, please contact the MCC Disabilities Resources and Services (DRS) office at480-461-7447or .

To ensure equal access, all required course materials provided in web links are expected to meet AA Standard of Compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. All internal and external course links should be evaluated by the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool. Course materials are expected to be in compliance, or an alternative option provided upon the students request. Students with disabilities must have an equally effective and equivalent educational opportunity as those students without disabilities. Students experiencing difficulty accessing course materials because of a disability are expected to contact the course instructor so that a solution can be found that provides all students equal access to course materials and technology.

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated

A first offense will result in a zero for the assignment. A second offense will result in an F for the course and a report to the Dean of Students. Please avoid even the appearance of academic dishonesty. See the Student Handbook for campus- and District-wide policies.

Assignment due dates and late policy

PhyisoEx assignments will be given during the semester. In each case a due date will be provided. Assignments turned in on this date are eligible for full credit. You may not turn in the assignment early. Assignments turned in one to seven days late will be eligible for 80% credit. Assignments will not be accepted more than one week late. No excuses are accepted.

Classroom etiquette

Out of respect for one another, only one person will be talking at a time during lecture time. If there is confusion about the lecture, please ask me and not your neighbors.

Cell phones

Please turn off cell phones during class and lab. Telephones ringing in class are unacceptable.

This is all part of good classroom etiquette that has to do with being polite, having mutual respect for each other and not disturbing fellow colleagues.

Identification on all school items

Write your name and phone number in all books, manuals, notebook, workbooks, notes, tape recorders, and anything else you bring to school. Frequently students leave something behind in class and no name appears so it goes into lost and found and never reaches the owner. In lab it is a good idea to mark your lab manuals because everyone has one just like yours.

Formation of study groups

Exchange phone numbers with at least 2 - 3 people in lecture and lab so you have someone to contact in case of missed classes or formation of a student study group. We find that many students gain much from study groups. The only word of caution is that you don't want the group to be too large. Also setting ground rules about chatting off the subject is sometimes necessary.

Study Lab Hours

A study lab with all the models and microscope slides is provided to you so that you can study at times other than your lab time. The Life Science tutor will also be there. Check the study lab for tutor hours. The study lab is located in NU157.

Open Lab Hours

The Anatomy and Physiology instructors will be opening the lab (LS102) for additional study time on Friday mornings throughout the semester. An anatomy and physiology instructor will be there to answer your questions. Schedule is coming soon.

Hints for Classroom success

1) Good attendance is crucial. If you must miss a class, download the notes, listen to the audio recording and email me your reason for missed attendance.

2) Read the material in the text before I lecture about it. You will then have a better feel for any questions you might have. Reread/rewrite your classroom notes ASAP after class. If you still have questions, I am always glad to help students.


Neither food nor drink is allowed in the classroom or lab. Water in closed containers is acceptable in lecture only.

Laboratory Safety

To protect student safety, reduce/prevent student injury and to comply with federal regulations, everyone in Life Science labs are required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Students are required to wear

To all labs

Closed toed shoes (No flip-flops or sandals)

To select labs (see lab schedule)

Long pants to the shoes (NO shorts, capris or dresses)

Long sleeves or lab coat

Protective eyewear (full goggles, provided…or buy your own)

Lab gloves (provided)

Failure to comply may result in alternate Personal Protective Equipment being provided to you or in dismissal from the lab.

Grading Policy

Your grade in Bio 201 will be determined entirely by the number of points you earn. There will be NO scale, curve or dropped exams.

Points Possible Grading Scale

Three Lecture Exams (140 points/exam) = 420 points 90 – 100% = A

Final Lecture Exam (180 points/exam) = 180 points 80 – 89% = B

Lecture Quizzes = 180 points 70 – 79% = C

Four Lab Practicals (100 points/practical) = 400 points 60 – 69% = D

Ten Lab Quizzes (10 points/quiz) = 100 points 0 – 59% = F

PhysioEx Exercises (20 points/exercise) = 60 points

Syllabus/VARK Questionnaire = 10 points

Participation Points = 150 points


Grade Reporting: All grades throughout the semester will be available on Canvas ( Because lecture quizzes will be given in the Canvas environment, all students MUST have computer access and know how to login to Canvas. Your username and password is the same as you’re username and password.



Lecture quizzes: Quizzes covering previous lecture material will be completed online in the Canvas environment. When the quizzes are due will be set according to when the material is completed in lecture and will be announced in lecture. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED FOR MISSING AN ONLINE LECTURE QUIZ. NO MAKEUP OR LATE QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN. NO LECTURE QUIZ SCORES WILL BE DROPPED.

Lab quizzes: In the lab, there will be 10 point quizzes covering only lab material. These quizzes are pop quizzes and the date of the quizzes may NOT be announced before the date of the quiz. THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP OR LATE QUIZZES GIVEN. NO LAB QUIZ SCORES WILL BE DROPPED.


We will be using iClickers this semester to track your participation in class. The clickers are a response system that allows you to respond to questions I pose during class, and you will be graded on that feedback and/or participation. The clickers will be provided to you if you don’t already have one of your own. Each clicker is labeled. Make sure that you always use the same clicker, so that you receive your participation points. In order to receive credit for your votes, you will need to register your iclicker remote online before class on JANUARY 22, 2015. Each clicker has a unique serial number on the back of the remote. You must have come to class at least once and voted on at least one question, in order to complete this registration properly. Once you have voted on a question in my class, go to Complete the fields with your first name, last name, student ID, and remote ID (serial number). Your student ID should be your my.Maricopa USERNAME (first 3 letters of first name and 7 numbers. It should NOT be all numbers).The remote ID is the series of numbers and sometimes letters found on your iclicker remote. The iclicker response system will be used every day in class, and you are responsible for having your remote daily. ALWAYS RETURN YOUR CLICKER TO THE PROPER BIN BEFORE YOU LEAVE CLASS. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN WITHDRAWL FROM THE CLASS AND A FINANCIAL PENALTY.

TR Lecture Schedule

Week / Lecture Topic / Reading
Jan 20-22 / Course Introduction and Overview of Topics / Chapter 1
Jan 27-29 / Inorganic Chemistry / Chapter 2
Feb 3-5 / Organic Chemistry / Chapters 2
Feb 10-12 / Cell and Tissue Structure and Function / Chapter 3&4
Feb 17-19 / Integumentary System (not on Exam I) / Chapter 5
Feb 24 (Tues)
Feb 26 / EXAMINATION I (Chapters 1-4)
Skeletal System / Chapter 6
Mar 3-5 / Articulations / Chapter 9
Mar 10-12 / Muscle System / Chapter 10
Mar 16-20 / Spring Break
Mar 24-26 / Muscle Physiology / Chapter 10
Mar 31 (Tues)
Apr 2 / EXAMINATION II (Chapters 5,6,9,10)
Nervous System / Chapter 12
Apr 7-9 / Brain & Cranial Nerves / Chapter 14
Apr 14-16 / Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves / Chapter 13
Apr 21-23 / Sensory Input and Motor Output / Chapter 16
Apr 28 (Tues)
Apr 30 / EXAMINATION III (Chapter 12-14 & 16)
Autonomic Nervous System / Chapter 15
May 5-7 / Special Senses / Chapter 17
May 14 (Thurs) / FINAL EXAMINATION, 10:30 – 12:20 (comprehensive)

Course content may vary from this outline to meet the needs of this particular group.


Date / Topic / Protective Equipment
January / 20 / Microscopy
22 / Microscopy
27 / Cell Division/Membrane Transport PhysioEx / Additional PPE Required
29 / Histology – Epithelial Tissues
February / 3 / Histology – Epithelial/Connective Tissues
5 / Histology – Connective Tissues
10 / Histology – Muscle Tissues
12 / Histology – Skin
17 / Practical Exam #1
19 / Skeletal System
24 / Skeletal System
26 / Skeletal System
March / 3 / Skeletal System
5 / Skeletal System
10 / Skeletal System
12 / Practical Exam #2
Spring Recess (March 16 – 20)
24 / Muscle System/Muscle Physiology PhysioEx
26 / Muscle System
31 / Muscle System
April / 2 / Muscle System
7 / Muscle System
9 / Muscle System
14 / Practical Exam #3
16 / Nervous System/Neural Physiology PhysioEx
21 / Nervous System
23 / Brain / Additional PPE Required
28 / Brain / Additional PPE Required
30 / Sense Organs / Additional PPE Required
May / 5 / Sense Organs / Additional PPE Required
7 / Practical Exam #4

PPE = Personal Protective Equipment – Long pants, long sleeve shirt or lab coat, and eye protection.