Proposed Motions

Board of Managers Meeting

November 2011

Proposed Resolutions:

Resolution No. 1.

By: Tom Adams, CASSAR Youth Activities Director

Fiscal Impact: Unknown

Subject: Support “Why America is Free.”

A motion for the CASSAR to coordinate with an organization named Values Through History to introduce and promote Why America is Free curriculum for 5th grade students in California schools.

Resoultion No. 2.

By: Wayne A. Griswold, Sr.

Fiscal Impact: Unknown

Subject: Youth member application fees and dues.

A motion to extend from the age of eighteen (18) to the age of twenty-five (25) the waiver of the application fees and one year’s dues for a youth member applicant.

Resolution No. 3.

By: Anthony P. X. Bothwell, Esq.

Subject: Life Membership Fund

A motion to rescind the November 2010 resolution that reduced Life Membership Fund payment of dues to chapters by 33.3 percent from $15 to $10 per member and left payment of dues to the State Society unchanged at $18 per member.

Fiscal Impact: Refund of funds as this requires Life Membership fund to pay out to chapters $5.00 per Life Member, or $1,575.00.

Resolution No. 4.

By: Anthony P. X. Bothwell, Esq.

Subject: Life Membership Fund

A motion to reduce Life Membership Fund payment of dues to chapters by 15 percent from $15.00 to $12.70 per member and payment of dues to the State Society by 15 percent from $18.00 to $15.30 per member and to make these changes effective January 1, 2011.

Fiscal Impact: Retroactive refund of funds as this requires chapters to pay to Life Membership fund $2.70 per member, or $850.50. If Resolution #3 is adopted, the Life Membership fund sends to chapters a net of $724.50. (LM pays $1,575.00, and chapters send LM $850.50, net $724.50)

This also requires CASSAR to refund individual member dues in the amount of $2.70 ($18.00 - $15.30) per member, or approximately $3,199.50, (1,500 members, less 315 life members times $2.70) which, therefore, would require unspecified items in the 2011 CASSAR budget to be cut by a total of $3,199.50. There also would be copying and postage costs for the secretary and treasurer to mail out 1,185 checks for $2.70 to the regular members, estimated to be $1,185.00.

Resolution No. 5

By: John L. Dodd

Subject: “clean-up” proposal to be presented at Arizona Congress to correct the language in the Constitution of the Society, which refers to outdated provisions of the Congressional Charter. These proposals are presented by a State Society to the NSSAR Bylaws Committee prior to the spring leadership meeting.

The California Society Sons of the American Revolution proposesthe Constitution of the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, be amended as follows:

Article I - Name and Status

The name of this organization shall be The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. It is a corporation created by special act of the Congress of the United States (Act of June 9, 1906, Public Law No. 59-214, 34 Stat. Chapt. 3065, page 227). This statute, as amended by the Act of February 6, 1925 (Public Law No. 362, 43 Stat. Chapt. 142, page 808; and as further amended by Act of September 8, 1961, Public Law No. 87-214), isThe Charter of said National Society(Sections 153301-153304 of Title 36, United States Code, as may be amended by Congress from time to time)and is incorporated by reference and made a part of this Constitution and of the Bylaws adopted in pursuance thereof.

Resolution #5, continued

Article IV – Officers and Trustees

Section 2. There shall be a Board of Trustees with a total membership of not less than forty (40), who shall be elected annually at such time and in such manner as shall be fixed in the Bylaws as required by Section 4 of the Charter. Said Trustees shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified, and they shall each serve without compensation.

The election of members of the Board of Trustees shall be conducted after the election of General Officers has been completed unless the delegates present, by a two-thirds vote, provide for some other order of business.

Resolution No. 6

By: John L. Dodd

Subject: Bylaw amendment proposal to be presented at Arizona Congress to amend Bylaw 26, as follows:

Insert the word “Suggested” in the title and insert as item (6) “Remarks by Past Presidents General who are present,” with the other agenda items being renumbered appropriately

Bylaw No. 26 – Suggested Order of Business of the Annual Congress

(1) Calling the Congress to order by the President General

(2) Opening prayer by the Chaplain General

(3) Address by the President General

(4) Report of the Credentials Committee

(5) Reading of Minutes of last Congress

(6) Remarks by Past Presidents General who are present

(6) (7) Reports of Trustees

(7) (8) Reports of Officers

(8) (9) Reports of Standing Committees

(9) (10) Reports of Special Committees

(10) (11) Old and Unfinished Business

(11) (12) New Business, including the election of Officers and Trustees

(12) (13) Adjournment

provided, that the Congress may suspend this order of business by a two-thirds vote.