Agreement No. [Insert agreement no.]
Contract Data Part two (Section 1)– Ground Investigation / [Insert agreement title]


Part two– Data provided by the Consultant

Section 1 (To be included in the envelope for technical proposal only)

Completion of the data in full is essential to create a complete contract.
1 General / The Consultant is
Name ………………………………………………………………
Address ……………………………………………………….……
2 The Parties’ main responsibilities / The parts of the Scope prepared by or on behalf of the Consultant are identified below:
No. / Document and relevant part/section / Reference / Date
The key people are:
key people designation / name / staff
Project Director
(as defined in the Contract Data Part one)
Project Manager
(as defined in the Contract Data Part one)
[Insert other key people if appropriate]
The minimum qualifications and experience requirements for each staff category are set out in the table of the Contract Data Part two (Section 2). Only the qualifications and experience obtained by the proposed staff on or before the deadline for submission of technical and fee proposals shall be counted.)
The responsibilities, qualifications, experience and employmentstatus (i.e. fulltime or not) of the key people are included in Appendix___ of the Consultant's technical proposal dated [ ] reference[ ].
15 Early warning / The following matters will be included in the Risk Register:
24 Subconsulting / The Subconsultants are:
The responsibilities, qualifications and experience of theSubconsultants and the letters of association for subcontracting to theSubconsultants are included in Appendix ___ of the Consultant'stechnical proposal dated [ ] reference [ ].



in the capacity of……………………………………………………………………………

duly authorized to sign tenders for and on behalf of



[Insert project office/department] -1-