True North Rochester Preparatory Charter School
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
September 18, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Rosenberger at 12:04pm.

Roll Call

The roll call was taken and a quorum was found present.

Trustees Present: Geoffrey Rosenberger

Jean Howard

Jim Gleason (via video)

Rebecca Sumner

Ron Zarrella

Kevin Walker (via phone)

Josh Phillips

Trustees Absent: Jim Ryan

Also Present: Anna Hall, Chief Operating Officer, Uncommon Schools Rochester and Troy

Michael Sherry, Associate Chief Operating Officer, Uncommon Schools

Rochester and Troy

Paul Powell, Associate Directing Manager, Uncommon Schools Rochester and


Jamie Brillante, Principal of Rochester Prep Jay St. Elementary


Brian Marciano, Director of Operations Rochester Prep Jay St. Elementary


Patrick Pastore, Principal of Rochester Prep Brooks St. Middle School

John Claypool, Director of Operations Principal of Rochester Prep Brooks St.

Middle School

Approval of Minutes

The following motion was made to approve the minutes from the May 14, 2014, board meeting.

Motion: Geoffrey Rosenberger
Second: Rebecca Sumner
Vote: Approved unanimously

Public Comment

No Comments.

Campus Update – Jay ES

Jamie Brillante & Brian Marciano presented an update on Rochester Prep Jay St. ES.

Campus Update – Brook MS

Patrick Pastore and John Claypool presented an update on Rochester Prep Brooks St. MS.

Alumni/High School Placement Update

Michael Sherry presented an update on Rochester Prep’s Alumni/High School Placement Strategic Plan.

RIT/ Rochester Prep Partnership

Anna Hall, Ron Zarrella, and Josh Phillips presented on the collaboration between RIT and Uncommon Schools.

2014 NY State Test Score Presentation

Josh Phillips presented on the 2014 NY State Test Scores.

Review of June, 2014 public comment topics

Anna Hall followed up on the public comments made in June, and outlined conclusions from investigations.

Geoffrey Rosenberger presented a motion to make public comments limited to a 30 minute section of the meeting, in which each member of the public is 3 minutes to comment, and each member of the public who wishes to comment must register at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Motion: Geoffrey Rosenberger
Second: Jean Howard
Vote: Unanimously approved

Executive Session

A brief executive session was held.

Conclude Meeting

There was a motion to adjourn.

Motion: Geoffrey Rosenberger

Second: Josh Phillips

Vote: Unanimously approved