Name ______Teacher______

Course______Period _____ On or before 11/24/2015

Optional 3D Geometric Ornament

Guidelines: Create a 3D geometric ornament that meets the following criteria:

1)  The ornament should illustrate 10 geometric concepts that we have studied. For example: parallel planes, intersecting planes, skew lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, collinear points, noncollinear points, congruent polygons, similar polygons, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle.

2)  The ornament should represent a winter theme.

3)  Your ornament should be colorful and creative.

4)  The ornament must be ready to hang and should not exceed 3" X 3" X 3". It should not be a mobile. You may use any materials, but remember it will be hanging over your head, so keep the ornament light in weight! Your ornament must be durable and stable and be able to be hung without breaking or falling apart.

Your project is due on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 in class.
Late ornaments will not be accepted. You will turn in:

1)  your 3D geometric ornament tagged with your name and period.

2)  your project checklist which you have legibly filled out. (Please print or word process. Double-click in the header to edit (that is add your name, etc.)

Evaluation: The evaluation of this project is outlined below. Your project will be graded according to the following criteria:

1)Each illustrated geometric concept is worth 1 points each (10 total points)

2)Appropriateness, neatness, durability, and originality make up the other 5 points.
Total points possible: 15 points

3)At a minimum, you must put in enough effort to earn 10 points. Ornaments earning fewer than 10 points will earn 0 points, but will be recognized in grade book for attempting the project.

3D Ornament Project Checklist
Geometric Concept / Definition or Explanation of Concept / Describe how this concept is illustrated in your 3D ornament.
Concept 1:
Concept 2:
Concept 3:
Concept 4:
Concept 5:
Concept 6:
Concept 7:
Concept 8:
Concept 9:
Concept 10:
Do not complete this portion of the checklist.
Appropriateness of Ornament / Winter theme / Classroom appropriate / Size
Neatness of Ornament / No tape or glue showing / Clean cuts/no jagged edges / General appearance
Durability of Ornament / Does not fall apart when picked up or hung / Lightweight / Stable
Creativity/Originality of Ornament / Use of color / Use of materials / Design
Project Grade