Constitution of the Lesbian,

Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

Queer, and Allies Union

University of Maryland

School of Social Work

Article I. Name

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Allies Union (LGBTQA Union) of the University of Maryland, School of Social Work.

Article II. Mission

To create a supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and straight ally students, faculty, staff and alumni while educating the University of Maryland, School of Social Work community concerning homophobia and heterosexism and their relationship to racism, sexism, and classism. To advocate for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues in the curriculum and to identify and address homophobic stances and actions in school policies, guidelines and classroom situations. To work for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer faculty, staff, and students. To collaborate with other groups outside the university to promote equal rights for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Maryland.

Article III. Membership

Membership in the LGBTQA Union is open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supportive others within the University of Maryland, School of Social Work. The LGBTQA Union acknowledges a history of racism and sexism has existed within our own communities and organizations, and is committed to including people of color, women, and men.

Article IV. Duties and Responsibilities

The LGBTQA Union strives to utilize a feminist model of leadership. Accordingly, authority and decision making abilities are diffuse, encouraging all members to participate in the groups administration. In order to facilitate activities and provide continuity, student members may be elected or appointed to the following positions and may serve for a period of one year, and be re-elected:

Co-chair for Communication: Responsibilities shall include the following; facilitating meetings, coordinating LGBTQA Union activities, representing the LGBTQA Union to the University of Maryland, the School of Social Work, and the community, publicizing events to the community through collaboration with the secretary, taking minutes during meetings, distributing copies to members in a timely fashion, and collaboration with the members concerning information to be disseminated to the School of Social Work through the Daily SSW Bulletin.

Co- chair for Budget: Responsibilities shall include the following: facilitating meetings, coordinating LGBTQA Union activities, representing the LGBTQA Union to the University of Maryland, the School of Social Work, and the community, maintaining records of the LGBTQA Union expenditures and communication with the University of Maryland and the School of Social Work concerning financial matters (via SGA Executive-body/SSW Office of Student Affairs).

Article V. Advisor

The LGBTQA Union shall obtain a faculty member who agrees to assist the LGBTQA Union in the fulfillment of its mission statement within guidelines of the rules and regulations of the university.

Article VI. Disclosure

The LGBTQA Union acknowledges the risks lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied individuals confront when making themselves visible in a homophobic, racist, and sexist society. In order that all interested persons have the opportunity to participate in the LGBTQA Union, individual decisions concerning visibility will be respected.

Article VII. Amendments to this Constitution

Any member of the LGBTQA Union may propose amendments to this Constitution. Proposed amendments shall be announced in the minutes prior to discussion. Approval shall be by consensus.

Updated-Fall 2011