We aspire to reward and recognise the value of Parents, Carers and other Volunteers who contribute their time, skills and expertiseto support the aims of ...... (Forum), but are aware that there are currently implications for you and us if we were to reimburse you more than out-of-pocket expenses.

Standard Policy

We have decided that our standard policy will be to reimburse you, by cash or cheque, for reasonable out-of-pocket expenditure on completion of a claim form (sample attached Form A) and production of receipts or other evidence of expenditure whilst you are volunteering including the costs of:

  • Travel to and from the place of volunteering, which will include:
  • Public Transport
  • Taxi Fares
  • Private Vehicle (subject to the level of HMRC approved mileage rates before tax becomes payable, which is currently 45p for the first 10,000 miles per year and 25p thereafter)
  • Passenger Payments payable to the private vehicle driver (currently 5p per mile per additional volunteer travelling to and from Forum activities)
  • Approved Business Mileage Rates if you have been allocated a vehicle owned by the Forum;
  • Meals or overnight accommodation (approved in advance) incurred whilst volunteering; (include maximums if preferred)
  • Childcare or care for other dependantswhilst volunteering; (include rates if preferred)
  • Postage and stationery costs incurred on behalf of the Forum;
  • Telephone calls made on behalf of the Forum;
  • Landline, mobile phone, internet or broadband connection, to an agreed percentage relevant to their use on Forum activities;
  • Essential equipment or facilities to enable you to volunteer, to an agreed percentage relevant to their use on Forum activities; and
  • Relevant training or materials needed to do your voluntary role.

All planned volunteering activities should have the prior approval of your main contact at the Forum or in their absence, an Officer or Trustee.

You will be expected to complete and return a simple Feedback sheet listing the main topics you discussed on behalf of the Forum at the event you attended. A sample is attached (Form C).

Discretionary Scheme

We currently operate a discretionary scheme to reimburse parents, carers and other volunteers for their time skills and expertise, whilst volunteering on Forum activities.

This is liable to be taxable, and may affect any state benefits you receive, as it may be deemed to be employment income. It is not intended to create an employment situation as explained in our Volunteer Agreement.

It is your sole responsibility to notify HMRC and any other relevant agencies from whom you are claiming benefits of any payments received whilst volunteering. This applies to reimbursement under both the standard and discretionary policy.

If you wish to be reimbursed for your time, skills or expertise you need to add details to your claim form for our approval which requires the prior agreement of 2 Trustees.

This scheme will not apply if you have been employed by the Forum or have an agreed contract for your services as a self-employed person or independent contractor or consultant for the Forum.

No reimbursement under the discretionary scheme will be made to members of the Forum who are not directly volunteering for the specific event they are attending including:

  • Forum events;
  • Public Consultations, Meetings or Conferences organised by the Forum unless you are involved in organising or running the event;
  • Public Consultations, Meetings or Conferences organised by other organisations to which Forum members have been invited but are not involved in representing the Forum specifically; and
  • Training sessions for parents unless you are the trainer or administering the session.

As the scheme is discretionary instead of reimbursing you by cash or cheque for the time spent volunteering at an appropriate rate, we may offer you alternatives which might include an ex-gratia payment or honoraria, a gift or a voucher to use. We may choose to provide the gift or vouchers to you or pay the provider direct on your behalf. You may also be offered an opportunity to win a gift or voucher for taking part in one-off tasks or projects such as completing and returning surveys.

We are unable to process any claims for reimbursement through electronic means including bank transfers under either our standard or discretionary policy.

We will declare any reimbursements or alternatives made to HMRC and any other bodies required to have this information.

The discretionary scheme may be changed or withdrawn at any time and we will give you details of any changes to either policy when they occur.


I,...... (Officer/Trustee), have given you,

...... (Volunteer), a copy of this policy today, ...... (Date)

and understand you will read and follow its content.

Form A : Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Date / Event/Meeting Attended / Travel * (please give details overleaf) / Meals & Accommodation / Childcare / Care for Other Dependants / Other Expenses
TOTAL / £ / £ / £ / £


Signed...... (Name of Volunteer)

Date Claimed...... (Date)

Approved...... (Main Contact / Officer / Trustee)

Countersigned...... (Officer / Trustee)

Travel Cost Details

Event / Private Vehicle Mileage *
(give details below) / Public Transport / Taxi Fares / Parking / Other Travel Costs *
(give details)

Private Vehicle Mileage

Event / From
(Post Code) / To
(Post Code) / Via
(Post Code) / Return to
(Post Code) / Return via
(Post Code)

Form B: Claim for Time, Skills or Expertise

You are wanting to claim for your time, skills or expertise under our Discretionary scheme, details of which are contained in our Remuneration Policy, a copy of which has been given to you.

You are reminded that this may create a tax and national insurance liability and may affect any benefits you claim. It is your sole responsibility to notify HMRC and other relevant agencies following receipt of any reimbursement, gifts or vouchers from the Forum.

Have you received prior agreement from 2 Trustees to make this claim? If so, please name the Trustees...... (Name) and ...... (Name). If not, please explain why below:

Date / Event / Meeting Attended / Total Hours / Time Value Claimed (£) / Skills Value Claimed (£) / Expertise Value Claimed (£)

Approved...... (Trustee)...... (Date)

Approved...... (Trustee)...... (Date)

Economic Value Given = £...... (Cash/Cheque/Gift */Voucher*) *specify

Form C: Feedback From Event or Meeting Attended

Name of Volunteer:
Title of the meeting:
Date the meeting took place:
Date of next meeting:

Purpose of the meeting (Please give short summary):

Main areas of discussion:

Actions for ...... (Forum)by ...... (Deadline)

Do you feel that this meeting was useful?

Yes No

How can it be improved?

Information Sheet for Forum Officers and Trustees

You are aware of the Forum's Remuneration Policy, which also applies to yourselves whilst volunteering for the Forum.

This information sheet shows the current (or pending ) rates for National Minimum Wage; Tax & National Insurance Thresholds; limits on earnings to continue claiming benefits and; any other relevant factors that might influence what to reward your volunteers if they claim for their time, skills or expertise.

National Minimum Wage(NMW)

Volunteers are not entitled to receive NMW. Employees or workers must receive the following hourly rates :

Group / Up To
30th September 2014 / From
1st October 2014
Age 21 and over / £6.31 / £6.50
Age 18 to 20 / £5.03 / £5.13
Age 16 to 17 / £3.72 / £3.79
(Aged under 19 or in first year of apprenticeship) / £2.68 / £2.73

Some organisations aspire to or actually pay the Living Wage. The current hourly rates are £7.65 nationally and £8.80 if you live in London. These rates may change from 3rd November 2014.

Tax and National Insurance Thresholds and Rates, together with details of approved mileage rates are available from HMRC

Carers in receipt of Carers Allowance can earn up to £100 per week, rising to £102 per week from May 2014 following the Budget 2014. Details of benefit rates are available from the DWP