79th Annual Report - Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Praesidium, St. Agnes Church
(reported by Br. Ed Miller, Treasurer)
Founded in 1937 – no Spiritual Director
Total Active Members = 4; Total Auxiliary Members = 122 (Adjutorians = 11 nuns; 6 laity)
Apostolic Works Undertaken includes Home Visitation through PPC in Half Moon Bay in August where two members spent 6 days (35-40 homes visited each day); home visitation at Mission Dolores and St. Finn Barr parishes. Apostolate to the Crowd once a month at the streets in the Tenderloin District, also at 24th and Mission with other members of the Senatus. Street Evangelization (a combination of a Bookbarrow and Apostolate to the Crowd – talking to people at Farmers’ Market. Pro-Life Work prior to the Concilium’s most recent ruling – participated in the Life Chain Apostolate; gave away 200 Rosaries at the Walk For Life. Extension Work – three members worked almost exclusively on attempting to strengthen praesidia with low membership and extended the Legion to other areas by attending meetings of those praesidia and councils and guiding their activities. Participated in Columban Drives in other parishes. Hospital Apostolate and Rest home Visits including Pilgrim Virgin Apostolate.
The Senatus has made an action plan to suspend this Praesidium, a sacrifice to gain a new Praesidium at Star of the Sea Parish. They will help the remaining members form a Junior Praesidium. The first meeting will be on June 11, 2017
Northern West Coast Korean Comitium Quarterly Report
(reported by Br. Anselmo Yoon, Vice President)
Total Attached Praesidia = 58 (54 Seniors, 3 Juniors, 1 Intermediate); Active Members = 469; Auxiliary Members = 513. Total Attached Curia = 5
Extension Efforts – San Jose Korean Curia is working on establishing an English-speaking praesidium which can help with the Junior Praesidium. 21 New Active Members and 20 Auxiliary New Members were added during the Columban drive this quarter. Other evangelization works include: Homebound Ministry and Hospital Visits, Pilgrim Virgin and Pro Life, Consolation of the bereaved families, supporting Sunday school, caring for new immigrant families, speak to lapsed catholic families and providing rides.
Some highlights: The Comitium produced CDs containing sermons given by popular priests in Korea and are displayed with Catholic literatures in a display stand distributed at popular Korean restaurants and shops. 357 legionaries attended the ACIES this year. The Senatus recommended adding in their legion work the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart.
San Mateo County Comitium Quarterly Report (reported by Sr. Marina Angeles, President)
The Comitium has 16 attached Praesidia (14 Seniors, 1 Junior, 1 Family Praesidium). Active Members = 165; Auxiliary Members = 877. Attached Curia = 2 totaling 23 attached Praesidia altogether. Council Meeting attendance = 57% Evangelization Highlights: A fallen-away Catholic is back to the Church after the legionary’s unceasing support and encouragement of prayer. A legionary arranged for an elderly lady to consider talking to a priest and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was her second Confession after her first Communion at 12 years old. She looks forward to receiving our Lord brought to her home every Sunday. An attached praesidium visited 603 homes in addition to other legion works such as Apostolate to the Crowd at the Tenderloin area in San Francisco; teach CCD classes, PPC, Extension of junior praesidium, promotion of the Traditional Latin Mass, Faith Study among members. Some members lead or serve as members of committees or events involving Annual Rosary Rally, Coordination of the Confirmation Class in the Traditional Latin Rite and Promotion and Organization of the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Summary of Reports Given at the 160th Meeting
San Francisco Senatus, June 8th, 2017
Praesidium Reports:
Council Reports

Second Report of the Blessed Virgin of Montserrat Spanish Curia
(reported by Sr. Montserrat, Vice President, Junior Praesidium)
Total Attached Praesidia = 4 (including 1 Junior). Total Active Members = 78; Total Auxiliary Members = 16. Attendance is 75% for Officers and 40% for Members.
Evangelization Works include: Pilgrim Virgin Visitations and Family Rosary (300 Homes welcomed the Pilgrim Virgin. 50 homes were visited and blessed; 267 homes participated on the Mantle of the Virgin of Guadalupe Visitation;) 37 members have been teaching catechism to 125 people including kids and adults at their homes due to scheduling conflicts that prevent them from attending catechism class in the church for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. Approximately 25 couples have received the Premarital Preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. This praesidium also cares for families in need by visiting the sick and bring them Holy Communion, attended funerals to console those in need and helped families with the prayer of novenas for the dead. Supervise children of the Armada Blanca (White Army) introduced by Fr. Juan Carlos which is the spiritual care of children through the consecration to Jesus and Mary by praying the Rosary before the Mass in Spanish. Over 50 children join the group. 400 homes were visited by the Missionaries Sisters of San Juan Bautista from Mexico accompanied by members of the Curia. The Curia continues to encourage members to be catechists and a missionary to where the need arises especially to those who need the Sacraments.

The Allocutio was given by Fr. Juan Carlos in Spanish, translated in English by Sr. Angela Miller.

In the Allocutio, Our Lady wants us to give her all; this is helping our life be sanctified. We have her, so we must consecrate ourselves to her every year and this will help us grow in our sanctification.

. Reports from Chairpersons:

PPC / None
APOSTOLATE TO THE CROWD - (24TH AND MISSION) / Three legionaries performed Apostolate to the crowd and contacted 21 people from all walks of life including 2 kids. One of the contacts, Michelle, got very interested in the Legion much more about the stories from Legionaries themselves on how they have been helped by the Blessed Mother especially during the desperate times of their lives. This is also what motivates other Legionaries to perform this task to the crowd.
APOSTOLATE TO THE CROWD - TENDERLOIN (EDDY AND JONES) / Five legionaries attended. Sr. Sarah lead the prayers during the apostolate. 31 contacts were made and some of them need help and prayers. Terence, a young guy, with dreadlocks, said he was from a good family, conservative and believes in the freedom of speech. He is well spoken but full of "F" words. He said “You don't really do any good - you have to be more involved! Prayer doesn't really do the job; you have to really help the community. Why do you bother praying at all?" You are ineffective and useless and as a group, you look like Monte Python". Our Legion works are not all roses and kisses. Life in the raw, tough, and yet, full of grace.

Pro Life Work – Br. Ron Konopaski, Chairperson, attended LA Conference. Conducted a Peaceful Rally in front of an abortion clinic and urged all legionaries to pray for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

New Business and Announcements:

SF Senatus Program for Centennial Year Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima

Br. Dave Martin will coordinate with the preparation on October 7,2017

Legion of Mary Conference – Scheduled on Sept. 9, 2017 (Saturday). Sta. Clara Convention Center

Rosary Rally - this is scheduled on October 8, 2017 at 12:00 noon at the United Nations Civic Center Plaza in celebration of the 100th year anniversary of the apparition of our Blessed Mother at Fatima.

Day of Recollection - July 22, 2017, 9am - St. Finn Barr

Apostolate to the Crowd at BART- May 13,2017

New Apostolate - Apostolate to the Tourists - Br. Edgar Enoc (Chairperson). Please join us on Saturday, June 17th – 1:30 p.m. at the Ghirardelli Square. Br. Enoc’s number is: 415-967-8731.

Next Senatus Meeting : Thursday, June 8,2017 , 7:00 p.m. -St. Finn Barr Parish Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9:30 pm with the Concluding Prayers and the Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Frank Duff. Respectfully submitted,

Br. Edgar Enoc Bro. Ando Perlas

Senatus Asst. Secretary Senatus President

Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff

God our Father, You inspired your servant Frank Duff with a profound insight into the mystery of Your Church, the Body of Christ, and of the place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in this mystery. In his immense desire to share this insight with others and in filial dependence on Mary he formed her Legion to be a sign of her maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church's evangelising work. We thank you Father for the graces conferred on him and for the benefits accruing to the Church from his courageous and shining faith. With confidence we beg You that through his intercession you grant the petition we lay before You...... We ask too that if it be in accordance with Your will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the Church for the glory of your Name, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for the Help and Intercession of Venerable Edel Quinn

Eternal Father, I thank You for the grace you gave to your servant, Edel Quinn, of striving to live always in the joy of Your presence, for the radiant charity infused into her heart by Your Holy Spirit, and for the strength she drew from the Bread of Life to labor until death for the glory of Your Name, in loving dependence on Mary, Mother of the Church. Confident, O Merciful Father, that her life was pleasing to You, I beg You to grant me, through her intercession, the special favor I now implore …, and to make known by miracles the glory she enjoys in Heaven, so that she may be glorified also by Your Church on earth, through Christ Our Lord. Amen. We place our petitions in the hands of Mary to whom Edel turned in every need. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb. Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Prayer for the Beatification of Servant of God Alphonsus Lambe

God, who by your infinite mercy inflamed the heart of your servant, Alphonsus Lambe with an ardent love for you and for Mary, our Mother; a love which revealed itself in a life of intense labour, prayer and sacrifice for the salvation of souls, grant, if it be your will, that we may obtain, by his intercession, what we cannot obtain by our own merits. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

For Concilium News: Please refer to The Concilium website: www.legionofmary.ie/

There is now monthly Council News on the San Francisco Senatus Website:www.sfsenatus.com

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*Totus Tuus*