Trademark application form

Please select the type of trademark you wish to request:

Word Mark Logo Word Mark + Logo

Word Mark Name / (please fill)
Logo / (please attach picture here)
Word Mark + Logo / (please attach picture here)

Have you filed your trademark application in any other country within the last 6 months?

Yes No

Please acknowledge and follow the instructions for preparing the documents


- The document below must be filled and signed by the legal representative of the company or by the applicant.

- No notarization or legalization is required.

- One Power of Attorney must be completed for each trademark.

- If the Power of Attorney is required for filing an opposition or assignment, the document should be completed by the attorney and the original signed POA will be required.


For companies:

To apply for trademark registration,foreign enterprise needs to prepare the following documents:

1. Enterprise Qualification such as ‘Company Registration Certificate’, ‘Business Registration Certificate’, ‘Business License’ and so on. Please clearly scan all the files in color.

2. Trademark pattern in clear JPG format. For example, words, images, combination of words and graphics, or other trademark combinations.

3. Describe the goods or services, which the trademark is applied to.

4. Name of entrepreneur, company address, Email address, phone number, as well as other long-term reliable contact ways.

For individuals:

To apply for trademark registration,foreigner needs to prepare the following documents:

1. Passport, HD color scanned copy, photos and personal information pages for all the text require legible.

2. Trademark pattern in clear JPG format. For example, word, images, combination of words and graphics, or other trademark combinations.

3. Describe the goods or services, which the trademark is applied to.

4. Phone number, address and email address of the applicant. We suggest you also offer the contact information of one close friend or partner in case we cannot find you in time.


The scanned copy of the Power of Attorney is sufficient to file the application.
Applicant can email the essential documents to:


Standardized Work Processes:

1. Trademark retrieval

①Applicant can email the essential documents to:

②Trademark retrieval will be finished within 5 working days. And we will inform you the result by email. We are able to provide relevant information and legal advice if there exists the same or similar trademark registration in domestic China.

2. Submit an application for registration

①When you receive the retrieval result and decide to apply for registration, we will send you emails within 2 working days including all the relevant documents and list of costs.

②Read our files carefully, sign and email back contract to us with clear scanned file.

③As soon as we receive the fee from you, we will submit and finish your trademark application within 1 working day. And on the next working day, we can get the application number assigned by CTMO. (CTMO = Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China)

3. Obtain certificate issued by the Chinese government

①The process of governmental approval takes about 10 months. If CTMO approve your registration, they will publish the announcement through CTMO official website.

②Certificate of Trademark Registration will be issued in 3-5 months after the announcement. The certificate number shall be consistent with the application number. And the certificate is valid for ten years.

③When we receive the Certificate of Trademark Registration, we will inform you immediately by phone or email. The address of you will be reviewed. And then the certificate will be sent to you by international courier express (DHL).


The period of validity of a registered trademark shall be ten years, counted from the date of approval of the registration.If the registrant intends to continue to use of the registered trademark beyond the expiration of the period of validity, an application for renewal of the registration shall be made within six months before the said expiration. Where no application therefore has been filed within the period, a grace period of six months may be allowed. If no application has been filed at the expiration the grace period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled.The period of validity of each renewal of registration shall be ten years.



我/我公司 ,是 国国籍,依 国/地区法律组成。现委托____上海安博信商务咨询有限公司____
在中华人民共和国代理 商标的如下“√”事宜:

I/We(Name of the applicant / company), a citizen of / a corporation organized and existing under the laws of(Country citizenship if individual/ Country of company incorporation if company), hereby entrust An Bo Xin commercial consulting (Shanghai) co.,ltd. to act as my / our agent in the People’s Republic of China in relation to my/our trademark(Trademark Name), for the following matter(s) marking with “√” in relation to trademark:

□其他 / Registration
□Filing opposition
□Change of name/ address of applicant/ registrant
□Deleting goods/ services
□Change of trademark agent
□Amending application/ or other registration matter
□Assignment of applied or registered trademark
□Renewal of registration
□Responding to Cancellation of registration based on non-use for 3 consecutive years
□Removal of trademark
□Removal of trademark based on the death or termination of the registrant
□Re-issuance of certificate of change/ assignment/ renewal
□Re-issuance of registration certificate
□Obtaining certified registration certificate
□Obtaining certified priority document
□Recording of license contract
□Change/cease of recording of license contract
□Recording of pledge of trademark right
□Withdrawing pending application
□Withdrawing opposition
□Review and adjudication
□Other matters


Name of Applicant (Name of the applicant or Legal representative of the company and position)

地 址(申请人)
Address of Applicant (Address of the applicant or company) _

委托人印章或者签字 ______

Seal or signature ____

Date: (date) 年 月 日

Place of Signature: ___(City, Country)______