Rip Van Winkle State Study Guide

Era of Good Feelings

1. Nationalism

2. Agrarian

3. Decentralized

4. American System

5. Explain the 5 aspects that contribute to the feeling of nationalism.






6. Why did the Federalist Party die out after the War of 1812?





7. What is the name of the political party that was formed because they wanted a decentralized, democratic government?

Early Industrial Revolution

1. Wage Labor

2. Strike

3. What is an industrial revolution?

4. What does agriculture to industry mean?

Rip Van Winkle State

1. Individualism

2. Economy

3. Isolation

4. Sectionalism

5. Cotton Gin

6. Why is education so important in society? Think about what we learned about people in NC during the Rip Van Winkle state and how it affected many aspects of life.

7. During what time period did the US first become self-productive with new ideas?

8. Why was NC called the Rip Van Winkle State when the rest of the country was thriving?

9. Explain how isolation affected the citizens of NC during the early 1800’s.

10. Explain how education affected the citizens of NC during the early 1800’s.

11. Explain how the state’s economy affected the citizens of NC during the early 1800’s.

12. Explain how farming and migration affected the citizens of NC during the early 1800’s.

13. Explain how NC’s government being undemocratic affected its citizens.

14. What was the name of the only political party in NC following the War of 1812?

15. What happens when there is only one political party?

Waking Up

1. Literary Fund

2. Internal Improvement

3. Constitutional Reform

4. Whig Party

5. Reform

6. Advocate

7. DESCRIBE the 3 programs Murphey tried to put into place to help NC.




8. What political party was formed to support the creation of banks and implementing internal improvements?

9. How did President Jackson help get the Convention of 1835 started?

10. What did the Whig party do for the state of NC?

11. What did the changes from the Convention of 1835 do for NC?


1. Iron Horse

2. Annexation

3. Suffrage

4. Manhood Suffrage

5. Name and describe what the Whig Party did for NC.

6. What was the cause of the War with Mexico?

7. What happened to the Whig party largely because of the 4th governor?

8. Describe what occurred to change politics in NC.



9. What is “Manifest Destiny?”

CA Gold Rush

1. Panning

2. Boomtowns

3. Ghost Towns

Vocab Notebook

1. Civic Engagement

2. “Do Nothing” Policy

3. Democracy

4. Technology