Assessment: identifying your multiple intelligences

For each scenario, rank the 7 options by putting a 1 next to the option you like the most, a 2 by your next choice, and so forth.

1. planning a summer trip
As you plan a summer trip with your friends, you are asked to be responsible for one of the following:
A. ___ Calling all your friends to tell them of the group’s plans.
B. ___ Running the errands needed to prepare for the trip.
C. ___ Keeping a trip diary recording your thoughts and feelings.
D. ___ Figuring out the distance to your destination.
E. ___ Preparing songs to sing on the trip.
F. ___ Writing a story about your trip for the newspaper.
G. ___ Mapping the group’s journey.
2. what would your friends say about you?
What would your friends say is true about you?
A. ___ You are happiest when you are talking to other people.
B. ___ You like to dance or play sports.
C. ___ You are in touch with your thoughts and feelings.
D. ___ You have fun working on computers or with numbers.
E. ___ You like to sing, rap, or tap out rhythms.
F. ___ You enjoy writing notes or letters.
G. ___ You draw, sketch, or paint well.
3. pick your favorite electives
Which of the following electives would you most prefer?
A. ___ Peer Counseling
B. ___ Drama
C. ___ Psychology or Comparative Religions
D. ___ Architectural Design, Auto Shop, or Computer Literacy
E. ___ Band or Chorus
F. ___ Creative Writing or Journalism
G. ___ Art
4. pick your favorite extracurricular activities
Rank your preferences for the following extracurricular activities:
A. ___ Working as a tutor or joining a team.
B. ___ Taking part in the school play, a dance production, or a martial arts class.
C. ___ Dealings with feelings or personal issues with a group of peers.
D. ___ Designing the set for a play, joining the chess team, or joining the math club.
E. ___ Joining a musical group such as a jazz band, a chorus, or a rap group.
F. ___ Working as a writer for the school newspaper or joining the debate team.
G. ___ Painting murals on the school’s walls.
5. what would you like to do in the future?
What would you most like to be when you get older?
A. ___ A counselor, social worker, or teacher.
B. ___ A dancer, actor, builder, or athlete.
C. ___ A psychologist or poet.
D. ___ A scientist, computer programmer, or banker.
E. ___ A singer, songwriter, or musician.
F. ___ A lawyer, writer, or journalist.
G. ___ A cartoonist, painter, or graphic artist.

Scoring Your Multiple Intelligences

Copy the rankings you recorded into the boxes below, then add up the rankings for each letter.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Intelligence Type
A / = / Interpersonal
B / = / Body-Kinesthetic
C / = / Intrapersonal
D / = / Logical-Mathematical
E / = / Musical-Rhythmic
F / = / Verbal-Linguistic
G / = / Visual-Spatial