The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on August 25, 2009in the board room located at CHOICEHigh School.
Board members present: Chairman Julianna Miljour,Sue McCausland, Cheryl Travaglione and Holly Sharpe.
Staff members present: Joan Zook, Alison Nutt,Linda Arnold, Jackie McGuire, Brenda Trogstad, Gordy Hansen, Pam Farr, Roger McCausland, Eric Barkman, Kitty Lundeen-Ness, Gail Straus, Kim Howard and Ken Brown.
Others present: Jeff Green, Brian Major, Gerry Apple, Helen Thomson, Riley Maddux, Isaac Wilson and a number of other present and former SADD Club students and parents.
Chairman Miljour called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
There was one addition to the consent agenda which was a new Item 11.07 – Supplemental Personnel Report. Sue McCausland made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of Item 11.07. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.
Jackie McGuire, Executive Director of Finance who is retiring on September 15th after 25 years with the district, thanked board members and the superintendent for the support and kindness they have shown her over the years.
SheltonHigh School teacher and parent Roger McCausland, and students Riley Maddux and Isaac Wilson all spoke in honor and appreciation of outgoing SADD Club Advisor Gerry Apple for the important role he has played in many students’ lives over the years.
- Cheryl Travaglione and her husband have moved into their new home, although they are still moving out of their old home. She said the timing of the move is good since school will be starting soon and she can concentrate on school business again.
- Holly Sharpe commented on attending the first session of WSSDA’s Lighthouse Project training and said she was sorry that Julianna and Cheryl were unable to attend with the rest of the board and the board candidates. Holly’s daughter is leaving tomorrow to spend a year inIreland. She will be attending graduate school to finish her degree in Irish History. Holly will be excusing herself from tonight’s meeting at 7:00 p.m.
At 5:42 p.m.Chairman Miljour opened the public hearing on the 2009-2010 district budget. Joan Zook explained that the budget work started last December with the board learning about all of our programs, learning what the legislature was doing, etc. It has been a very painful process this year because of the reductions we had to make but we got there and crafted as good of a budget as we possibly could. She also commented that it was a good sign of things well done that there is no one here for tonight’s public hearing.
Sue McCausland asked where we stood in keeping the swimming pool open. Joan Zook said this would be discussed later in the meeting when we talk about the increase to swimming pool fees.
Hearing no comment from the audience, Chairman Miljour closed the public hearing at 5:45 p.m.
8.01 – Recognition of Gerry Apple:
The school board members and superintendent thanked outgoing SADD Club advisor Gerry Apple for the many years he has devoted to the students of SheltonSchool District as a traffic education instructor, game announcer and SADD Club advisor. Gerry came to the district in 1985. He retired as a teacher 8 years ago but has remained as SADD Club advisor until this year. He is taking on a new role at ESD 113 coordinating all of the driver education programs in the ESD. Chairman Miljour presented Gerry with a plaque and a school district watch.
Gerry told board members he did not want to see the SADD Club disappear and said if the district could find an advisor to take the position this year he would be willing to volunteer his time to tutor the new advisor and be in the background to help out.
A brief reception was then held in Gerry’s honor.
8.02 – Report on the 2009 WASL scores:
Pam Farr reported on the district’s Spring 2009 WASL scores. Scores vary across the board with some areas showing improvement and some showing a decline. Sue McCausland commented on the 4th grade reading trend and wondered why it took a sudden decrease last spring. Pam said it was hard to pinpoint exactly why, but one factor could be that last spring OSPI gave an option for 4th grade testing to give 2 test sessions a day and the administration soon realized that was not a good idea and was too much for the students. But once testing is started it cannot be stopped so they had to continue.
8.03 – Olympic Middle School’s work on Standards Based Grading and Report Card:
Eric Barkman gave a report on Olympic Middle School’s work on Standards Based Grading and Report Card. Olympic Middle School is in year three of an OSPI School Improvement Assistance Program. Teachers have been studying research and best practices and analyzing systems and programs. They began looking at assessment and grading two years ago. The focus on learning has to be what’s best for students, not what’s easiest for teachers.
Standards Based Grading is grading on student learning, grading on student performance in relation to state and district standards, and grading on student performance at the end of a grading period. Standards Based Grading is not averaging scores over time, grading on a collection of points, grading on getting things done, or grading on classroom behavior, participation, effort or attendance.
Eric discussed the changes that have been made to the report card to reflect Standards Based Grading and a new 0-4 scoring scale for use in the classroom and new report card.
9.01 – Study session dates in October to review School Improvement Plans:
Board members discussed possible dates in October when the board could meet with building principals on their School Improvement Plans. It was tentatively decided to schedule October 20th and 21st from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the board room. Alison will check with Gene Crater about his availability.
10.01 – Proposed Resolution No. 09-06:
Sue McCausland made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-06 adopting the SheltonSchool District’s budget for the 2009-2010 school year. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.
10.02 – Proposed increase to the swimming pool fee schedule:
Joan Zook explained that part of the plan to make the swimming pool more self-sufficient is necessary fee increases for open swim, adult lap swim, swimming lessons and pool rentals. In January or February the district will have to make a decision about the pool’s future because of the budget decreases expected again next school year. Rick Hanson and Sara Garland will continue their work until then to see if they can rally more community support, beyond the members of the Pool Committee, to keep the pool open.
10.03 – Increase in Pay to Play sports fees:
Also discussed in the budget development process was in increase in Pay to Play sports fees. This increase, combined with the stipend decreases SAAA imposed on themselves, keeps all of the athletics and activities in-tact for the 2009-2010 school year. It is being proposed that the fee be increased by $10 each, making the fee for competitive athletic participation at SheltonHigh School $60 per player and at Oakland Bay Junior High $40 per player. This will generate approximately $6,000 based on 2008-2009 participation. Sue McCausland moved, seconded by Holly Sharpe, to approve the increase in Pay to Play sports fees by $10 each. The motion passed 4-0.
Holly Sharpe excused herself from the meeting at this time.
10.04 – Proposed Policy No. 2152 on Concussion and Head Injuries:
New legislation was passed this year regarding concussion management and prevention in youth sports. The WIAA, WSSDA and our insurance carrier have all worked together to provide guidance in developing the required new policies and procedures. The language in proposed Policy No. 2152 was proposed by our insurance carrier. The WIAA website also provides a lot of resources for coaches, student athletes, parents/guardians, and schools. Jim Judson is in the process of putting together the procedures that go along with this policy. The district is in compliance with all of our fall sports and we have enforced the policy with all of our affiliate activities such as Kings Football, etc. We have also modified our facilities use agreement so that people using our facilities now have to comply with the new insurance requirements.
Sue McCausland had the following concerns/questions with the proposed policy language:
- On page 1 under “1. b.” she thought the words “reasonably available” in the first sentence did not sound right and should be changed. Also the words “reasonably could” in the first sentence on page 2.
- She wondered who kept the copy on file of the certificate of training on the management of head injuries and concussions required to be completed by all coaches and volunteers. Joan Zook said the HR Office would keep copies. Sue also thought there should be a check-off list so the athletic director would know who has not complied with the mandatory training.
- She also asked who maintains the student athlete files and would keep the signed acknowledgement forms completed by parents and students saying they have read and understand the concussion information provided. Joan said the athletic director would keep such files.
Joan Zook said these clarifications will be incorporated into the policy, but it does need to be approved tonight. Sue McCausland then made a motion to approve the draft Policy No. 2152 with the stipulation that the above changes will be incorporated in the final policy. Cheryl Travaglione seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0.
10.05 – Proposed awarding of the fuel bid:
Sandi Thompson recommended the 2009-2010 fuel bid be awarded to Associated Petroleum, the low bidder. Sue McCausland moved, seconded by Cheryl Travaglione, to award the fuel bid to Associated Petroleum. The motion passed 3-0.
10.06 – Proposed awarding of dairy bid:
Kathryn Ward recommended the 2009-2010 dairy bid be awarded to Puget Sound Dairy, the low bidder. Sue McCausland moved, seconded by Cheryl Travaglione, to award the dairy bid to Puget Sound Dairy. The motion passed 3-0.
Sue McCausland made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the addition of the supplemental personnel report as a new Item 11.07. Cheryl Travaglione seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0. The board:
- Approved minutes from the August 11, 2009 regular school board meeting.
- Approved overnight travel to Puyallup, WA on September 17-20, 2009 for FFA students to participate in the State FFA Exhibition at the Puyallup Fair.
- Approved overnight travel to CampShiloh in Brooklyn, WA on October 3-4, 2009 for FFA students to attend District III Leadership Camp.
- Approved out-of-state travel to Indianapolis, IN on October 19-24, 2009 for up to six FFA students to attend the National FFA Convention.
- Approved cancellation of ASB Fund Warrant No. 400256 issued to the wrong vendor.
- Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)
- New Teacher Day is August 26th beginning at 7:45 a.m. at Olympic Middle School.
- The district has been awarded a grant from WSSDAto pay for the board’s Lighthouse Project training.
- There is a WSSDA Fall Region 5 dinner meeting on September 9th from 6:00-8:30 p.m. at the CosmopolisSchool District.
- A board study session is scheduled for September 10th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in MasonGeneralHospital’s Washington Room.
Chairman Miljour declared the meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Chairman, Board of Directors
Secretary to the Board