1999 Joint Credentials and Resolutions Committee Report

The Joint Credentials and Resolutions Committee are pleased to present the following resolutions of the best district in the national chapter, the NCD.

We would like to thank the members of the National Council who are in attendance:

Scott Stowell- National President KKY

Debbie Kaplan- National President TBS

Mike Osborn- Vice President for Student Affairs KKY

Lauren Copland- NAA Board of Directors TBS

Kirk Randazzo- National V.P. for Programs KKY

Sylvia Halbardier- National V.P. for Special Projects TBS

Jeremy Thomas- Chapter Field Representative KKY

We would also like to recognize our guests from points elsewhere:

Chris Haughee- SED Governor KKY

David Roth- NCD Past President KKY

Charles Hass- NCD Past President KKY

Deb Eakins- NED GovernorKKY

Wendy Watkins- NED Rhode IslandKKY

Allison Boyd and Kelly Molnar- Clarion NED KKY

Chris Janzen- Syracuse KKY

Craig McClure- Nu Honorary KKY

We resolve to recognize all of the chapter sponsors, honorary members and alumni members present at the 1999 NCD Convention. There are too many here to recognize.

We resolve to thank our convention Coordinators from Beta Rho; John Jimenez, Diana Montz and Debbie Lynch.

We resolve to congratulate the NCD Councils for their hard work, dedication and love along with outstanding service and many, many laughs through out this past year.

Chapter Resolutions:

KKY Theta Zeta Ashland University

Our chapter will be celebrating its fifteenth anniversary on February 2, 2000.


The sisters of Zeta Alpha would like to congratulate the Illinois State University Marching Band on being the Santa Band in the 1998 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

KKY Eta Delta Eastern Illinois University

No, we are two years away from our 25th anniversary.


We resolve to congratulate the Zeta Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma on its 23rd Anniversary May of 1999.

KKY Epsilon Xi Miami University

Again this year, we would like to recognize brother Kent Covert. Kent is a former active and current life member of Epsilon Xi. He is our own personal Guiding Spirit, and we couldn’t survive without his wisdom and encouragement.


The sisters of Gamma Mu resolve to thank their Chapter President Susan Stephens for her time, patience, and commitment. Not only is she a great chapter president, but she’s doing a great job for the district as well.

KKY Nu University of Michigan

The Nu chapter would like to offer a heart-felt congratulations to our favorite sisters in the Lambda chapter for their 50th anniversary celebrated this past May 18, 1998. For 50 years, we have been serving side by side through many difficult projects as well as fun projects, and the projects just get easier and easier. Thank you for being there Lambda, happy 50th anniversary!!


The sisters of Lambda would like to thank Kristi Shorkey for her wonderful work at the district level that has allowed her to single-handedly increase district involvement. The sisters wish to congratulate her on the completion of her term as VPSP.

KKY Sigma Ohio Northern University

We would like to recognize the Joint Publications Committee for their hard work on Kadenza this year.


We resolve to congratulate the Rho Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma on its 50th Anniversary on November 19, 1999 and the 25th Anniversary of its reactivation on April 13, 1999.

KKY Beta Rho University of Toledo

The Beta Rho chapter is proud to announce our 9th anniversary of our reactivation on April 1st. We hope to see everyone during our 10th anniversary next year.

The Beta Rho chapter would also like to extend a big thank-you to any and all brothers who have visited us in the past. Without your support, we would not be where we are today. Thank you to Woody, O.P., the twin Zeta Epsilon chapters at Michigan State; Beta Psi at Kent State; our big brothers from Bowling Green (Beta Kappa); Epsilon Xi from Miami U.; Walter Schilling; and anybody else that we have forgotten.


The sisters of Rho would like to welcome Dr. Douglas Stotter to the faculty of the Indiana University Department of Bands.

KKY The Alumni of Beta Rho

We would like to thank the Beta Rho chapter for making our dreams come true by hosting this year’s District Convention. You guys did a great job. We are extremely proud of you! We love you all! Keep striving for the highest.


The sisters of Rho would like to welcome its 1998-1999 Honorary Members into the Bond of Sisterhood: Dean David G. Woods, Dr. Douglas Stotter, Mr. Jeremy Ferguson, Mr. Ronald Sebben and Coach Jerry Yeagley

KKY Beta Psi Kent State University

We would like to give our support to Brandon Parsons, District Secretary Treasurer on his candidacy for 1999-2000 NCD President. We would also like to congratulate our men’s basketball team on their first-ever invitation to the NCAA tournament.


The sisters of Rho and brothers of Alpha Zeta at Indiana University wish to offer their condolences to Distinguished Professor Emeritus Denis Sinor on the passing of his wife, Professor Jean Sinor. She was the heart of the IU Music Education Department and the soul of the School of Music, where she served as Director of Undergraduate Studies. She is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed.


Thank you to Lauren Copeland – outgoing TBS representative to the NAA Board of Directors – for her decade of service to the alumni brothers and sisters of the NCD.


The sisters of Zeta Rho would like to thank President Lucianna Renee Buggs for her continued excellence in leadership, Angela Larchart for her artistic talent and sponsor Tim Chambers for his continued support

KKY Theta Epsilon University of Kentucky

The Theta Epsilon chapter will be celebrating its 15th anniversary on October 6th, 1999.


The sisters of Alpha Xi would like to congratulate their brother chapter, Beta Kappa, on its 50th Anniversary

KKY Alpha Beta Butler University

Congratulations to Alpha Beta on their 70th anniversary on May 31, 1999. Also, this fall is the 10th anniversary of sponsor David McCullough as Marching Band Director.


The sisters of Theta wish to thank their sponsor, Becky Williams, for her hard work and dedication to the chapter, their 4 newly initiated actives, and two new Honorary Members.

KKY Zeta Epsilon Michigan State University

Congratulations to the 1999 MSU Basketball Team on their appearance at this year’s NCAA Final Four.


The sisters of Epsilon wish to congratulate Butler Bands for 80 years of great music.

KKY Zeta Omicron University of Akron

This past summer our chapter celebrated our 25th anniversary. We would also like to thank our sponsor Dr. Michael Golemo for all of his support this past year and the many years before. The Zeta Omicron chapter would like to wish Doctor Golemo the best of luck in his new adventures.


We resolve to congratulate the Beta Sigma Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma on its 40th Anniversary in April of 1999.

We resolve to congratulate the Delta Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma on its 30th Anniversary.

We resolve to congratulate Tau Beta Sigma National Chapter Leadership Finalists Lambda and Beta Sigma.

We resolve to congratulate Jen and Jeff Gerwig on the birth of their son Aaron Geoffrey, Lauren and Carl Copland on the birth of their daughter Erin, and Amy McMullen on the birth of her son Britton.

We resolve to congratulate the Alpha Beta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi on its 70th Anniversary on May 31, 1999.

The brothers of Alpha Beta and the sisters of Epsilon at Butler would like to congratulate sponsor David McCullough on his 10th Anniversary as Marching Band Director.

The brothers of Alpha Beta and the sisters of Epsilon at Butler will hold their annual Bowl-a-thon fundraiser on April 23, 1999.

We resolve to congratulate Kappa Kappa Psi National Chapter Leadership Finalists Nu, Zeta Epsilon, and Zeta Omicron.

The Brothers of Delta Upsilon would like to thank the sisters of Gamma Rho for their never ending love, support and the ability to put up with us.

The sisters of Gamma Rho would like to thank the brothers of Delta Upsilon for all of their friendship, love and support.

The Brothers of Delta Upsilon and Sisters of Gamma Rho would like to wish our prospectives and candidates good luck with the rest of the membership education period.

KKY and TBS at Eastern Michigan University would like to congratulate Dr. Max Plank, Director of Bands on his 30th anniversary at EMU.

Thank you to the Clarion Hotel and the Great City of Toledo for having the best damn fraternity and sorority in the nation here for the weekend.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher R. Kieb- Chair KKY-Delta Upsilon

Deanna L. Daly- Chair TBS-Gamma Rho

Committee Members:

TBS Aaron Orians- Epsilon Iota

Julie Kertz- Zeta Alpha

Brooke Hensley-Marchand- Rho

KKY Allen Larson- Zeta Epsilon

Kevin Matheson- Beta Psi

Amy McMullen-Epsilon Xi