Action NoteNHS Tayside


STEERING GROUP MEETING –Thursday 8th March 2012 at 13:00 hours,Seminar Room 4Perth Royal Infirmary


Mrs Liz Callan, Charge Nurse, MonklandsHospital, NHS Lanarkshire

Mr Kevin Campbell, Medical Technical Officer, NinewellsHospital, NHS Tayside

Dr Robert Dawe, Consultant Dermatologist, Photonet Lead Clinician, NHS Tayside

Mrs Una Donaldson, Charge Nurse, Queen Margaret’s Hospital NHS Fife

Mrs Mhairi Gallacher, Photonet Network Manager, NHS Tayside

Ms Lynn Fullerton, Senior Clinical Technologist, NHS Tayside

Professor James Ferguson, NinewellsHospital, NHS Tayside

Mrs Sally Reddy, Charge Nurse, NinewellsHospital, NHS Tayside

Mrs Pamela Roy, Network Administrator, NHS Tayside

Dr Nick Wainwright, Consultant Dermatologist, MonklandsHospital, NHS Lanarkshire


Mrs Mandy Andrew, Head of Managed Clinical Networks, NHS Tayside

Lorna Black, Photonet Patient Representative

Dr David Bilsland, Consultant Dermatologist, Southern GeneralHospital, NHS Greater Glasgow

Mrs Joanna Macfadyen, Network Administrator, NHS Tayside

Professor Harry Moseley, Medical Physicist, NHS Tayside

Dr Ruth Ray, Associate Specialist, NHS Lothian

Mrs Laura Sung, Senior Project Manager, eHealth Directorate, NHS Tayside

Ms Helen McAteer, Lay Representative

Chair: Dr Robert Dawe

1. / Robert Dawe welcomed everyone present and apologies were noted as above.
2. / Minutes from Previous Meeting 12 January 2012
The minutes from the previous meeting item 4.6 Equality of Access heading was requested to be changed to equity. The rest of the minute was accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
3. / Matters Arising
4. / Work Plan 2011 / 2012
4.1 / Objective 1.3 Patient Experience
Mhairi Gallacher advised the group the Photonet patient representative had completed the patients’ voices training in February. Managed Clinical Networks encourage all patient representatives to receive training prior to becoming members.
Mhairi Gallacher was a member of the Better Together Patient Experience Project group which was exploring alternative was to capture patient experience including the use of ipads and questionnaire toolkits. Mhairi Gallacher to provide further updates at future meetings. / MG
4.2 / 2.1 Phototherapist Education
Previous evaluation of the online course had indicated that nurses felt that the course was too simple and that it would also be beneficial to know where they were going wrong. June Gardner reported that she would link with Billy Brant and Susan Yule regarding improving the online course.
It was noted that there would be a nurse education workshop at the National Meeting on 24 May to further explore nursing education requirements and that Mhairi, June and Robert were linking with colleagues from National Education Scotland to facilitate this event. / JG/BB/SY
4.3 / Objective 2.2 10th National Meeting
A draft programme for the National Meeting was tabled. Robert Dawe informed the group that part of the day had been split in to workshops. Possible workshops have been suggested. The group agreed that problem cases are normally very well received and that this would remain within the programme. Ideally the group would like to have a problem case from each treatment centre. Mhairi Gallacher agreed to circulate the flyer again to encourage submission of problem cases and poster presentation.
Lynn Fullerton felt that it was not necessary for the workshops to run for 30mins and suggested that 20 minutes would be adequate time and would also allow delegates to attend 3 workshops. The group agreed that the workshops would be changed to 3 workshops at 20 minutes in length.
Mhairi Gallacher advised that Claire Pratt and Billy Brant would be written to formally invite them to present at the meeting.
Robert Dawe asked if a nurse’sworkshop should be added to the programme. After a general discussion it was agreed that Liz Callan and her team would provide a workshop on treating atopic eczema this will be based on a few cases that the Lanarkshire team have come across recently involving children.
Nick Wainwright informed the group that he would be able to add a case for discussion at the National Meeting.
Mhairi Gallahcer agreed to finalise the medical physics workshop speaker with Harry Moseley.
Kevin Campbell raised the issue of car parking at Perth Royal Infirmary and asked if anything could be done regarding parking for the national meeting. Mhairi Gallacher informed the group that unfortunately the normal parking restrictions would apply. Parking outside the old Perth Royal Infirmary building is restricted to 3 hours and a traffic warden works permanently at Perth Royal Infirmary checking the car parks.
The group agreed that it would be best to issue information about the parking restrictions at Perth Royal Infirmary when the programme is circulated to Photonet members. The network office will issue a map of the area which will show the streets close to Perth Royal Infirmary where parking spaces maybe available.
Una Donaldson informed the group that parking is never a problem at Queen Margaret’s Hospital in Dunfermline and that the hospital has a conference suite that is available to use for events. Mhairi Gallacher informed the group that this would be looked into for future events. / MG
Network Office
4.4 / Objective 3.1 Performance Against Photonet Standards – Final Report
Mhairi Gallacher sought feedback from the group regarding the new layout of the report. The group felt that the new layout was appropriate. Mhairi Gallacher also noted that the self audit information for 2011/12 audit period had been issued to unit.
Cancer Review Standard - The group agreed that they would continue with the same process as last year and send a letter to each unit indicating the number of high risk patients and asking units to request further details. / Network Office
4.5 / Objective 5.1 Equity of Access
Robert Dawe informed the group that an equity of access sub group has been set up to consider the following issues:
  • Opening hours of treatment centres
  • Home phototherapy
  • Satellite treatment centres
Robert Dawe suggested that the annual report could have a section in it regarding equity of access.
The group agreed that it would be worthwhile carrying out an audit on opening times. And it was noted that this information had been requested within the self audit forms. / RD
5. / Referral to Treatment Times
Robert Dawe informed the group that the National Photonet referral standard is 6 weeks from referral to the start of treatment. Robert Dawe informed the group that one Photonet Centre proposed that this standard is no longer needed as there is a new national standard of 18 weeks from referral to treatment for all new patients. Robert Dawe asked the Steering Group if they felt the 6 week referral from GP to start of treatment standard should be removed. Following discussion it was agreed that this standard should be retained. Treatment centres failing this standard should use this as a driver to change service provision. It was noted that all Photonet Standards would be reviewed during 2012/2013.
6. / Network Key Objectives 2012/2013
The members agreed the following key objectives for 2012 /2013:
  • Review of Photonet Standards
  • Review of Photonet Treatment and Dosimetry Protocols
  • Development of nursing education action plan
  • Continue to promote equality of care
  • 11th Photonet National Meeting

7.1 / AOCB
Mhairi Gallacher informed the group that Mandy Andrew sits on the project board for NCAS and that they are awaiting feedback on NSS hosting the photosys system centrally. Mhairi Gallacher also informed the group that St ThomasHospital in England have contacted photonet regarding using photosys. It was agreed to respond positively to this request indicating that further information would be provided once a decision is known regarding where Photosys will be hosted. / RD/MG
8. / Date and Time of Next Meeting–21 June 2012 at 9.30 am, Perth Royal Infirmary

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