Ibrahim Hassan El-Issawy

C.V., May 2016

Nationality / : / Egyptian
Date & Place of Birth / : / 2 Dec., 1941, Damietta, Egypt
Present Occupation / : / Professor of Economics, Institute of National Planning, Cairo.

Previous Occupations:

-Deputy Director, the Arab Planning Institute (API) - Kuwait (On leave from Institute of National Planning, Cairo, Sept. 1, 1991 - Aug. 30, 1995).

-Professor of Economics, Institute of National Planning (INP), Cairo (1981-)

-Senior Expert (Associate Professor), INP, Cairo (1975-1981).

-Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-AzharUniversity (1972-1975).

-Demonstrator with D. Phil. Scholarship, Al-AzharUniversity (1964-1972).

-Research Assistant, INP, Cairo (1962-1964).

Academic Degrees:

-B.Sc. (Economics), CairoUniversity, 1962.

-D. Phil. (Economics), OxfordUniversity, 1969. Title of thesis: An inquiry into the use of financial data relating to multiple product farms in the derivation of agricultural production relationships.


Teaching economics, statistics, mathematical economics, econometrics, development theories, and planning in OxfordUniversity, Al-AzharUniversity, CairoUniversity, INP Cairo and API - Kuwait.
Research in agricultural and over-all development, population-development interactions, model building, income distribution-economic growth inter-connections, planning and futuristic studies, development and dependency indicators, productivity, economic reform policies, the class map, and the international trade system.
Organization of seminars and symposia on development and planning, and participation in establishing the annual conference of Egyptian Economists, and organizing its first three rounds and editing their proceedings.
Administrative experience in the Institute of National Planning, Cairo, including: Director of the Planning Techniques Centre and the General Planning Centre, Chairman of the Research Committee, the Consultative Committee, the Scientific Committee, and Member of INP's Board of Directors. Also, Member of the Board of trustees of the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait (May 1988 - August 1991), and Deputy Director of the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait (Sep. 1991 - Aug. 1995).
Member of the Egyptian Society for Political Economy, Statistics and Legislation, and the Arab society for Economic Research, Member of the International Input-Output Association, and ex-member of the supreme Consultative Committee of the Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait. Ex-Member of the Economics Commission of the Supreme Council for Culture, Egypt, Member of the editorial board of the Arab Economic Journal, and Member of the board of CairoUniversityCenter for Research and Studies of Developing countries.
Secretary General of the Arab Society for Economic Research 1995 - 1998.
Principal Investigator of Project Egypt 2020, Third World Forum, 1997-2006.


(Written in Arabic, unless otherwise stated):

(1) / The Development of the U.A.R. Foreign Exchange Policy, Institute of National Planning, Memo No. 452 (external), Cairo, 1964 (in English).
(2) / "Towards a multiproduct production function," The Farm Economist, OxfordUniversity), Vol. X1, No. 12, 1970 (in English).
(3) / A Critique of the Capitalist Strategy for Agricultural Development, Institute of National Planning, Memo No. 1038 (external), Cairo, 1973 (in English).
(4) / The Case for a Socialist Agricultural Development Strategy in Under-developed Countries, Institute of National Planning, Memo No. 1050 (external), Cairo 1973 (in English).
(5) / "Exploring the interactions between population growth and economic development in Egypt by means of a simultaneous equations model," Paper presented to The 11th Conference on Statistics, held by the Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Cairo, 14-17 April, 1975 (in English).
(6) / "Socialist transformation of agriculture in underdeveloped countries", L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 361, July 1975.
(7) / "On the extent of realism in the hopes placed on the inflow of foreign direct investment to Egypt and its contribution to development," in Development and International Economic Relations, Proceedings of the First Conference of Egyptian Economists, edited by I.S. Abdalla, I.H. El-Issawy and G. Abdel-Khalek, the Egyptian society for Political Economy, Statistics and Legislation, Cairo, 1977.
(8) / SMEE 1: A Simulation Model of the Egyptian Economy, with special Emphasis on Economic-Demographic Interactions, Institute of National Planning, Memo No. 1211 (external), Dec. 1977, (a joint paper with al-Walid El-shafie; in English).
(9) / "Is there disguised unemployment in Egyptian agriculture?", L'Egypte Contemporaine, October, 1977.
(10) / "A necessary background for discussing Egypt's economic policy", L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 357, July 1974.
(11) / "Estimation of the economic losses incurred by Egypt as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1965", (a joint paper with Ali Nassar) in The Egyptian Economy in a Quarter Century, Proceedings of the Third Annual conference of Egyptian Economists, edited by I.S. Abdalla, I.H. El-Issawy and G. Abdel-Khalek, Cairo, 1979). A revised version is published in Majallat Alfikr Al-Istrategi Al Arabi (Beirut).
(12) / Principles of Mathematical Economic Analysis, a book published by Dar El Nahda el Arabia, Cairo, 1978.
(13) / Lectures in Econometrics, Institute of National Planning, Memo, No. 502 (internal), Cairo, 1976.
(14) / Measurement and Prediction in Economics, a book published by Dar El-Nahda El-Arabia, Cairo 1978.
(15) / "A survey of the techniques that may be used in preparing long-term projections and plans," in I. El-Issawy (ed.), Concepts, Problems and Techniques of Long-Range Planning for the Arab World, 5 vols., INP, Cairo, Dec. 1978.
(16) / "Some thoughts on long-range planning based on the experience of Egypt-in-the-year-2000 group," (a joint paper with Ali Nassar), in I. El-Issawy (ed.), Concepts, Problems and Techniques of Long-Range Planning for the Arab world, 5 Vols., INP, Cairo, Dec, 1978.
(17) / Editing: Concepts, Problems and Techniques of Long-Range Planning for the Arab World, 5 Volumes, INP, Cairo, Dec. 1978.
(18) / "Distribution, Growth, and Development - Some theoretical issues and empirical evidence with special reference to Egypt," a paper presented to the Fourth Annual Conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, May 1979. Published in: I.S. Abdalla, et al. (eds.), Economic Development and Social Justice in Modern Development Thought with Special Reference to Egypt, Cairo, 1981.
(19) / "Interaction Between Income Distribution and Economic Growth in the Context of Egypt's Economic Development," in R. Tignor and G. Abdel-Khalek (eds.): The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Egypt, Holmes and Meier, New York, 1981 (in English). Also in the Arabic version of the book - same title, edited by G. Abdel-Khalek, and published by Al-Haiah Al Ammah Lil'Kitab, Cairo, 1993.
(20) / An attempt to project the path of the Egyptian economy to the year 2000, Planning for the Year 2000 commission, Memo, 33, Cairo, INP, Cairo, 1977 (a joint paper with A. Nassar).
(21) / A Contribution to the Dialogue on Egypt and the Challenges of the 21st Century, Planning for the Year 2000 Commission, Memo, 55, INP, Cairo, 1980.
(22) / "Development of the social system and prospects of economic development in Egypt," a paper presented to the Fifth Annual conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, March 1981. Also published as Project EDCAS 2000 Working Paper No. 2, PFPB, Cairo, April 1980, and as a book entitled: Egypt's future, Dar El Thaqafa El-Gadida, Cairo 1983.
(23) / Development Alternatives for Egypt, Project EDCAS 2000 Working Paper No. 1, PFPB, Cairo, Jan, 1980 (a joint paper with A. Nassar; in English).
(24) / "Egypt's economic future," L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 379, 1980. (a joint paper with A. Nassar).
(25) / Employment Inadequacy in Egypt, Technical Paper No. 3 of the ILO/UNDP comprehensive employment strategy mission to Egypt, 1980, ILO, Geneva, 1983 (In English).
(26) / Labour force, Employment and Unemployment, Technical Paper No. 4 of the ILO/UNDP comprehensive employment strategy mission to Egypt, 1980, ILO, Geneva, 1983 (in English).
(27) / "Developments in the distribution of income and status of the poor in Egypt," L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 380, April 1980.
(28) / An Introductory Course in Statistics, INP Memo. 746 (internal), Cairo, March 1981.
(29) / "An alternative development strategy for rural Egypt, "L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 382, October, 1980.
(30) / Population-Development Interactions, Project EDCAS 2000, working paper No. 16, PFPB, Cairo, October, 1981.
(31) / "Population-Development Linkages in REDMARE - a proposal for modelling," a paper presented to the Symposium on Population and Development, Institute of Statistical studies and Research, Cairo University, Cairo, 19-20 Dec., 1981 (in English).
(32) / "Rationalization of private consumption in Egypt, "L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 383, April, 1981.
(33) / "Egypt's population and its economic problems", a paper presented to The Seventh Conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, May, 1982.
(34) / "An interpretation of infitah" and "The alternative to infitah", two chapters in G. Abdel-Khalek (ed.), The Infitah, a book published by Almaktab Al Arabi Lil Bahth Wa Alnashr, Cairo, 1983.
(35) / Population-Development Interactions in Alternative Egyptian Futures, Project EDCAS 2000, Final Report, PFPB, Cairo, Dec. 1982 (in English).
(36) / "Ten observations on the 1982/83 - 1986/87 five year plan, "L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 393-394, July. Oct. 1983.
(37) / "Three alternative Egyptian futures," Majallat Alfikr al-Istrategi AI-Arabi, Beirut, No. 8-9, July - October, 1983.
(38) / Planning and Plan Follow-up in the New Circumstances of the Egyptian Economy, INP Memo, 1375 (external), Dec. 1983.
(39) / "Towards a set of socio-economic indicators for development planning in Africa," a paper presented to the Expert Consultation on Socio-Economic Indicators, Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, 23-27 Jan., 1984 (in English).
(40) / "Country-specific indicators of Arab development," a chapter in Arab Development: Present Situation and Future, Published by the Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, 1984.
(41) / Population Explosion or Development Crisis? a book published by Dar Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, Cairo, 1985.
(42) / On Reforming What the Opening (Infitah) Has Damaged, a book in Al-Ahali Book Series, No. 3, Cairo, 1984.
(43) / Co-authoring: Subsidizing the Rich and Subsidizing the Poor, a book in al Ahali book Series, No. 5, Cairo, 1985.
(44) / "The Aid Relationship and Self-reliant Development in Africa," in A. Adedeji and T. Shaw (eds.), Economic Crisis in Africa: African Perspectives on Development Problems and Potentials, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado, 1985, PP. 131-153 (in English).
(45) / Subsidization of Food Products in Egypt, published as a Report of the Food Energy Nexus Program of the United Nations Universtiy, Dec. 1985 (in English).
(46) / "New lights on the subsidy issue in Egypt," a paper presented to The 10th Conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, Nov. 1985.
(47) / "The meaning of dependency," an article in Book No. 2 of Qdaia Fikriah series, January 1986.
(48) / Subsidies - an Economic and Political Treatment, a book published by Dar El-Mawqif Al Arabi, Cairo, 1986.
(49) / The Predicament and the Way Out - The Crisis of the Egyptian Economy and How to Overcome it, a book published in the Political Books Series, Cairo, March 1987.
(50) / Approaches to Measuring Development, Institute of National Planning Memo. No. 1446 (external), Cairo, Dec. 1987.
(51) / "The Egyptian economic path and corrective policies," a paper in: Ramzy Zaki (ed.), Corrective Policies and Development in the Arab World, The Arab Planning Institute, Kuwaity, 1989.
(52) / Editing: The Future of the Public Sector in Egypt, a book published by the Institute of National Planning, Cairo 1988.
(53) / Structural Changes and the Institutional Framework of Development, Institute of National Planning, Memo. No. 884 (internal), Cairo, August 1988.
(54) / "Development perspectives on the question of selling Egypt's public sector," The Egyptian society for Political Economy, Statistics and Legislation, The Role of Private Investment in Fulfilling the Goals of Development Plans, Proceedings of The 13th conference of Egyptian Economists, Nov. 1988, Cairo, 1989, pp. 323-374.
(55) / Towards a Class Map for Egypt. a book published by the Center for Social and Criminological Research, Cairo, 1989.
(56) / Measuring Dependency in the Arab World, a book published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, 1989.
(57) / "Dialectical Materialism", The National sociological Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, Jan. 1989, pp. 103-122.
(58) / Egypt's Economic Path and Reform Policies, a book published by the ArabResearchCenter, Cairo, 1989.
(59) / Editing and co-authoring: The Government's Development Plan, a book in Al-Ahali Book Series, No. 21, Cairo, July 1989.
(60) / Editing: Productivity, Wages and Prices, Planning and Development Issues Series, No. 49, the Institute of National Planning, Cairo, March 1990, and co-author of chapter 5 on "Previous Studies of Productivity Measurement and Analysis in Egypt" (with Aziza Abdel Raziq).
(61) / "Egypt's experience with the public sector and the private sector, and future developments," (a joint paper with Ibrahim Saad-Edeen Abdallah), in: The Public Sector and Private Sector in the Arab World, Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Center for Arab Unity studies, Cairo, May 1990, Beirut, 1990. Also published in Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, No. 139, Sept. 1990.
(62) / 'The Future of the Arab Nation - A Critical Review of the Perspective Study carried out by the Center for Arab Unity Studies'', a paper prepared for the Third World Forum (Middle East Office) and the European Economic community, June 1990 (in English), and published in Arab Economic Journal, Vol.1, 1993.
(63) / Editing: Applied Studies of some Productivity Problems in the Egyptian Economy, Institute of National Planning, Planning and Development Issues Series, No. 56, Cairo, 1-3 Dec. 1990.
(64) / "The Role of the State in the Egyptian Economy in the Nineties," a paper presented in the debate arranged within the 15th conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, 1-3 Dec. 1990.
(65) / "Technological Development, Development Strategy and the Public Sector in Egypt," a paper presented to the 1st conference of the National Society for Technological and Economic Development, Cairo, 16-17 Dec. 1990.
(66) / "The official concept of liberalization and its adequacy for the needs of development in Egypt," a paper presented to the Conference on Liberalization of the Egyptian Economy,CairoUniversity, Center for Economic Research, 3-5 March 1991.
(67) / Lectures on the concept of Development and its Measurement, INP, Memo. No. 849 (internal), Cairo, Feb. 1991.
(68) / Editing: The Development Experience of the Newly Industrializing Asian Countries and the Lessons for Egypt, Planning and Development Issues Series No. 73, INP, Cairo, July 1992, and author of chapter 1: "The Development Experience of Taiwan and the lessons for Egypt," and the concluding chapter: "What Do We Learn from the Four Asian Tigers?".
(69) / Review Articles of:
-The South commission's Report: The Challenge to the South, in
Al-Ahram Al-Iktisadi, 10 Dec. 1990.
-R. Wade's book: Governing the Market, in Arab Economic Journa, Autumn 1993.
-J. Kovacs and B. Dallago (eds.), Economic Planning in Transition, in The Egyptian Journal of Development and Planning, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 1994.
-Nader Fergany's book, On Quality of Life in the Arab Homeland, in Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, No. 181, March 1994.
(70) / "Materialism," The National sociological Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, Sept. 1992.
(71) / Economic Liberalization and the State's Role in Development in the Arab World, a book published by API - Kuwait, March 1992.
(72) / Development of Planning Models for the Arab World, a book published by API - Kuwait, April 1993.
(73) / On the Future of Planning in the Arab Countries, a book published by API Kuwait, April 1994.
(74) / "Human Development in Egypt - Observations in the Light of the 1994 Egypt - HDR", The Egyptian Journal of Development and Planning, June 1995.
(75) / The Asian Tiger's Model and the Search for A Development Path for Egypt, a book published by Dar El-Thaqafa Al-Gadida, Cairo, 1995.
(76) / The GATT AND ITS Sisters - The New system for International Trade and Arab Development - a book published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut (1st ed. 1995, 2nd ed. 1997, 3rd ed. revised 2001.)
(77) / "Evaluating The New System for International Trade from the Viewpoint of Arab Development," Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, No. 194, April 1995.
(78) / Review Articles of:
- P. Ormerod's book, The Death of Economics, in Arab Economic
Journal, No. 4, 1996.
- UNDP, Human Development Report 1996, in al-Mustaqbal Al-
Arabi, No. 216, Feb. 1997.
- H. Albiblawi's Book, The Role of the State in the Economy, in Al-
Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, NO. 235, Sept. 1998.
(79) / "Towards a Realistic View of Planning and the Market Economy", Arab Economic Journal, No. 5, 1996.
(80) / Lectures on Development Planning, Institute of National Planning, memo. 913 (internal), Feb. 1996
(81) / "A Strategic View of Egypt's Development, with special reference to the development of small-scale industries", The National Social Sciences Review, No. 3, Sept. 1996.
(82) / "Desirable development for Egypt in the light of recent global and regional developments and future challenges", L'Egypte Contemporaine, No. 443, July 1996.
(83) / Poverty in Egypt - A Semi-Participatory Inquiry, A technical paper prepared for the 3rd Egyptian Human Development Report (1969), INP, Cairo, March 1997. (in English).
(84) / Scenarios - an inquiry into the concept of scenarios and the methods of scenario construction in Project Egypt 2020; Third World Forum, Cairo Egypt 2020 Papers, No. 1, July 1998. Re-issued in 2008 by the Academic Bookshop Co., Cairo,in its series: Kurrasat Mustaqabali.
(85) / "Poverty and the poor in Egypt, Arab Economic Journal No. 13, Autumn 1998.
(86) / Editing a book on: Determinants of Saving Capacity in Egypt, Issues of Planning and Development, INP, Cairo no. 117, July 1998.
(87) / Editing and co-authoring: Starting Points of Alternative Development Paths to the Year 2020 - Initial Conditions of the Principal Scenarios of Project Egypt 2020, (with Central Team, Coordinator and Associate Coordinator of Project Egypt 2020), Third World Forum, Cairo, Egypt 2020 Papers, no. 2, Dec. 1998.
(88) / "On the role of Arab cooperation in promoting the competitiveness of Arab enterprises," in Arab Economic Journal, no. 14, winter 1998, and M. El-Hafez (ed.), Promoting the Competitiveness of Arab Economic Enterprises, Dar Al Konouz Al-Arabia, Beirut, 2000. Revised and republished in K. Wazani (ed.), Arab Economic Cooperation Between Nationalism and Globalism, Al-Moassasa Al-Arabia Il-Drasat w Al-Nashr, Beirut, 2000.
(89) / Editing and co-authoring: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Egypt 2020 Scenarios, ( with the Central Team, Coordinator and Associate Coordinator of Project Egypt 2020), Third World Forum, Egypt 2020 Papers, No. 4, July 1999.
(90) / "Economic globalization: possibilities of continuity and reversal," Al-Nahda, Faculty of Economic and Political Science Journal, No. 1, Oct., 1999.
(91) / "Future Studies in Egypt," a paper presented to the seminar on Long-term Perspective Studies in North African countries, held at the Sub-RegionalDevelopmentCenter for North Africa, Tangier, 5-7, October 1999, and published in Arab Economic Journal, No. 19, Spring 2000. (in English). Updated for presentation in the fifth international conference on the Role of Engineering Toward a Better Environment, Faculty of Engineering, AlexandriaUniversity, 11-13 Dec. 2004, with the title “ Future Studies and Project Egypt 2020”
(92) / Development in a Changing World - a Study of the Concept and Indicators of Development - A book published for project Egypt 2020 (Egypt 2020 Library, no. 1) by Dar Al-Shorouq, Cairo, 1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed 2001, 3rd ed. 2003.
(93) / Futures Studies and Project Egypt 2020, a monograph published in the Kurrasat Istrategia series issued by Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, no. 96, Cairo, Dec. 2000.
(94) / Modernization of Egypt: Autonomous Development is a Superior Alternative to Liberal Development - a monograph published in the INP Seminar Series 2000/2001, 2nd Session INP, Cairo, Dec. 2000.
(95) /

“Development Planning in an Open and Mixed Ecomomy”, in Strategic Economic Trends Report 2001, Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, Al-Ahram, Cairo, Jan. 2002.

(96) /

Towards a Comprehensive Strategy for Increasing Employment in Egypt- a monograph published in the INP Seminar Series 2001/2002, 5th Session, INP, Cairo Jan. 2002.

(97) / Editing the first report on Human Development in Oman, 2003, Ministry of National Economy, Muscat, 2004.