MTM 503

Theology of Work in the STEM Professions

School of Science, Technology, Society and Ministry

Mission Statement

To educate and equip others to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name through technology in both lay and professional ministry contexts.

Instructor: Fletcher Tink


Phone: 816-268-5496 (o); 816-805-4115 (c)

Course Description

This course will help students to understand and practice a “theology of work” out of the underpinnings and specific passages in Scripture, especially those related to the STEM professions. It will help correct theological misunderstandings pertaining to the role of lay Christianity and the importance of “vocation” in the STEM professions.

MTM Program Outcomes

At the conclusion of their MTM program, the student will able to:

1  Develop effective technology initiatives in a way that takes into account the unique cultures they will be serving and how to use technology to serve the poor.

2  Understand the Biblical basis, theology and historical context of technology and how to apply that in professional and ministry settings.

3  Understand the Christian vocation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math careers and their unique identity and role within their field in a way that maximizes their calling and enables Christian ministry 24/7.

4  Understand complex systems in a way that helps them to effectively lead others and apply technology in ministry and professional environments.

5  Understand some of the limits of technology and how to counter some of the negative implications of technology and its effect on relationships and creation of new addictions.

6  Develop effective technology ministry strategies for developing sustainable initiatives by monitoring and understanding the latest theories, trends, tools and opportunities in technology in ministry.

MTM 510 helps students understand their own Christian vocation in a STEM career to help meet program objective 3.

Course Objectives

1  Understand their unique identity as a technologist and the unique role played by technologists in the Body of Christ.

2  Identify what their calling or vocation might be and how it might be leveraged for ministry

3  Understand the unique issues facing Christians in STEM fields.

4  Know where to go to find support structures and resources for their vocation in ministry.

5  Understand the complexities, frustrations and possibilities that will accompany their ministry in vocation.

Required Reading

●  Bakke, Dennis, Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job. PVG Press. 2006. 312 pages. ISBN #978-0976268642

●  Banks, Robert. Redeeming the Routines: Bringing Theology to Life. Baker Academic. 1993. 188 pages, ISBN #978-0801021169

●  Dupree, Max. Leadership is an Art. Doubleday. 2004. 178 pages. ISBN #978-038551265

●  Linthicum, Robert C. Building a People of Power. 2006. 348 pages. ISSBN $978-1932805512

●  Stevens, R Paul. The Other Six Days: Vocation Work and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Wm B Eerdmans. 2000. 289 pages. ISBN #978-080284800

Course Outline

Session 1: Introduction to the Topic

1. Defining the STEM Professions: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

2. Causes and Evidences of the Gap between the STEM Professions and Christian attitudes

3. Defining Terms: “Theology”

4. The Fallacies of the Current Understanding of “Ministry”

5. The Current Context of the Discussion

6. The Need for a New Theological Paradigm

Session 2: Theological Foundations of Work

1. God’s creative nature as revealed in Genesis

2. How we mirror the Triune Godhead in our Professions.

3. The “Creative” and “Redemptive” Mandates

4. Our motivations in doing what we do

Session 3: Theological Foundations of Work: What Changed because of the “Fall”?

1. Redeeming Work from the Fall

2. The Three Dimensions of Evil

3. Acquiring the Christian Worldview

4. Understanding the “Missio Dei”

5. Defining “Ministry”

Session 4: Understanding the Nature of the Key Institution

1. The Role of the Church

2. The Failures of the Church and the “World”

3. Allusions to the Value of Work in the Lives of “Out of the Box” People

4. Universal Call to “Ministry”

5. Understanding the “Systems”

6. Quotations on “Work”

Session 5: Finding Balance at Work

1. The Meaning of the “Sabbath”

2. Characteristics of the Sabbath for STEM professionals

3. Working life of STEM professionals

4. Historical Perspectives on “Work”

5. Leisure and Busyness

6. Calling and Vocation

Session 6: Issues Faced by STEM Professionals

1. Globalization

2. Ethics

Session 7: The Unique Possibilities of STEM Workers

1. The gifting of STEM workers

2. Their role as entrepreneurs

3. The relationships between entrepreneurs and prophets

4. The role of leadership

5. Stewardship, Values and Beauty

Session 8: Completing the Task

1. The Reward of the Master’s Joy

2. Finishing Well

3. The End of the Story

Assignments: Assignments are to be completed by the end of the Assigned Week.

Session One; Week One

1:1 To Prepare: Ungraded:

A.. Select and possess your four chosen textbooks from those indicated above. You may use an alternative text that is listed either above or on the supplementary bibliography or a textbook that is approved by the professor.

B. Check out your course equipment, i.e. computer and internet access to determine if any bugs or technological issues will impede your successful completion of the course. If you believe that there are some issues involved, contact the City Vision IT department.

C. Read the welcoming message from professor and scan the list of names of those who are your fellow students.

D. Send a chat message to your fellow students introducing yourself, your interest in this topic and some encouragement.

1:2 To Read: Will be graded in the self-report later

A. Read one third of either of the Bakke books.

B. Read any supplementary material that the professor has uploaded

C. Read through the Powerpoint presentation that the professor has prepared in conjunction

with the listening assignment.

1:3 To Listen: Will be graded in the self-report later

A. Listen to the professor’s commentary on the Powerpoint presentation

1:4 To Watch: Will be graded in the self-report later

A. Watch the three parts of Dr Fletcher Tink’s “Introduction to the Course” and take notes on

points to highlight

1:5 To Do: Will be graded by the professor. This will be done in two parts. Each part is valued at

10 points

A. Write a 200 word statement on how you have integrated or not integrated your personal faith

with the occupation you hold now, have held, or intend to hold.

B. Research questions: On the internet, in printed media, or in personal experience, research

two case studies, one where one’s faith while engaged in one of the STEM professions, seems to make “value added” or positive effects in their work environment or beyond; and one where the influence of faith is either negative or non-existent.

1:6 To Reflect: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. In the group chat, respond with at least 200 words to the following question: “If there were no

sin in the world, my job (occupation, vocation) would look like . . . . “

B. In the group chat, respond to one other student with a meaningful comment of at least 50


1:7 To Remember: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. Please indicate clearly, what of the above assignments you have completed, and what has

left undone. 5 points will be given for this report, and 5 for full completion of assignments.

Session Two: Week Two

2:1 To Prepare:

A. Examine your own “work”, thanking God for the opportunities and the responsibilities that it gives you to develop both yourself and your environment in ways that please God.

B. Get out a notebook in preparation for taking notes on what you read, listen to and watch

during the course of this session. Your notes will be helpful in the written assignments

and the forum along with thoughts that should linger long after this course.

2:2 To Read:

A. Read any supplemental materials that are suggested in the curriculum or in the lecture.

B. Finish the book by Bakke (either of the books).

C. Read the Powerpoint presentation and listen to the accompanying lecture.

2:3 To Listen:

A. Listen to the professor’s commentary on the Powerpoint presentation

2:4 To Watch:

A. Watch three sections of the Bakke DVD, “Joy at Work”, Including the Introduction, Section 1: Created to Work; Section 3: Decision Making

2:5 To Do: These will be graded by the professor. A total of 80 points

A. Write a book review on one of the Bakke books, according to the following outline: A. one third, overview; one third, critique; one third, practical application in your life. The total assignment should be no less than 600 words. This will be valued at 30 points

B. Write up the three most significant lessons you have learned from the materials of this week. One should come from the readings; one from the materials watched; and one from the Powerpoint and accompanying lecture. The total assignment should be no less than 500 words. This will be valued at 30 points

C. Research Question: On the internet or in additional resources, look for five books written on the theme of Business as Mission since 2005, not on the given bibliography. Indicate the author, the complete title, the publisher, the date of publication, and the ISBN number. This will be valued at 20 points.

2:6 To Reflect: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. In the group chat, respond with at least 200 words to the following question: “I find meaning in my current assignment in the following ways:”

B. In the group chat, respond to one other student with a meaningful comment of at least 50


2:7 To Remember: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. Please indicate clearly, what of the above assignments you have completed, and what has left undone. 5 points will be given for this report, and 5 for full completion of assignments.

Session Three: Week Three

3:1 To Prepare:

A. Look for a verse of Scripture that seems to give purpose and meaning to your work and meditate on it.

B. Return to your notebook in preparation for taking notes on what you read, listen to and watch during the course of this session. Your notes will be helpful in the written assignments and the forum along with thoughts that should linger long after this course.

3:2 To Read:

A. Read any supplemental materials that are suggested in the curriculum or in the lecture.

B. Select and read half of your second chosen textbook

C. Read the Powerpoint presentation and listen to the accompanying lecture.

3:3 To Listen:

A. Listen to the professor’s commentary on the Powerpoint presentation

3:4 To Watch:

A. Watch three additional sections of the Bakke DVD, “Joy at Work”, Including the Introduction, Section 5: The Servant Leader; Section 6: The Freedom to Fail;

Section 10: Enter Into the Master’s Joy

3:5 To Do: Will be graded by the professor. A total of 50 points

B. Write up the three most significant lessons you have learned from the materials of this week. One should come from the readings; one from the materials watched; and one from the Powerpoint and accompanying lecture. The total assignment should be no less than 500 words. This will be valued at 30 points

C. Research Question: Examine on the internet or in the newspaper where the “Fall” is evident in the way in which people have conducted their work. Give three illustrations indicating source, nature of the evil, sin or failure expressed, and a short description of why the failure? This will be valued at 20 points.

3:6 To Reflect: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. In the group chat, respond with at least 200 words to the following statement: “I believe that I have failed in my work, in the following ways that have not given glory to God”

B. In the group chat, respond to one other student with a meaningful comment of at least 50


3:7 To Remember: Will be graded by the professor. 10 points

A. Please indicate clearly, what of the above assignments you have completed, and what has left undone. 5 points will be given for this report, and 5 for full completion of assignments.

Session Four: Week Four

4:1 To Prepare:

A. Read from Hebrew 11, about the faith of a list of people. Meditate on how they integrated

their faith with their daily living

B. Return to your notebook in preparation for taking notes on what you read, listen to and watch during the course of this session. Your notes will be helpful in the written assignments and the forum along with thoughts that should linger long after this course.

4:2 To Read

A. Read any supplemental materials that are suggested in the curriculum or in the lecture.

B. Select and read latter half of your second chosen textbook

C. Read the Powerpoint presentation and listen to the accompanying lecture.

4:3 To Listen

A. Listen to the professor’s commentary on the Powerpoint presentation

4:4 To Watch

A. Watch the DVD presentation by Andrew Sears, the director of City Vision College, and a man who uses technology to honor God in his profession.

4:5 To Do: These will be graded by the professor. A total of 80 points

A. Write a book review on one of selected textbooks, according to the following outline: A. one third, overview; one third, critique; one third, practical application in your life. The total assignment should be no less than 600 words. This will be valued at 30 points

B. Write up the three most significant lessons you have learned from the materials of this week. One should come from the readings; one from the materials watched; and one from the Powerpoint and accompanying lecture. The total assignment should be no less than 500 words. This will be valued at 30 points.

C. Research Question: Identify and research one non-biblical hero of yours (who is not a professional minister) who has helped changed the quality of life for many. Give a short description of what they have accomplished, their core of faith, and why you chose that person. This will be valued at 20 points.