Vision : A vision is a statement of what or how you would like things to be. A picture of the future we’re working to create. Without a vision of where we are going, it will be impossible to develop a plan to get there, plus how will we know that we’ve arrived (i.e…successfully accomplished the goals of the RDI project)?

Mission : A mission is a statement of “what is”. It serves to inform staff, foster parents, prospective foster parents, stakeholders, constituents, friends, and neighbors about “ what’s important to the foster parent program”. It also serves as an anchor and guidepost for both strategic and operational or tactical decisions and to answer questions like: “Why does a foster parent program exist?”, “Why/what do RD staff do ?”, “What function does the foster parent program serve and for whom (who’s is the customer)?

Values: Values are the principles and standards at the very center of the foster parent program from which we will not budge or stray.

In preparation for the meeting, please review the Mission statements below and consider the following question and bring your reflections to the meeting:

If the following 4 phrases defined the purpose of the Foster Parent Program, how would you measure the program’s success (post RDI project)? What other “ purpose” words/phrases would you offer?

§  Child Well-Being

§  Birth Family Partnership

§  Well-Matched; Capable Foster Parents

§  Committed through Permanency


National Foster Parent Association

To support foster parents in achieving safety, permanence and well-being for the children and youth in their care.

United States of America

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Star Trek

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Her five year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.


To connect people to their passions, their communities, and the world's knowledge. To ensure this, Yahoo offers a broad and deep array of products and services to create unique and differentiated user experiences and consumer insights by leveraging connections, data, and user participation.

Casey Family Services

Casey Family Services is committed to improving the lives of at-risk children and to strengthening families and communities by providing high-quality, cost-effective services that advance both positive practice and sound public policy.

Child Welfare League of America

CWLA will lead the nation in building public will to ensure safety, permanence, and well-being of children, youth, and their families by advancing public policy, defining and promoting practice excellence and delivering superior membership services.