Asociatia Ghidelor si Ghizilor din Romania

- Romanian Guides Association -

Asociatia Ghidelor si Ghizilor din Romania (Romanian Guides Association) is a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical organization.

Asociatia Ghidelor si Ghizilor din Romania was founded in March 1991 by a group of young women. A similar association there was in the period between the two world wars under the name Romanian Girl Scouts Association.

The mission of the association is the education of young people, particularly girls and women, focusing on the development of their entire potential and civic spirit, in order to become responsible citizens, actively involved in the decision making process.

The strategic objectives are:

To develop the members’ capacity to assume responsibilities

To train the members in order to have a responsible attitude in the community where they live

To encourage the members to be active, to surpass difficulties and to be open to changes

To offer the members the opportunity to meet persons with different mentalities, cultures and religions, to accept such differences and to learn from one other

To educate young people in order to find their own way in life and their suitable spiritual side

To provide the members the opportunity to live in nature, to know it and to respect it

To encourage girls and women to believe in their own capacities and qualities

To encourage the equal participation of men and women in society

AGGR is open to all children, young people and adults, regardless of nationality, faith, race or other discrimination.

Registration as a member is voluntary. The members are individually admitted in the ranks of the association by filling in a registration form and giving the Promise.

Active members, honorary members and passive members form the association.

The Guides are organized on the following age branches:

Rainbows (5-7 years old)

Flowers (7-11 years old)

Guides (11-14 years old)

Senior Guides (14-18 years old)

Adventurers (18-25 years old)

The members over 18 years old could become unit leaders or could work in teams at local and national level on specific fields. At the same time, the adults could be involved in educative projects in local, national and international community.

In 1993 AGGR became associate member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and in June 2005 we have been accepted as full member of this important world organization for women.

Our vision is to become an organization with a strong structure and a positive image in the Romanian civil society, being able to provide its members efficient and qualitative educational and training programs.

And the most important goal is to become one of the most representative Romanian organizations for youth in the next 10 years.