Westwell Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council

Held on Monday, 2nd November 2015 at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall

1.  Open Forum

There were no members of the public present.

2.  Present and Apologies

Cllr Mrs Drury (Chairman), Cllr Miss Davidson (Vice-chairman), Cllr Ms Farrington, Cllr Mrs Wyatt, Cllrs Bainbridge, Bartlett, Butcher, Faulkner and Lawrence, and Mrs S Wood (Clerk). Apologies were received from Cllr Krause (ward member).

3.  Declaration of Interests

Cllr Mrs Drury, OSI agenda item 7.2.

Cllr Ms Farrington, OSI agenda item 7.5.

4.  Minutes and Matters Arising

4.1 Minutes of 7th September and 22nd October 2015


That the Minutes of the meetings of Westwell Parish Council held on 7th September and 22nd October 2015 be approved and confirmed as true records.

4.2 Matters arising

There were no Matters Arising.

5.  Reports

5.1  Borough Councillor There was no report in Cllr Krause’s absence.

5.2 Playing field warden Continuing problems of dog-fouling will be reported in the Westwell Eye. The replacement lid for the playing field bin is on order, Mr Bellwood will repair the existing lid and plant the replacement honeysuckle. Cllr Faulkner will repair the damaged picnic table. Cllr Mrs Wyatt will source neck straps and badges for Mr Bellwood and Mr Hooper (playing field warden) – these will carry photo ID.

5.3 PCSO The PCSO’s report was circulated. The recent reported case of poaching was not in Westwell. Cllr Mrs Wyatt reported a burnt out landrover at Tutt Hill. The Chairman reported a telephone scam purporting to be from a Police charity – this will be passed to the PCSO and Sandyhurst Lane Residents’ Association.

6.  Clerk’s report

6.1 Correspondence received. The list of correspondence received had been circulated. A weekly list of correspondence received will be circulated to all councillors.

6.1.1 Proposed traveller settlement solution. The Chairman advised that this related to a site at Nickley Wood which had been previously offered for sale to the Borough Council for use as a traveller site, and refused as unsuitable.

6.1.2 Email enquiring about a Neighbourhood Plain in light of that for Boughton Aluph and Eastwell. The Clerk to respond along the lines previously circulated from the chairman.

6.1.3 Kent Highways Transportation survey: had been forwarded to Cllrs Butcher and Bainbridge.

6.1.4 KCC consultation on street lighting: the Chairman to draft a response on the lines of the previous response form the parish , including comments about safety issues on the A20 at Tutt Hill.

6.1.5 A draft response to the NALC Improvement Strategy survey had been circulated.and will be submitted

6.1.6 Defibrillator training: the Clerk to forward to Cllr Mrs Wyatt, who noted that she has a contact who can offer training. Current design addresses concerns re accidents arising from possible misuse.

6.1.7 The Chairman advised that the Parish Council has received an invitation to meet Tarmac. The Chairman, Cllr Faulkner and the Clerk to attend on 6th November.

6.2 Clerk’s training report. 23rd September: SLCC course on Parish Councils and Social Media; this was disappointing, because it did not address how to increase residents’ engagement with parish websites, Facebook and Twitter. 7th October: Planning information evening for Parish Councils; this was useful in that it gave an opportunity to meet planning officers, but little new information was given. Cllr Ms Farrington also attended, and noted that it did not explain the approach parish councillors should adopt with regard to planning applications. Cllr Butcher advised that KALC runs training on planning; the Chairman will contact Brian Lloyd re a training session for councillors.

7.  Financial report

7.1 Progress against Budget. Expenditure for the financial year was circulated.

7.2 Payments in accordance with the Budget.

The Chairman having declared an interest, the Vice-chairman took the Chair.


That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.


/ £
CPRE (subscription) / 36.00
Westwell Eye (subscription) / 60.00
S Wood (SLCC training – travel expenses) / 42.50
SLCC (training) / 20.00
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance (October) / 399.50
C Drury (expenses – printing leaflets for public meeting re Community Governance Review) / 132.00
KALC (training) / 144.00
S Wood (salary September) / 476.67
S Wood (salary October) / 476.67
S Wood (expenses) / 29.30
C Drury (signs – Royal Jubilee oak and commemorative tree) / 36.00
Receipts / £
Lloyds Bank interest / 2.05
Precept / 7575.00
Concurrent Functions Grant / 1155.00
Council Tax Support Grant / 190.00
Cleverly & Spencer (interment fees) / 270.00
High Halden Parish Council (Clerk’s training – reimbursement) / 15.63
HMRC – VAT refund / 292.45
Playing Field Association (payment for bin lid) / 59.63

Balance including reserves: (cheque and deposit accounts): £ 35507.09 as at 9th November 2015

Balance (No 2 account): £ 2893.55

Cllr Mrs Drury returned to the Chair.

An invoice from Countrywide Grounds Maintenance of £240 for strimming and spraying the boundary of the playing field was presented. It was noted that although the quote had been requested at the meeting on 7th September the contractor had not been asked to carry out the work. The Clerk will write to the contractor. Countrywide Grounds Maintenance had claimed that strimming and spraying the boundary would be a ‘one off’ and that the boundary could then be maintained by mowing; this will be monitored.

The replacement playing field bin lid has been obtained at cost on behalf of the Playing Field Association.

7.3 Increase in the Clerk’s allowance for internet provision

This will be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

7.4 Report on works to which the Parish Council is committed

Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked that these be listed on the agenda of future meetings.

Village signs: in hand with KCC Highways. The Clerk to press for an installation date

New access to the parish hall – repairs: the Chairman has contacted Frank Dwyer.

Church path: Frank Dwyer has been asked for a specification. This will be raised at the meeting with Tarmac (see item 6.1.7); Cllr Mrs Wyatt recommended tar and chippings, it was agreed that tarmac alone would be too urban. Cllr Ms Farrington suggested that the Parochial Church Council be asked for a contribution when costs are known.

Trees on Church green: The Chairman noted that as previously agreed an aerial survey and technical survey had been carried out and hanging branches removed, at a cost of £732 (including VAT). A quote of £750 for a PICUS survey of all three trees had been received. The Tree Officer has advised that the amenity aspects of the trees should be taken into account, with public engagement and a replanting scheme. Cllr Ms Farrington stated that there has been no adverse feedback re the possibility of felling from the immediate neighbours. The Parochial Church Council has been consulted and has unanimously but with regret accepted the need to fell the chestnut but the church gate. Quotes are awaited for felling the chestnut, grinding out the stump, logging and a crown reduction of the sycamore. The tree surgeon’s verbal recommendations are awaited in writing. Cllr Ms Farrington proposed that the PICUS survey be carried out to assess the extent of decay in the sycamore, the results of which will help decide whether crown reduction will be sufficient or whether felling should be carried out of that tree also . The Vice-chairman noted that felling would be one-off cost unlike management; she would support felling the sycamore. The Chairman proposed that a PICUS survey be commissioned for the sycamore and chestnut tree closest to the highway.


That a PICUS survey be commissioned to determine the extent of the decay in the sycamore and chestnut tree closest to the highway.

7.5 Draft Budget for 2016-2017

The draft budget was presented by the Vice-chairman. Cllr Bartlett suggested that the Parish Council’s bank account be moved to one paying a higher rate of interest. The Chairman noted that the account is a Business account and pays no bank charges. Cllr Bartlett to enquire what possibilities are available. It was noted that as the reserves need to be available in case of need instant access would be necessary.

The Vice-chairman suggested that the tree works be funded from Reserves; the works to the church path and access way (see 7.4) could then be funded from the Parish Assets Maintenance fund. In light of this Appendix A will be amended to show that expenditure on the tree works will come from the tree surgery budget, any additional funding would be from Reserves.

Cllr Bartlett noted that the draft Budget proposed a 2% rise in the Precept, and asked if this could be justified if the tree works are carried out in the current financial year. Cllr Bainbridge queried the rationale behind a 2% rise, the Chairman advised that KCC and the Borough Council are limited to 1.99%.

There are intimations that if the Concurrent Functions Grant continues to be paid (contrary to earlier expectations), Parish Councils may be asked to take over more services.

Cllr Bartlett asked if a list was held of Parish Council-owned trees, Cllr Lawrence replied that it is not, but comprises all trees on land maintained by the Parish Council. Given that the trees are inspected only by the Council, Cllr Ms Farrington expressed concerns re liability. The Clerk will follow-up with the insurance company and the type of inspections carried out on Borough Council-owned land.

The Chairman advised that the Budget will be finalised at the January meeting, by which time the grants will have been confirmed, likely tree works identified and the outcome of the Staffing Committee known.

Cllr Bainbridge suggested an increase in Precept of 1-1.5%; Cllr Butcher counselled against given that more services are likely to be devolved.

8.  Planning matters

8.1  Planning applications received

No planning applications were received before distribution of the agenda.

8.2  Planning applications received after distribution of the agenda

15/01426/AS 1 Malthouse Cottage, Westwell Lane, Westwell

Rear infill extension and alterations to replace existing glazed conservatory

The application will infill a small yard to the rear, and will not be visible from the highway. It was proposed that the application be supported.


That the application be supported.

8.3 Local Plan review update The Chairman advised that there are indications that no shortlist of sites for the parish will be published, contrary to previous assertions that it would be issued in November. The draft Plan will be published in April. The Chairman will write to Simon Cole asking for confirmation and expressing concerns with regard to blight and uncertainty.

The Chairman reported that she and Cllr Butcher had met Nick Dowling, who works for a company which seeks to work with Parish Councils on Local Needs Housing. The chairman and Cllr Butcher will have further contact to discuss rural policy wording to suggest for the draft local plan.

8.4 Other planning matters The Chairman reported an email concerning activity on land next to Sunnybridge Farm; Planning has been asked to investigate and if this is an enforcement action. The Clerk will forward the email to Tom Parrett.

9.  Reports from Parish Council representatives

9.1 KALC Minutes of the meeting of 16th July had been circulated.

9.2 ACRK Cllr Butcher’s report had been circulated.

9.3 Highways Cllr Butcher reported that Lisa Willoughby (née Holder) had advised that following reorganisation in KCC Highways there is a new Drains Manager for the Ashford area. Cllr Butcher will liaise re drainage issues in the cul de sac Westwell Lane; the Chairman will update the resident concerned.

9.4 Parish Hall Management Committee Minutes of the latest meeting will be circulated. Cllr Ms Farrington is progressing an updating of the charity constitution for the Westwell parish hall. A CIO is probably the best option: the Chairman will take advice from Jenny Bradbury at the ACRK AGM.

9.5 Parish and Urban Forum Cllr Mrs Wyatt attended. Richard Alderton spoke on Planning Enforcement and Colin Mawston on the Enforcement toolkit. Cllr Mrs Wyatt advised that she had asked under what circumstances it would be used, and challenged the Borough Council’s assertion that it is used in response to local intelligence, citing the Watery Lane site. Lorry parking is on the agenda for the next parish and urban forum meeting on 27th January 2016. The Chairman will prepare a briefing note.

9.6 Tree Warden Cllrs Lawrence and Bainbridge will prune the leylandii by the oil tank and field maple at the front of the hall; David Beadle will be asked to assist.

9.7 Playing field association Cllr Butcher’s report had been circulated.

10.  Governance of the parish hall

See 9.4.

11.  Christmas tree for Church green

In hand with the Chairman and Cllr Lucy Farrington.

12.  Broadband provision in the parish

Cllr Krause had facilitated the delivery of improved broadband provision in Hothfield; Cllr Krause has advised that the Wheel Inn could achieve 80mB/sec. It was noted that the fastest speeds are via cable, which is not available in the parish. The Chairman suggested that a map of provision in the parish be drawn up; to identify the problem areas that need to be improved. Broadband speed checks can be checked online, though these may be optimistic.

13.  Provision of village defibrillator

A first responder would be needed, it was suggested that Nina Batsford is a firefighter and trained first aider. Cllr Faulkner will ask Miss Batsford if she is willing to be a first responder. Cllr Bartlett asked how the defibrillator would be funded, given that it would be an unbudgeted item, the Chairman suggested it should be paid from Reserves as a new asset.

14.  Neighbourhood Watch scheme

Cllr Bartlett’s paper had been circulated. It was noted that the scheme as proposed by the police only covers motor thefts and thefts from homes and outbuildings. Cllr Bartlett advised that information is distributed via Neighbourhood Watch coordinators. Cllr Bartlett asked who had been coordinators previously, and was advised to contact Mike Jamieson and Mick Pier. He has already met with Celeste Muir in Watery Lane. Cllr Bartlett will also contact the PCSO and lead officer of the Rural Crime team to work out how we get relevant information to share.