Lumsden Primary School Snow Pack P4-7

Try a book you have never read before. You could ask someone for a suggestion, raid a book cupboard or download one to a Kindle / Go out and play in the snow!
You could sledge, roll ‘angel’ or tunnel. This list is not exhaustive! / Travel Agent
Plan and cost a holiday for your family. Where will you go? Remember to include entrance fees, travel and accommodation costs / Scale Drawing
Make a scale drawing of a room. Include items of furniture. Will your drawing need a key or colour code? / What lurks under your bed?
Pull everything from under your bed. Don’t put it all back! Clean the space and return things tidily / Be a photographer
Can you take some wintry pictures? Try to be creative. If you are allowed, you could print out your favourite
Be a film critic
Watch a film and write a review. Look for a storyline, character development, how a mood is set and cast list / Housework Workout
Volunteer to do some physical jobs at home! Have you tried mopping, polishing, dusting, hoovering? / Time Line
Choose 10 events from history. Present them in the form of a timeline in the right order / Shopping receipts
Use a receipt as the starting point to set yourself five mathematical challenges. You could for example calculate how many 5p, 10p, 2p coins it would take to pay the bill / Be an art forger
Look carefully at a famous painting. Can you try to recreate it? Make a frame for your masterpiece / Come Dine With Me
With supervision, make a meal. This includes doing the dishes and tidying the kitchen. What did your family think of your efforts?
How many words can you make
from the letters in your name? Can you make an anagram or sentence using these letters? / Make some snow shoes
Test them.
Are they fit for purpose? / Read the newspaper or use the internet to get news. Can you find all the locations of the news stories in the news today? / Practise the areas of Maths and Numeracy you know you need to. Get someone to set you challenges. Use the internet / Chill with music
Find a piece of classical music. Lie down, close your eyes, listen and relax / Play a board game with your friends. Dig out the Monopoly or Scrabble. Who won?
Interview an unsuspecting adult! Make up your questions in advance (maximum of 10). Think of an interesting way to record the answers / Do a spot of social dancing! (This may mean dancing with your brother or sister – too bad!!) / Choose a country
Create a fact file. Try to include a map, interesting facts, imports/exports, customs, famous people, famous landmarks / Design a snowflake
Study a snowflake. Consider shape, pattern, symmetry / Wildlife Detective
Go out and look for signs of animals in the wintry weather. Think how you might help the birds etc eat. What can you do to help? / Card creating
Make a greeting card for someone. Can you make an envelope too?