Charity No. 1089481 June 2015 No. 222

The June Meeting

A pleasing turnout of sixty members, friends and guests enjoyed our annual Wine & Cheese evening which was, as usual, a great success. It was good to welcome some new faces. Many thanks to Jackie for doing the shopping, preparing the buffet, carting it all to the club and taking all the rubbish home for disposal. Well done, Jack! Thank you to those present who completed a food frequency questionnaire submitted by Chinyere Amadi from her university on the subject of dietary intake of cardiac support group members advised to follow the Mediterranean diet in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. What a mouthful!

The July Meeting

This will take place on Thursday 9thJuly from about 7.30pm at The British Legion,Western Road, Romford. We have been unable to book a speaker so we will hold a fun quiz. The usual rules will apply so expect disorganisation. If anyone knows of speakers who can be booked at a reasonable fee please let Jackie know. She has contacted several, or has tried to, as they appear to ignore telephone calls and emails.

Ronabillies Quiz Night

I refer to details given in last two months’ newsletters. The quiz will take place on 17th October at Jay Boys Club at Ridgwell Close, Dagenham, RM10 9AJ. Tickets for the event have been printed and will be available at our June meeting and by post. The entrance fee is £8 per person which includes grub but bring your own booze. We need as many teams as possible so please let us have your support. Remember the entire proceeds raised will be for your benefit. Thank you.


As many of you are aware I submitted an application to the Big Lottery Fund Awards for All to raise some cash for our benefit. Apparently we are not part of the ‘All’ who receive awards because we were turned down. Our project was deemed not strong enough to be offered funding and we are not eligible in any event because we have too many relatives on our committee. The decision is final and any appeal will be unsuccessful. I will keep my thoughts to myself so as not to upset anyone. Do not be alarmed as we have sufficient funds to see us through for some time but expenses such as coach trips will have to go on hold. I will now start on the banks so watch this space.


Many thanks for books of stamps received fromJoyce Scanes, Pat Dorling and Brian Waldron, envelopes received form Pat and Alan Palmer and Brian Waldron and cash from Norman Dimond for which we are most grateful.

St Thomas’ Flower Festival

Jackie and I paid a visit to this event at Noak Hill on Saturday 4th July and thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many nice people who had made such a great effort. The flowers were superb. There were several stalls, free gifts and the catering was enjoyable. The prices were reasonable and it was obvious that so much care had been taken by everyone in holding the event. I felt as though I had stepped back in time. It was also a beautiful sunny day.

NeverTick OffA Nurse
Abig shot attorney had to spend a of couple daysinthehospital.He was a royal pain to the nurses because hebossed them aroundjustlike he did his staff.None of the hospitalstaffwanted tohaveanything to do withhim.The head nurse was the only one who could stand up tohim. She came into his room and announced, "I have totake your temperature."Aftercomplaining for several minutes, he finallysettled down, crossedhis arms and opened his mouth.

"No,I'm sorry," the nursestated, "but for this reading, Ican't use an oralthermometer." This startedanotherround of complaining but eventually he rolledover and bared hisbehind.
Afterfeeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard herannounce,"I have to get something. Now you stay just likethat until I getback!" Sheleft the door to his room open on her way out. Hecursed underhis breath as he heard people walking past his door, laughing.Afterabout 20 minutes, the man's doctor came intothe room."What'sgoing on here?"asked the doctor. Angrily,the man answered, "What's thematter, doc? Haven't you everseen someone having their temperaturetaken?"
Aftera pause, the doctor confessed....."Notwith aDaffodil."

Contact Information If you need or wish to contact us our telephone number is 01708 472697.Our email addresses are: , Ken Richmond