ENDS 2205 – Hydraulics and Pneumatics

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I.COURSE TITLE:Hydraulics and Pneumatics






An introductory course to impart basic knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic concepts, components and systems for power transmission and control, where laboratory work is performed using industrial components and circuits.


Basic Fluid Power

Second edition

by Pease, Dudley A. and Pippenger, John J.


ISBN: 0-13-061508-0


  1. Explain forces on plain and curved boundaries.
  2. Define piping systems and the dynamics of pipe flow.
  3. Design piping systems involving friction, systems with laminar and turbulent flow.
  4. Understand the difference between absolute and gage pressures.
  5. Understand the principles of hydraulic power transmission.
  6. Understand Pascal’s Law
  7. Understand Bernoulli’s Equation
  8. Understand the properties of fluid


Lecture, independent and group projects and labs, in-class and home assignments, quizzes, tests may be used.

This course is combination of in-class lecture, and hands-on laboratory applications, solving problems using both graphical and mathematical methods.


Grading follows the policy in the college catalog.

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= 0-59

Attendance and assignments20% of final grade

Three tests60% of final grade

Comprehensive Final Examination20% of final grade

Note: Class attendance and participation is strongly recommended.

*No late exercises accepted without advanced approval, and will be penalized 10% per class.

There will be no make-up tests.

Students guilty of academic misconduct receive a failing grade.

Please see the college catalog and student handbook.



  1. Introduction. Historical background. Why fluid power? Definitions, The use, advantages, economy. Components and examples of applications.
  2. Basic Principles of Hydraulics. Relationship of force and pressure, Concepts & Principles affecting flow.
  3. Bernoulli’s equation, Continuity Equation, Toricelli’s Equation.

Laminar and Turbulent flow, Reynolds’ Number, Darcy’s Formula.

  1. Fluids for Hydraulic Power. Petroleum base fluids. Viscosity. Stability. Rust prevention. Test 1.
  2. Foaming. Pour point. Neutralization number. Fire-resistance. Water-in-oil emulsions. Book reports due.
  3. Sealing devices. Conditions affecting the selection of sealing devices. Materials.
  4. Shape of seal. Face seals. O-rings. Seals in Rotation and Translation.
  5. Distribution of hydraulic power. Operating pressure & factor of safety.
  6. Test 2. Pressure drop. Fluid velocity.
  7. Chemical reaction. Conductors, connectors, and applications.
  8. Conditioning power fluids. Reservoir. Heat exchangers. Contamination. Stainers & filters. Benefits of proper conditioning.
  9. Source of Power. Pumps. Input horsepower. Pump classifications, theory, design types. Control of pumps.
  10. Control of Hydraulic Power. Pressure controls. Directional control valves. Flow control valves. Test 3.
  11. Actuators. Cylinders. Cylinder velocity. Seals. Cushioning. Rotary actuators. Fluid motors. System components and circuits. Spools.
  12. Pneumatics. Properties of air, flow, measurement, free air, standard air, moisture, compressing & conditioning air. FRL. The Gas Laws.

Final Examination: Comprehensive, 2 hours, and all lab reports due.

Student Laboratory Experiments, Exercises, Assignments:

Number:Brief Description:

1 a. Select hydraulics book for report. Laboratory safety & clean-up.

b. Answer (12) assigned questions on introduction & history.

c. Read and answer Vickers handout: Hydraulic Transmission of Force and Energy.

2 a. Lab 1: Pressure; answer (7) questions, plot flow vs pressure.

b. Answer (16) assigned questions on basic principles.

c. Vickers handout: Operation at the Suction Side of a Pump

3 a. Lab 2: Flow; answer (7) questions.

b. Answer (13) assigned questions on fluids for hydraulic power.

c. Vickers handout: Hydraulic Actuators; force, stroke, volume, speed.

4 a. Lab 3: Check Valve; answer (4) questions

b. Answer (10) questions on sealing devices.

c. Vickers handout: Control of Hydraulic Energy

5 a. Lab 4: Relief Valves; answer (3) questions

b. Answer (11) question on distribution of hydraulic power.

c. Vickers handout: Check valves, accumulators, cylinders.

6 a. Lab 5: Directional Control Valves; answer (3) questions.

b. Answer (19) questions on conditioning power fluids.

7 a. Lab 6: Directional Control Valves; answer (5) questions.

b. Answer (35) questions on the source of hydraulic power.

8 a. Lab 7: Transmitting Hydraulic Power; answer (3) questions.

b. Answer (30) questions on the control of the hydraulic power.

9 a. Lab 8: Control of Hydraulic Actuators; answer (3) questions.

b. Answer (21) questions on actuators, (20) components & circuits.

10 a. Lab 9: Pneumatics; Answer (17) questions on Pneumatics, (10) on compressors, (22) questions on the compressed air system.

Essential Outcomes:Satisfied by SSCC:

Number: Lecture Week; Exercise

  1. Explain forces on plain and curved boundaries1, 2, 3;1a.b.c. 2 a.
  2. Define piping systems and the dynamics of pipe2,3,5,8;2a.b.3a.b.


  1. Design piping systems involving friction, systems2a.b.5a,b

with laminar and turbulent flow.2,5,8;2a.b.5a.b

  1. Understand the difference between absolute and

gage pressures.1,2,8,9;2c.8a.b.9a

  1. Understand the principles of hydraulic power

transmission.1,5,8,12,13,14; 8a.b.9a.b

  1. Understand Pascal’s Law.1,2,8;2a.b.8a.b.
  2. Understand Bernoulli’s Equation2.3.15;2a.b.
  3. Understand the properties of fluids.1,2,5,6,10,11,15;



Vickers Industrial Hydraulics manuals available in lab for reference.

Laboratory Exercise Handouts will be furnished by SSCC.

Drafting Kit, Clothes for working in laboratory, Boots (at least no open toe shoes), Scientific Calculator. Safety glasses and ear protection provided.


Attendance and assignments count20% of final grade

Three tests count60% of final grade

Comprehensive Final Examination counts20% of final grade

Note: Class attendance and participation is strongly recommended.

*No late exercises accepted without advance approval, and will be penalized 10% per class. There will be no make-up tests. Students guilty of academic misconduct receive a failing grade.

Please see college catalog and student handbook.


All assignments and tests must be turned in on time. Students may work on their own time to complete the assignments. Laboratory exercises are assigned for the student to complete in teams during lab hours, with reports done by each student, individually, outside of class and lab hours.

Examinations will include written and graphical components.


FERPA: Students need to understand that your work may be seen by others.

Others may see your work when being distributed, during group project work, or if it is chosen for demonstration purposes.

Students also need to know that there is a strong possibility that your work may be submitted to other entities for the purpose of plagiarism checks.

DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities may contact the Disabilities Service Office, Central Campus, at 800-628-7722 or 937-393-3431.