Minutes of the Meeting held in The Village Hall, Cartmel on Thursday, 8th March 2012.

PRESENT: Cllrs Huggett (Chairman), Barker, Bird, Drinkall, Naylor, Pascall, Robinson, Shepherd, Unsworth, M Wilson, M E Wilson, County Cllr R Wilson. Sergeant Ken Jewell (for part of the meeting). 2 members of the public (for part of the meeting).

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Allen, Anderson, Bramwell, Sim.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AS CIRCULATED The Minutes of the Meeting held in the Mary Lambert Hall, Allithwaite on Thursday, 9th February 2012 as circulated were approved. Proposed by Cllr Naylor, seconded by Cllr Pascall and signed as a true record.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST in respect of items on Agenda. Cllr Naylor Item 7.viii) Plot 5A allotment. Cllr Unsworth Item 10.i) SLDC Licensing.


5. POLICE REPORT Sergeant Ken Jewell outlined matters regarding pressure on budgets and on re organisation to local policing teams. A review of all police stations and premises is being carried out to identify savings. A public consultation about public enquiry office opening times is about to be launched. Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde will be the acting Chief Constable for the foreseeable future. Overall crime and ASB in the area is down from last year. Shoplifting continues to be one of the most frequently reported crimes and crime trends to be aware of are metal theft and heating oil fuel thefts. Matters reported in need of monitoring were: obstruction parking at access to Dilly Garth, Back Orchard Road, obstruction parking at corner opposite Yakkers and excessive speeding of a black VW Polo car.

6. LOCAL AREA PARTNERSHIP 3 Parish priorities needed to improve services. Cllr M E Wilson reported that 3 parish priorities needed to be put forward to the LAP meeting to be held on 13th March. She stressed it was important for the future to get things done possibly by groups of parishes working together. LAP funding would be available for partnership working with wider communities. She considered environmental enhancement schemes, improvement of road signs and information boards/interpretation boards. She encouraged attendance at LAP meetings, to pull together collectively and involving/joining with more people to get more interest and involvement.


i) Edition 28 Newsletter To approve publication. Cllr M E Wilson considered that better emphasis for key headings should be put at the beginning of the newsletter to encourage more residents to read. Proposed by Cllr Drinkall, seconded by Cllr M Wilson that the Newsletter was suitable as it was. Unanimous. An amendment to be made to the article re the Environmental Enhancement scheme at Allithwaite.

ii) Financial Regulations Approval of final copy. Proposed by Cllr Drinkall, seconded by Cllr M Wilson that the Financial regulations be approved (with correction to a typing error). Unanimous.

iii) Parish Plan Work was being carried out on the questionnaire. Emma Nicholson at SLDC was helping to put questions on a website and paper questionnaires would also be available. It was noted that John Evans has done a lot of good work on the process so far.

iv) Parish Council Cottage Progress report/consideration of Tenancy & Tenancy arrangements. The kitchen had been delivered and was due to be fitted in the next week. Snagging work was being done. The date for completion should be before 21st March to receive final payment of the grant. SLDC would be notified to come and approve the work. A draft Tenancy Agreement had been considered by the working party. The Clerk outlined the applications received so far and confirmed that it was disappointing that there was not an application from a family in need from the Parish. The Cottage tenancy would be advertised in the Newsletter and an Open Day arranged for Saturday, 31st March 10am-2pm in the hope that further applications would be forthcoming.

v) Cartmel Village Toilets – Repairs It was reported that work on the roof lights had been done but was not satisfactory. The Chairman would take photographs to forward to SLDC to prove unsatisfactory work.

vi) LDF Land Allocations consultation To consider response. Cllr M E Wilson considered it would be hard to challenge the allocation of numbers as these were only indicative. She confirmed it was important all the constraints for the plots were included in the Parish Plan and development was in line with the Plan and what local people wanted. Mr Leach (member of the public) was concerned about sites RN148 & RN171 identified on Allithwaite Road, Cartmel. Although these sites were not included in the allocation for development, the extension to the line of the development boundary had remained. He considered there was no justification for this extension and that the PC response should confirm that there had not been proper consultation on this. Proposed by the Chairman and Unanimously agreed that the response should include that the Parish Council did not wish to see these areas within the development boundary line and that this extended line should be taken out. Cllr Drinkall also wanted it included in the response that access at both sides of site RN339 including RN73 would be onto dangerous narrow lanes (Green Lane & Vicarage Lane). Final response next meeting.

vii) CCC Consultation – Highway Improvement Schemes It was not sure what was requested here as a response had already been forwarded. County Councillor Wilson took to look at this.

viii) Plot 5A Allotment To consider allocation/wild flower site. The Clerk confirmed that someone was interested in this plot but they had been contacted again and had decided they did not want it now. Cllr Naylor’s suggestion for a wild flower site was a good suggestion but the reason that the pile of spoil was still there was due to the cost of removal. It was not sure if the funding would be available for this until after the Cottage renovation was completed. The Clerk to ask for estimates for removal. The Clerk reported that the water supply to the garden allotments had been cut off when work was carried out at the Cottage and reinstatement of a separate supply was needed in the near future.

ix) Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported that a member of the public had enquired if the Parish Council would be handing out any Diamond Jubilee memorabilia. Enquiries to be made of costs of different items. Diamond Jubilee Beacons Jonathan Garrett, Cartmel Steeplechases confirmed that no meeting had taken place regarding lighting of a beacon on Hampsfell and he was not sure if he needed anyone else to help. He confirmed if Cllr Naylor would like to meet him he should go along to the racecourse anytime. It was planned that the beacon would be lit just after dusk on the 4th June. Salt/Grit Heap A heap of salt/grit had been delivered but had been dropped on the extension car park when it was asked for delivery at the bottom end of the car park. An apology for this had been sent to Jonathan Garrett. The Chairman considered this could be collected by Philip Wilson and Ted Fearon for help in bad weather for using when the milk tanker had difficulty getting to their farms. District Councillor Cllr M E Wilson would respond to the consultation about a nuclear waste depository which Allerdale & Copeland and the CC were keen to receive from Parish Councils. Cllr Wilson asked if a letter could be sent congratulating the Primary School at Cartmel on the opening of their new school hall/kitchen. County Councillor Report Cllr R Wilson reported that the hedge opposite the Priory School had been laid. There had been a change of policy regarding 20mph flashing lights and further concern had been expressed about the junction of Town End/Haggs Lane, the CC still consider that nothing can be done to improve the junction. School Safety Zone improvements carried out had made it much easier for pupil management. Funding had been received from the LAP for some of the second phase work in the next financial year. Monitoring of vehicles through the Narrows had taken place and it was considered that extending the 30mph sign further would not make any difference.


i) Parish Council Community a/c £4,294.10 Business Base Rate Tracker £5,631.22.

ii) Money Received Mr M Moorhouse Field Rent £145.00. LAP Grant for Lengthsmans Hours £560.00. LAP funding for schools zone scheme £1,460.00. Parkin & Jackson memorial L Swart £158.00. Saunders & Son Burial S Gill & I Burrows £392.00.

iii) Cheques for Approval Clerk February Salary £388.00 + £31.00 Expenses. BT Broadband Mar/Apr/May £39.00. Sikkens Stain for wayside seats £42.00. Mary Lambert Hall February Meeting £12.00. Cumbria Waste Recycling Bin Hire £4.60 + 92p VAT. Howdens Joinery Co. Cottage kitchen £790.60 + £158.12 VAT. Richard Wyatt plumbing at cottage £414.95. Cartmel Village Hall meetings £41.00. Lengthsman 9 hours £99.00. David Huggett miscellaneous items for Cottage £64.38. Lakes Electrical balance £384.38 + £76.87 VAT. Proposed by Cllr Pascall, seconded by Cllr Barker that Finance be approved. Unanimous.


i) Consideration of relevant planning applications SL/2011/0059 Approved; 0080 & 0081 Approved; 0088 No Comment; 0110 Approved; 0119 No Comment; 0155 No Comment.

ii) Applications Approved by SLDC: Agricultural Building, Cartmel Farmhouse. Alterations & Extensions Natal, Boarbank Lane. Installation of ground mounted solar array Howbarrow Farm, Cartmel.

iii) Applications Refused by SLDC None to Date

iv) Aplications Recommended for Approval by Parish Council Replacement stable block Hill Farm, Cartmel (with concern). Roofed entrance Veranda (revised scheme) Pheasant Inn, Allithwaite. Internal alterations to 1st floor Kings Arms, Cartmel.

v) Applications Recommended for Refusal by Parish Council None to Date.

A letter from SLDC confirmed that as from April 2012 they would no longer send paper copies of planning decision notices to Parish Councils. Confirmation was also received that planning surgeries would no longer be held in Grange-over-Sands. Planning Officers would still be available to give advice to local residents on an appointment basis but this may involve a fee for the service.

10.  CORRESPONDENCE i) SLDC Licensing Red Pepper, Devonshire Square, Cartmel. Noted.

OTHER CORRESPONDENCE i) Lakeland Trails Running & Walking Event This would take place at Cartmel on 17th March 2012. Suggestions were requested to make Cartmel event a success. ii) Scrutiny Committees at SLDC Consideration of areas of service which PC’s think could be appropriate for a review. Cllr M E Wilson confirmed this was being passed back to the community for their views.

i) OTHER MATTERS i) Allithwaite Quarry Butterfly Conservation – Request for four nest boxes at a cost of £40.00. Cllr Robinson confirmed that his son-in-law had received a delivery of a supply of nest boxes. Cllr M E Wilson proposed and Cllr Shepherd seconded that Cllr Robinson ask if some could be donated for the Quarry. Unanimous.


Cllr Pascall Had spoken to the Primary School and they were enthusiastic about coming up with a design for the bus shelter at Clogger Beck.

Cllr Naylor Asked if the stile on Humphrey Head was on a public footpath – it was confirmed that this was not a public footpath.

Cllr M E Wilson Had received complaints about dog mess in Cartmel and Allithwaite.

The Meeting closed at 10.00pm and the Chairman thanked everyone for attending. The next meeting of the Council will be held at The Mary Lambert Hall, Allithwaite on Thursday, 12th April 2012 at 7.15pm.