Sample Chaperone Information Sheet



Thank you for your willingness to help us on this trip. Your duties are few, but very important. The information in this handout will outline the basic job of chaperoning a music trip. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or volunteer help in regard to any aspect of the trip.

The chaperones on this trip are: ______




If possible, arrive no later than 7:00 AM to supervise the pre-trip procedure. Students should bring all suitcases and garment bags to the parking lot next to the baseball field. We are asking the students to put their suitcases by the bus they will be riding.

We will need all chaperones to help search the luggage for anything that is not appropriate for the trip. Once the luggage is checked it may be put underneath the bus. The students have been instructed to board the bus as soon as possible.

ALL ITEMS SHOULD HAVE A LUGGAGE TAG ON IT. Please help check around the bus for any luggage that you suspect may have been left behind.


Take attendance before leaving the High School, and before leaving each stop. Please verify actual names and count heads! We do not permit students to switch buses. Distribute itineraries if students need them. There is an itinerary for each day.

At each stop please keep students in the coach until instructions have been given by the trip coordinator(s). Insist on safe travel behavior. Given the length of the trip, we will permit a certain amount movement in the aisles. However, be on the alert for behavior which could lead to injury depending on traffic conditions, noise, and the mood of the bus driver!

Monitor the general mood of the bus to determine the time and selection of videos to be shown. You have the right (and responsibility!) to refuse to play any videos that might be offensive to some students. Under no circumstances should an “R” rated video be shown. Please monitor the cleanliness of the bus throughout the trip. After the return trip please make a final search of the inside of the bus to be sure that all items have been removed. Verify that all luggage has been removed from underneath the bus, and has been claimed by the students. Please remain on the school grounds until all students have secured transportation home.


Assist in distribution of room keys and check-in forms. There will be ___ rooms of students –___ for girls and ___ for boys. Each chaperone will be responsible for ____ rooms – a total of ____ students. All chaperones will meet after arrival at the hotel to assign specific rooms to the chaperones based on the location of your room in the hotel.

After the key distribution you should visit rooms and assist with any problems. Please familiarize yourself with hotel services that could add extra charges to the student rooms (mini-bar, pay movies, telephone calls) and review those with the students. Remind students to complete the check-in form and return it to you.

At check-out time, chaperones should collect room keys and make a final search of each of their assigned rooms to be sure nothing has been left. Complete the check-out form and return to Mrs. Victor.


Curfew time will be at _____ P.M. This time is established by the officials and trip coordinators in conjunction with the hotel. We are asking all students to return to their rooms by ______P.M.. You should remind students of the time about ten minutes before curfew. Visit each of your rooms at curfew time and make a visual contact with each student assigned to the room. At least two chaperones should stay in the hallways after curfew and watch for doors opening. (There should be no need to visit the vending or ice machines after curfew!) React immediately and insist that students obey curfew time. Remain on duty for as long as deemed necessary be the circumstances. It would also be a good idea for a chaperone or two to observe the rooms from outside to insure that no unsafe behavior is occurring on the balconies.

  1. Help music teachers deal with individual problems. Be available at all times!
  2. Be a cheerleader! Expect minor problems and some inconvenience to occur. Do what you can to help us make the best of any situation. Be careful of what you say in front of the students. In particular, do not complain or make a suggestion that we alter our itinerary. Please talk privately with the Directors about any concerns you may have.
  3. BE ON TIME! It is very difficult to keep students on schedule if the chaperones are late. Please make every effort to stay ahead of itinerary times.
  4. Please let students know where you can be reached in case of an emergency. All students must stay with the group and attend all scheduled events.
  5. If students become ill, or if a discipline problem requires it, we may leave a student at the hotel. If this occurs, we will ask one chaperone to stay with them. Let’s hope we don’t need to!
  6. During free time one or two chaperones should be on duty for each hour with the RED MEDICAL BOOK. The chaperones will be located in a common area so that if any students have a problem they will know where to find help. We will set up a location and time schedule for each time there is free time.
    You must park in the parking lot near the football field. Please place the parking permit sign in the window of your car and park in a row closest to the football stadium as opposed to by the school.