1)  Changes to Emissions Screen:

i)  Option to delete emission data for the selected FIN only: In addition to the existing option of deleting emission data for all FIN’s, the user will now be able to clear emission data for the selected FIN only.

ii)  Option to sort the emission data: The user will be able to define a custom sort definition via below dialog, and sort the emission data.

iii)  Option to filter the emission data: The user will be able to define a custom filter definition via below dialog, and filter the emission data.

2)  Changes to Add Missed Emissions Screen:

Added horizontal split bar so that the user can see the contaminant info and emission data at the same time:

3)  Validation for inactive/shutdown FIN’s for Delta file extract:

If the user does not select the “Extract only ACTIVE FINs” option and if there are emissions in inactive or shutdown FIN paths, following warning message will display:


1)  Problem with large numbers (greater than 1000 tons) as the hundredths and thousandths place are not coming across correctly.

2)  Missing Data Add screen is made bigger and added a split bar so that the user could see the check box, pollutant name, and emission numbers in a single view.

3)  Ability to print signature page (through reports menu).

4)  Error message for an efficiency number on a CIN. When looking at the efficiency number in the ASCII delta file it is a value that looks like this 99.9018563543564 when the value listed in LonestarS is 99.9.

5)  The software crashes/exits and database loses all FIN data when a FIN name is revised and/or a value too large is entered into the field.

6)  Certain values, including UTM coordinates and percentages, have too many decimal digits, generating large number of error messages in validation report from TCEQ.

7)  Contaminant Code Grouping List - Multiple entries of same contaminant code for VOC category. Results in double-counting and over-estimates VOC totals.

8)  Zero values for percentages result in validation errors stating, “attribute has the wrong domain”, and LoneStarS won’t allow entering zero, however, zero is a valid value for percentages.

9)  The Temperature unit Deg F = Degrees Fahrenheit is not found in the unit codes table, yet this is an extremely common unit necessary when adding new EPNs. This unit is listed for existing EPNs, but not available when entering new EPNs.

10)  Add capability to sort emissions by contaminant code.

11)  Add capability to zero out emissions for one FIN path only, rather than all emissions in the whole database.

12)  Can’t add new contaminant codes to contaminant code list. LoneStarS prompts user to remove duplicates of other contaminant codes first, but they are not exact dups, because the chemical names are different.

13)  When you add a FIN or EPN, and select CRUD Type = “Add”, then get out of LoneStarS, then get back in LoneStarS, LoneStarS replaces the “Add” with “Update”.

14)  Annual Operating Hours – when a user enters a zero, LoneStarS creates a blank in the delta file, instead of a zero.

15)  The option to eliminate inactive FIN emissions from the delta file actually deletes the entire FIN and all its attributes (not just emissions) from the delta file.

16)  Tried to change a control efficiency for an existing CIN. Got the following message:

“SQLSTATE = S0002 . [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'cins'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.= No changes made to database. UPDATE cins SET voc_eff = 95, crud_type_id = 'U' WHERE cin_id = 18”

17)  Add another digit to the left of the decimal point for longitude (an EPN attribute). Currently, LoneStarS doesn’t allow a user to insert a value > 100, but there are valid longitudes in west Texas with values > 100.

18)  If a CIN attribute is updated in the CIN info section, then the CRUD type for the CIN-EPN form for that CIN must also be listed as Update, even if no info in that form has changed.

19)  Validation error of “Attribute has the wrong domain: Annual Operating Hours” – During file extract, LoneStarS will default the annual operating hours to 0 (zero) if empty.

20)  Validation error of “You cannot add emissions to inactive/shutdown path” – If the user does not check the “Extract only ACTIVE FINs” box, a warning message will display if there are emissions included on inactive or shutdown FINs.

21)  Validation error of “LDAR PROGRAM REASON” is repeated on the FIN Characteristics page – The user can delete the repeating code from “CHARACTERISTIC CODES” code table.

22)  Validation error of “LDAR PROG IN USE” – do not abbreviate the word “PROG” – The user can change the code to read “LDAR PROGRAM IN USE” from “CHARACTERISTIC CODES” code table.

23)  Validation error for Tank attributes “HEATED TANK”. The value should be upper case “N” or “Y” – Characteristics screen will automatically change entries to upper case for values.

LoneStarS – What’s New - 2011 Page 1 of 4