Rochester Conservation Commission

Minutes of the June 25, 2014

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

Approved 07-23-2014

Members Present: Staff:

Deborah Shigo, Chair Seth Creighton, Staff Planner

Michael Dionne, Vice Chair

Meredeth Lineweber

Mark Jennings

Jeffrey Winders

Jack Hackett


The Chair convened the regular meeting at 6:31 p.m.

Minutes: The regular meeting minutes of May 25th were reviewed. Jack Hackett motioned to accept the minutes, with the revisions suggested by Mark Jennings, Michael Dionne seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously.

Mark Jennings motioned to approve the Non-public meetings, Michael Dionne seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously.

1. Public Hearing Regarding Land Acquisition – The Commission held a public hearing regarding purchasing a conservation easement on 195 Ten Rod Rd, commonly referred to as the “Laverdiere Farm”. The potential purchasers, Matthew and Gretchen Scruton, were present and said they were available for questions. The Conservation Commission explained that they had reviewed the Conservation Easement Appraisal at their last “non public” session; now that this was in a public hearing they could talk about their thoughts openly. The Commission stated they understood that the appraisal said the easement is valued at $515,000 for 178 acres. The Commission asked the Scruton’s how much money they were looking for towards the easement; Matthew Scruton said “the full amount,” $515,000 was needed. Staff Planner Seth Creighton explained that he had met with the Finance Department and learned that just over $375,000 is available to the Commission, but that not all funds should be devoted to the easement purchase because some of it would be needed to pay related legal, surveying, and consulting services. Jeffrey Winders asked if the $375,000 is the full amount, or if more funds would be deposited at the end of the fiscal year; Seth Creighton said it was his understanding, after speaking with Finance Dept, that $375,000 was the full anticipated amount. Jeffrey Winders said he might double check with Finance.

Representatives from Strafford Rivers Conservancy (Samuel Reid) and South East Land Trust (Brian Hart) were present and interested in assisting with this project as well. Both Land Trust representatives expressed their desire and willingness to assist in any way possible with this acquisition, but that they could not commit to anything specific tonight, and that the extremely short time frame adds to the difficulty. Brian Hart spoke about having his Board review the project and look to see what funds are available to bridge any gaps that the City may not be able to; Samuel Reid suggested that Federal funding be applied for via grants, but that these wouldn’t be available in time for the Scruton’s desired closing date.

Mark Jennings made a motion to spend up to $350,000 to purchase an easement on 178 acres, or an alternative amount of acreage which holds an easement appraisal value of at least $350,000; Meredeth Lineweber seconded the motion; all members voted in favor, the motion passed unanimously.

2. Presentations: Presentation by Rochester Planning regarding Rochester DPW’s Watershed Assistance Grant Application for Western St/Adams St Neighborhood (Willow Brook Watershed)

The Staff Planner explained that the DPW and Community Development departments are working together on this grant application; the hope is to secure funding to implement Low Impact Development stormwater treatment systems into the Western St/Adams St street construction project, including tree-box filters, bio-retention swales, etc... The Commission discussed that this was the largest watershed, and it is currently impaired. They agreed to write a letter of support for this project; Mark Jennings made a motion to send a letter of support; Michael Dionne seconded; all voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

3. Old Business: Hope Farm Easement – Consultant Bambi Miller presented the

Commission with an updated draft easement which has done away with the previous septic language, added language to permit hoop-pole greenhouses, etc.. She also explained what has been completed to date regarding surveying and baseline documentation. She next intends to meet with the City’s legal counsel and asked Seth Creighton to contact him.

4. Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber / Intent to Excavate

a) Notice of Intent to Cut: 773 Portland St (Map/Lot: 108-52) The Commission had no concern with this application.

b) Notice of Intent to Cut: 181 Highland St (Rt 202) (Map/Lot: 106-4) The Commission thought that this property was already timbered, recently. Member Jeff Winders agreed to look at the property to see if there were additional trees that could be timbered.

5) Other:

a) Staff Planner Seth Creighton said he had a received a phone called regarding the Edith Holly easement; the caller wanted to know if the easement allowed public access. The Commission said that they don’t think public access is allowed, but that Strafford Rivers Conservancy holds the easement and they should be contacted.

b) Staff Planner Seth Creighton said he had a received a phone called regarding the Frazier property. The caller asked if a memorial monument could be set within the easement area. The Commission said that they thought that this easement never was obtained, and instead that a PUD development may have purchased this land; Jeffrey Winders suggested checking with Strafford Rivers Conservancy and the City of Dover (the land is bisected by the Rochester/Dover municipal boundary).

c) Jeffrey Winders took a moment to thank the Commission for voting in favor of the Laverdiere Farm.


At 7:55 p.m. Mark Jennings made a motion to adjourn; Jack Hackett seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Seth Creighton, Staff Planner


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