Business Process Framework
<Logo> / This document describes the Business Process System framework, policy, and associated processes and groups.
<Month Day, Year>
Prepared for:<Company Name> Internal Use / Prepared by:
Software Engineering Process Group
This document was produced by <Company_Name> for internal use only.
Document History
Description / Author / Version / DateDraft for discussion / SEPG / <D_Prefix>-FRAME-0.99 / <Date>
SESG approved / — / <D_Prefix>-FRAME-001 / <Month Day, Year>
Items Referred to in this Document
Title / LocationSoftware Engineering and Management Policy / <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)/01-Policies
Business Process System / <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)
Project Electronic Notebooks / <Root_Dir>/Project Electronic Notebooks (PEN)
Process Improvement Recommendation form / <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)/09-Process Definition/Tools Guides and Templates
Tailor/Waiver form / <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)/11-Project Management/Tools Guides and Templates
Customization Information
Delete this section and table when you are done. Don't delete the section break after the table.
Find / Replace With<Company_Name / The name of your organization or company: Korestone Technologies
<D_Prefix> / The prefix for your document number: KBPS
<Month Day, Year> / The document date in your preferred format: February 16, 2011
<Root_Dir> / The root directory of your organization's repository
<Logo> / Image file of your company logo
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
2. Framework Elements
2.1 Policies
2.2 Business Processes and the Software Development Lifecycle
2.2.1 Tools, Guides, and Templates
2.3 Additional Process Assets
2.3.1 The Organizational Process Assets Directory
2.3.2 The Process Improvement Directory
2.3.3 Project Electronic Notebooks
2.4 Process Improvement Recommendations
2.5 Standard Process Training
2.6 Standard Process Tailoring and Waivers
3. Framework Groups
3.1 Software Engineering Steering Group (SESG)
3.2 Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)
3.3 Quality Assurance Group
Appendix A. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix B. Business Processes and the Software Development Lifecycle Diagram
List of Tables
Table 21. Process documents in the BPS
Table 22. Organizational Process Assets directory contents
Table 23. Processes that must be addressed in plans or tailor/waiver forms
Table of Contents1
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
A successful company improves its productivity without lowering its expectation and delivery of quality. One method for attaining this standard is through standard processes and practices that the organization adopts and follows repeatedly. Once internalized, a company's processes can be assessed in regard to an external standard as a check on effectiveness, soundness, and quality.
One such external standard is the Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model–Integration (CMMI). <Company-Name> is committed to the CMMI model for process improvement. The CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV) model provides the groundwork for our process improvement system.
The use of standard processes as described in this framework document allows for the ongoing alignment of priorities, activities, and resources over a project's lifecycle and across all our projects. It fosters a culture of continuous process improvement within the organization.
The Business Process System (BPS) formalizes our software development processes and activities. As part of our continuing commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, high-quality performance, and operational efficiency, staff uses the BPS in the development and delivery of solutions and services to the customers.
This document describes the policies and processes that comprise the BPS.
The policy and process framework described in this document applies to all projects in which our personnel are the lead participants or comprise the majority of the project team members.
For the purposes of this document and other processes, "project" will mean any revenue-generating program or project with a discrete charge code that is required to produce a monthly status report.
2. Framework Elements1
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
2.Framework Elements
This section describes the pieces of the BPS.
The software engineering and management policies describe, at a high level, the requirements of the BPS, the necessity for all projects to follow the BPS, and the possibilities for tailoring or waiving certain aspects of the BPS.
The policies were implemented to underscore our commitment to providing its customers with quality products and services. This commitment—and indeed, the policy itself—extends to all activities, including management, design, development, testing, and maintenance of each product or service.
Policies are maintained under configuration control at the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)/01-Policies
2.2Business Processes and the Software Development Lifecycle
A process is a series of action and events, formalized into repeatable sequences and ensure quality and the achievement of our goals. Our processes are the means by which we pursue continuous improvement in all areas of our business.
The diagram in Appendix B depicts the software development lifecycle and how the processes in the BPS are related to the lifecycle phases. All projects follow some or all of this model, depending on the type of project and the tailoring and waiving approved for the project.
The BPS is maintained under configuration control at the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)
The BPS contains the processes listed in Table 21.
Table 21. Process documents in the BPS
Process / Document ID / CMMI Process AreaOrganizational Process Focus Process / <D_Prefix>-OPF / OPF
Configuration Management Process / <D_Prefix>-CM / CM
Decision Analysis and Resolution / <D_Prefix>-DAR / DAR
Design, Development, and Integration Process / <D_Prefix>-DDI / PI, TS
Organizational Training Process / <D_Prefix>-OT / OT
Organizational Process Definition Process / <D_Prefix>-OPD / OPD
Project Management Process / <D_Prefix>-PM / IPM, PMC, PP
Quality Assurance Process / <D_Prefix>-QA / PPQA
Requirements Development and Management Process / <D_Prefix>-RDM / RD, REQM
Risk Management Process / <D_Prefix>-RM / RSKM
Measurement and Analysis Process / <D_Prefix>-MA / MA
Verification and Validation Process / <D_Prefix>-VV / VAL, VER
2.2.1Tools, Guides, and Templates
Each process description has several templates, tools, and other materials associated with it. These are referenced in the front matter of the process descriptions, and are available in the BPS directory: each process area directory in the BPS contains a subdirectory entitled "Tools Guides and Templates." The various supporting material is contained in these subdirectories.
2.3Additional Process Assets
The policies, processes, and tools described above are of course organizational process assets. Additional assets are maintained under configuration control. This material supports the completion of project processes and also provides evidence of its completion.
2.3.1The Organizational Process Assets Directory
This directory is maintained at the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Organizational Process Assets
It contains the following (Table 22) subdirectories and material.
Table 22. Organizational Process Assets directory contents
Subdirectory / ContentsLessons Learned / Collected lessons learned from completed projects
Measurements / Organizational measurement repository, which contains data from completed projects, organizational training activities, and other organization-level data
QA / QA schedule, reports, and action item log
Standards / Coding standards, documentation standards, other best practices
Training / Contains the organization's annual training plan, training material, and attendance and evaluation records
Work Environment / Standard employee setup, workstation information, and other access requirements
2.3.2The Process Improvement Directory
This directory is maintained at the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Process Improvement
This directory contains the organizational process improvement plan as well as process assessments, schedules, and other material.
2.3.3Project Electronic Notebooks
All processes result in work products and data. For management and process oversight bodies to verify whether and how well a process is working, an organized approach to retaining these items is required. Each process will include a set of items that will be kept as evidence of compliance. The work products and data for each project are maintained in the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Project Electronic Notebooks (PEN)
The contents of a project's subdirectory here may include, but is not limited too:
- Work products, both deliverable and internal
- Project practices and plans
- Meeting records
- Completed checklists or forms
- Measurement data and analysis
- Test records
- Other text, spreadsheet, or project scheduler documentation
- Active or archived e-mail messages
2.4Process Improvement Recommendations
Any employee who recognizes a problem or inefficiency in an existing process should submit, to the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG; see Section 3.2), a Process Improvement Recommendation (PIR) form. The SEPG will log the request, analyze it, and recommend the adoption, in whole or in part, or rejection of the recommendation, seeking approval from senior management as necessary.
The PIR form is available at the following location:
- <Root_Dir>/Business Process System (BPS)/09-Process Definition/Tools Guides and Templates/PIR Form.doc
2.5Standard Process Training
Training material or courses will be made available and required for standard processes and their effective execution. Training material may be in the form of live presentations, documents, verifiable on-the-job training, slide shows, video, or other formats. The program or project manager is responsible for ensuring that team members have received training.
Training material must be updated when the processes are updated. The need for such changes should be identified on the PIR that led to the change, but if it is not, the SEPG will require it as part of the adoption of the change.
2.6Standard Process Tailoring and Waivers
Every project must document the tailoring of organizational processes and the portions of the standard lifecycle that apply to the project in a Tailor/Waiver form. The tailoring and waivers will also be documented in project plans and approved by the SEPG. Waivers will only be granted when applicable processes, or parts of applicable processes, absolutely cannot be followed.
Projects that find portions of the BPS difficult or impossible to implement should also submit a PIR detailing their findings.
The processes in Table 21must be addressed in project practices and plans and, as needed, Tailor/Waiver forms.
Table 23. Processes that must be addressed in plans or tailor/waiver forms
Name of Process / Process DescriptionChange Management and Configuration Management / Processes describing activities involved with managing work products and changes to work products, including changes to requirements
Decision Analysis and Resolution / Process that guides the analysis of a project question and results in a decision
Design, Development and Integration (includes Product Implementation, Technical Solution) / Process for designing, developing, and integrating solutions to satisfy project requirements
Integrated Project Management (includes Project Planning, Project Monitoring and Control) / Process for overall planning and monitoring of all project parameters (staffing, scheduling, budgeting, risk management, data management, etc.) according to an integrated and defined process derived from the BPS
Measurementand Analysis / Process for identifying, collecting and analyzing meaningful measures that can be used towards improving business and technical processes and support the attainment of organizational goals
Project Training / Process by which it is ensured that project members receive relevant and required training related to the project
Quality Assurance / Process for ensuring quality processes and products to achieve customer satisfaction
Requirements Definition and Management / Process outlining the approach to defining and managing requirements
Risk Management / Process to identify potential problems, risk-handling activities and actions to mitigate adverse impacts as well as exploit opportunities to improve on the project
Verification and Validation / Process describing how it is ensured that products are assembled properly, and meet requirements and user expectations
2. Framework Elements1
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
3.Framework Groups
This section describes the groups that support the software engineering process framework.
3.1Software Engineering Steering Group (SESG)
The Software Engineering Steering Group (SESG) defines, measures, and improves our business processes. The contents of the BPS reflect the major policies and decisions of the SESG, which periodically reviews the set of processes for suitability and effectiveness.
The SESG consists of the following senior personnel:
- Chief executive officer (CEO)
- Chief operating officer
- Chief technology officer
- Director of business development
- Other members as appointed by the CEO
3.2Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)
The SEPG leads the efforts to document, facilitate, and improve the organization's policies, processes, and procedures and to propagate those policies, processes, and procedures across all of our projects. The SEPG is the official owner of the BPS. The SEPG analyzes and acts on PIRs, updating the BPS and other items as necessary.
Members of the SEPG are appointed by the SESG.
3.3Quality Assurance Group
The Quality Assurance (QA) group is responsible for monitoring projects to ensure that they are in compliance with the BPS. The QA group conducts audits of projects against the BPS and the CMMI-DEV.
The QA group is independent of the SEPG and reports directly to the chair of the SESG on matters of organizational processes and compliance.
2. Framework Elements1
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
Appendix A. Acronyms and Abbreviations
The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this document as defined here.
Acronym / DefinitionBPS / Business Process System
CEO / chief executive officer
CM / Configuration Management
CMMI / Capability Maturity Model–Integration
CMMI-DEV / Capability Maturity Model–Integration for Development
DAR / Decision Analysis and Resolution
IPM / Integrated Project Management
MA / Measurement and Analysis
OPD / Organizational Process Definition
OPF / Organizational Process Focus
OT / Organizational Training
PI / Product Integration
PIR / process improvement recommendation
PMC / Project Monitoring and Control
PP / Project Planning
PPQA / Process and Product Quality Assurance
QA / Quality Assurance
RD / Requirements Development
REQM / Requirements Management
RSKM / Risk Management
SEPG / Software Engineering Process Group
SESG / Software Engineering Steering Group
TS / Technical Solution
VAL / Validation
VER / Verification
2. Framework Elements1
<D_Prefix>-FRAME-001<Company_Name> Business Process Framework<Month Day, Year>
Appendix B. Business Processes and the Software Development Lifecycle Diagram
The diagram on the next page illustrates the software development lifecycle, the major activities in each phase, prominent products of each phase, and the processes that underlie the cycle.
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B. Business Processes and the Software Development Lifecycle Diagram1
CMMI is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University.