University of Rio Grande
Bunce School of Education Lesson Plan
Title of Lesson:
Date:Date lesson will be taughtClass Time: Time required for lesson
Grade/Age:Grade or age level of lessonMaster Teacher: Professor
Lesson Objectives(s) or Goal(s): These must be drawn from the State or National Academic Content Standards. Identify the Grade Level Indicators that specify what your students are going to learn by participating in this lesson. Also identify the specific skills or understandings your students will gain from participating in this particular lesson.
University of Rio Grande School of Education Goal(s) Addressed: You can find a list of these goals on the Resources page of Dr. Mary Jane Wolfe’s website.
Technology Component: (If applicable) How will technology be incorporated into the lesson? How will you use technology to enhance student learning? Note: this is not a “Materials List.” Be sure to list and discuss only the high level technology that is used.
Diversity Component:(If applicable) How will student diversity be addressed in your lesson? What modifications are necessary for meeting the needs of diverse students in the classroom? Be sure to specify how you will handle those modifications in the Methods/Activities section below.
Parent Involvement: (If applicable) How will parents be involved with this lesson?
Vocabulary: What specific content related vocabulary will be used or incorporated into this lesson?
Student Grouping: How will you set up the classroom for this lesson? Will students work and/or respond individually or in groups? If students will work in groups, what criteria will you use to form the groups?
Methods/Activities: What teaching methods will be used during this lesson? How will you incorporate essential questions in your lesson? Identify how you will activate prior knowledge? What exploration activities will the students do as they are learning? How will you foster/incorporate higher order thinking skills? How will you conduct whole class discussions to strengthen student learning and bring structure to what your students have learned?
Assignments(s): (If applicable) What outside assignment(s) will be required to be completed by the students?
Lesson Evaluation: Each objective/goal should have an evaluation component. Goal/Objective #1 must be linked with a specific strategy to assess student learning related to that goal. State when the evaluation will occur and through what specific means you will conduct the evaluation? Explain the formal and/or informal assessment you will use to determine the success of this lesson. Give specific details of the specific questions you will ask in class or on another form of assessment.
Reflection: To be completed after the lesson is taught, not before. How do you think the lesson went? Did the students master your goals/objectives? How do you know this mastery occurred? What evidence do you have for your conclusions?
Why did you choose this approach? Do you need to re-teach/review to insure all students have mastered the objectives?
Do you need to revise any parts of the lesson? What is the next instructional step that follows this lesson?
Bibliography: Where did you find this lesson? Who wrote the original lesson, instructional materials, student worksheets, etc. you used for this lesson. You should list both Internet and text based materials.