Health & Safety





Your child may have been exposed to head lice. Lice is spread by close contact, and easily spread from one student to another.

We are requesting that you check your child's head at least weekly. The eggs (nits) of the lice attach themselves to the individual hair, usually on one side of each hair near the scalp. They look like a clear, tiny dewdrop. They are usually found at the back of the neck at the hairline and behind the ears. They are attached with a cement-like substance and are difficult to remove. The adult louse is a very small insect, gray, black or reddish brown in color, and may be present along with nits. If one family member has head lice others in the family may be infected.

If you find evidence of lice on your student, please notify your child's school as soon as possible. It is important to follow the recommendations below very carefully.

1.  A special shampoo is required. Ask your pharmacist or doctor to suggest one.

2.  Follow instructions on the container EXACTLY. These shampoos kill the lice and nits or eggs, so they may be combed out or removed by sliding off the hair between the fingers.

3.  Check all family members, and treat them if there is any sign of lice.

4.  More than one treatment will probably be necessary. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly.

5.  It is important to disinfect all objects and clothing that are used near the hair, such as bedding, combs, jackets, hats, stuffed animals, etc. Hot water and laundry detergent or dry cleaning will work. Stuffed toys can be put into securely tied plastic bags and put away for three to four weeks.

6.  Vacuum the house thoroughly, especially the mattresses, pillows and around beds. Vacuum upholstered furniture.

Lice can survive for 2 to 3 days away from a host. It is important to clean the environment and treat with shampoo on the same day. If you have any questions, or would like assistance in determining head lice infestation, please contact your school's Health Clerk.

Students must be kept home from school until they have been adequately treated and free from all lice and eggs (nits).

Mitzi O'Rourke

Coordinator of Health and Safety

Low cost insurance is available for low to middle income families, through Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. Our schools have information and the Health Department can assist you in applying for this insurance. For more information, call 1-888-747-1222.

rev. 12/18/06 jl