Press Statement - 29-01-03

Response from the Stop AIDS Campaign reacting to President George W. Bush's State of the Union address in which increased resources to fight HIV and AIDS were committed.

Derek Bodell, Chair of the Stop AIDS Campaign said: "The Stop AIDS Campaign welcomes this increased commitment by the Bush administration to fight the global HIV and AIDS epidemic. Not before time, the President has recognised the devastating impact that HIV and AIDS is having on countries in the developing world. However, while the increase in sums of money to be spent is a step forward, the Stop AIDS Campaign believes that more money must still be found to combat HIV and AIDS.

"Today, over 40 million people worldwide are living with HIV and AIDS - that's one in every 150 people. There is no cure. Most of these people live in Africa and because of extreme poverty, those affected cannot afford HIV testing, medical services or the medicines that prolong life.

"The world can afford to stop AIDS. Resource rich governments around the world must commit themselves to increasing funds spent on HIV prevention. The UK government must fulfill its obligations and spend more money now on HIV and AIDS. We are calling for Tony Blair - as leader of the fourth largest economy in the world - to take much more of a lead internationally by investing $1 billion year on year to the fight against the epidemic, working harder to tackle poor country debt and urgently addressing the lack of affordable medicines to treat HIV and AIDS."


For further information, please contact:

Paul Bates 07971 964770

Stop AIDS Campaign Manager

Derek Bodell 07779 169903

Stop AIDS Campaign Chair

The Stop AIDS Campaign is a new and unprecedented initiative of the UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development. Launched on World AIDS Day 2001, the Campaign works to raise awareness in the UK about the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and campaigns for urgently scaled up international action.

Its members are: Acord, Action Aid, African HIV Policy Network, Christian Aid, CAFOD, Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, Elton John AIDS Foundation, George House Trust, HelpAge International, Help the Aged, ImpACT AIDS, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, National AIDS Trust, Oxfam, Save the Children, Students Partnership Worldwide, Tearfund, UK Network of Self Help HIV and AIDS Groups, UNICEF UK, VSO, World Vision and Youth Against AIDS.