Plymouth University

Academic Partnerships

Truro & Penwith College

Programme Quality

Handbook for

FdSc Sports Coaching

2017 – 18


1. Welcome and Introduction to FdSc Sports Coaching. 3

2. Programme Specification 4

3. Module Records………………………………………………………………………………………26

Truro and Penwith College, FdSc Sports Coaching, Programme Quality Handbook 2017-18

Last saved: September 2017 Page 73 of 73

1.  Welcome and Introduction to FdSc Sports Coaching

Welcome to the Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching. The degree has at its core an understanding of coaching related particularly to the disciplines of anatomy, physiology, learning theory and psychology. The programme develops specific practice from this base, into working with specific groups, on special issues such as nutrition and exercise, and knowledge of the methods and approaches to fitness testing. Students will develop their understanding of applied coaching in relation to chosen sporting activities, and the stage two will culminate in a project which allows students to develop their own interest, while also acquiring and developing skills of research and investigation

This programme has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge base required to work in your chosen specialism or other graduate opportunities. It is also a platform from which you can undertake additional vocational and academic qualifications.

This Programme Quality handbook contains important information including:

·  The approved programme specification

·  Module records

Note: the information in this handbook should be read in conjunction with the current edition of the Truro and Penwith Student Handbook available on Digital Campus which contains student support based information on issues such as finance and studying at HE along with the University’s Student Handbook and your Learning, Teaching and Assessment Handbook available on your programme virtual learning environment (Moodle).


2.  Programme Specification

Awarding Institution: Plymouth University

Teaching Institution: Truro and Penwith College

Accrediting Body:

Final Award: FdSc

Intermediate Awards: Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE)

Programme Title: Sports Coaching

UCAS Code: C610

JACS Code C610

Benchmarks The programme learning outcomes are consistent with the QAA Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark for Higher Education Qualifications.

Subject benchmark statements for Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (honours) (QAA 2008) inform the design and content of this programme at an appropriate level.

Date of Approval: February 2012

Admissions Criteria:

Qualification(s) Required for Entry to the FdSc / Comments
Candidates must have:
Level 1 National Governing Body award in any discipline or a Sports Leader’s Award on entry. / Pass
In addition at Level 2
.Key Skills requirement/Higher Level Diploma / Pass
GCSEs required at Grade C and above / English and Maths
Plus at least one of the following Level 3 qualifications:
A Levels required: / 60 points at A2 normally in an appropriate subject
Advanced Level Diploma / Pass in Sports-related programme
BTEC National Certificate/Diploma / Pass normally in an appropriate subject
HNC/D / Pass normally in an appropriate subject
VDA: AGNVQ, AVCE, AVS / Pass required normally in an appropriate subject
Access to HE or Year 0 provision / Pass – all subjects accepted but sports/science related work preferred
International Baccalaureate / 16 points
Irish/Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers / Grade D - 33/72 points respectively - All subjects accepted but sports/science related work preferred
Work Experience / Normally students will have experience in some form of sports coaching role
Other non-standard awards or experiences / Normally students will have experience in some form of sports coaching role
APEL/APCL possibilities / Reviewed on an individual basis
University of Plymouth regulations apply.
Interview/portfolio requirements / Normally all students will be interviewed. In exceptional cases, alternative means of interview such as video/telephone/e-correspondence might be employed.
Independent Safeguarding Agency (ISA) / Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance required / Yes
Aims of the Programme:
The programme is intended :
1.  To develop the ability to access sports coaching orientated information from a variety of sources and to communicate the principles in a manner appropriate to this programme of study.
2.  To develop ability in a range of practical sports coaching techniques including an understanding of group delivery and coaching styles.
3.  To develop the appreciation and application of knowledge and understanding of the processes and mechanisms of coaching and learning at different levels and abilities.
4.  To develop the ability to communicate appropriately and effectively to a variety of audiences using a range of formats and approaches.
5.  To prepare students for employment and progression to their chosen vocational and/or academic future
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this programme the student will be able :
1.  To discuss key aspects of sports coaching to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge and understanding
2.  To analyse and evaluate recent developments in sports coaching, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of coaching.
3.  To demonstrate skills in practical situations using a range of appropriate coaching methods within a range of sporting standards and disciplines.
4.  To analyse the impact of coaching methods on sporting performance.
5.  To demonstrate, understand and reflect upon their own skills in relation to competencies to meet the needs of employers within the sports coaching sector.
6.  To evaluate and demonstrate key teaching, learning and communication skills relevant to employment within the field of sports coaching.

Brief Description of the Programme

The degree has at its core an understanding of coaching related particularly to the disciplines of anatomy, physiology, learning theory and psychology. The programme develops specific practice from this base, into working with specific groups, on special issues such as nutrition and exercise, and knowledge of the methods and approaches to fitness testing. Students will develop their understanding of applied coaching in relation to chosen sporting activities, and the stage two will culminate in a project which allows students to develop their own interest, while also acquiring and developing skills of research and investigation
Programme Structure and Pathways

College: Truro and Penwith College


Course Code:

Full/Part Time: Full time – 2 years

Programme Structure for FdSc Sports Coaching

Level 4/Year 1 / Level 5/Year 2
Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional / Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional
TRUR1159 / Principles of Coaching & Learning 1 / 20 / Core / TRUR2154 / Principles of Coaching & Learning 2 / 20 / Core
TRUR1169 / Anatomy and Physiology / 20 / Core / TRUR2081 / Fitness Testing & Development / 20 / Core
TRUR1160 / Team Sports / 20 / Core / TRUR2153 / Individual Sports & Outdoor Activities / 20 / Core
TRUR1170 / Research Methods / 20 / Core / TRUR2152 / Coaching Strength & Conditioning for Sport / 20 / Core
TRUR1090 / Introduction to Sports Biomechanics and Human Movement / 20 / Core / TRUR2087 / Sports and Exercise Psychology / 20 / Core
TRUR1171 / Nutrition / 20 / Core / TRUR2089 / Project / 20 / Core

Total Number of Credits at Level 4 must be 120

Total Number of Credits at Level 5 must be 120

A Foundation Degree therefore totals 120 level 4 credits and 120 level 5 credits


Level 4/Year 1
Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional
1159 / Principles of Coaching & Learning 1 / 20 / Core
1169 / Anatomy and Physiology / 20 / Core
1160 / Team Sports / 20 / Core
1170 / Research Methods / 20 / Core
Level 4/Year 2
Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional
1090 / Introduction to Sports Biomechanics and Human Movement / 20 / Core
1171 / Nutrition / 20 / Core
Level 5/Year 2
Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional
2154 / Principles of Coaching & Learning 2 / 20 / Core
2081 / Fitness Testing & Development / 20 / Core
Level 5/Year 3
Module Code / Module Title / No. of Credits / Core / Optional
2153 / Individual Sports & Outdoor Activities / 20 / Core
2152 / Coaching Strength & Conditioning for Sport / 20 / Core
2087 / Sports and Exercise Psychology / 20 / Core
2089 / Project / 20 / Core

Progression Route(s)

On successful completion of the programme students will be able to progress to the BSc (Hons) Sports Performance & Coaching (3rd year) at Truro and Penwith College.

Any Exceptions to Regulations


Teaching methods and assessments

A: Development of Knowledge and Understanding / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
By the end of the programme the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
·  the major theories of sports performance and coaching and an awareness of a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks
·  the wider social and environmental implications of sports coaching and is able to debate issues in relation to more general ethical perspectives
·  the processes and principles of sports performance and performance enhancement and their impact on coaching practice
·  the biological processes involved in sporting activity such as anatomy, physiology and biomechanics
·  key teaching, learning and communication skills relevant to the practice of coaching / Primary
·  Lectures and tutorials
·  Directed independent study
·  Learning from practical experience and observation


·  Case studies
·  Problem-solving exercises
NB: Benchmark References
Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (honours) (QAA 2008) and FHEQ / Assessment
Key knowledge and understanding is assessed via a combination of multiple choice tests, examinations, essays, presentations, practical demonstrations and seminar performances.

B: Cognitive and Intellectual Skills

/ Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
·  critique rival theories and frameworks related to learning and coaching
·  analyse and synthesise situations related to sports coaching in an informed and systematic way
·  Intelligently apply appropriate principles in assessing coaching practice
·  demonstrate problem solving and research skills
·  demonstrate the accommodation of new ideas and practices
·  demonstrate subject-specific and generic skills, including skills of investigation and enquiry, oral and written communicative skills, the use of a range of technology systems for accessing data, resources, contacts and literature, and face-to-face skills. /


·  Class and practical exercises
·  Tutorial/seminar discussions
·  Feedback via coursework assessment process (essays etc)


For example:
·  Practicals on data and measurement problems including performance measurement
·  Presentations to and by the group

NB: Benchmark References

Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (honours) (QAA 2008) and FHEQ /


·  Assessed practicals
·  Essays/projects/dissertations
·  Examinations/tests
·  Coursework on practical application questions

C: Key Transferable Skills

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
·  interact effectively within a team / learning group,
·  accommodate new principles and new knowledge
·  demonstrate critical reflection on issues of practice, on new knowledge and understandings, and on students' own and others' performance against agreed criteria, including the capacity to deploy and evaluate evidence and to express the outcomes of such reflection clearly and fluently.
·  demonstrate a developing critical and creative independence, flexibility and sensitivity across both individual and group work,
·  interact effectively with others including clients/peers
·  manage learning using resources for the discipline
·  communicate effectively in a manner appropriate to the discipline (in standard English oral, written, using ICT)
·  take responsibility for own learning with minimum direction
·  manage information with the ability to select appropriate data from a range of sources and develop appropriate research strategies / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method


·  Library and other research exercises
·  Group work and client work to develop awareness and practice
·  Data analysis from recognised performance monitoring techniques
·  Class and seminar interactions and feedback
·  Computer-based learning and assessment

NB: Benchmark References

Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (honours) (QAA 2008) and FHEQ /


·  Coursework of all types
·  Examination preparation and completion
·  Presentation assessments
·  Practical assessments

D: Employment Related Skills

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
·  Demonstrate skills of practical application of coaching skills to different contexts
·  demonstrate generic skills including skills of investigation and enquiry, oral and written communicative skills, the use of a range of technology including systems for accessing data, resources, contacts and literature, and face-to-face skills;
·  utilise a range of research skills,
·  manage time, personnel and resources effectively, by drawing on planning and organisational skills;
·  work in flexible, creative and independent ways, showing self-discipline, self-direction and reflection;
·  gather, organise and deploy ideas and information in order to formulate arguments cogently
·  communicate effectively in inter-personal settings, in writing and in a variety of media; /

E: Practical Skills

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
·  demonstrate skill and understanding in deploying and selecting coaching techniques
·  demonstrate observational techniques
·  organise and manage supervised, self-directed projects;
·  apply skills in dealing with audiences, clients, and sports participants;
·  work productively in a group or team, showing abilities at different times to listen, contribute and lead effectively;
·  put to use a range of IT skills from basic competences such as data analysis and word-processing to more complex skills using performance analysis data as appropriate, and demonstrate specific proficiencies in utilising a range of media technologies. / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
·  Laboratory work
·  Projects
·  Designated tasks
·  Lectures and tutorials
·  Learning from practical experiences

NB: Benchmark References

Hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (honours) (QAA 2008) and FHEQ /
