Tennessee Tech University
Lesson Plan Template

Name: Lauren Elder
Date: 3/7/13
Lesson Title: “Pharaoh Fun”
Grade/Level: 3rd
Curriculum Standards
State/Common Core Curriculum Standards
TN State Standards: Culture Content Standard: 1.0 Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.
Learning Expectations:
1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations.
Recognize most cultures preserve important personal and public items from the past.
3. W.1 Writing – Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
Focus Questions/Big Idea/Goal (List all 3)
What question(s), big idea(s), and goals drive your instruction?
Focus Question – Why was embalming important to the ancient Egyptian culture?
Big Idea – Students will have a better understanding of the ancient Egyptian culture and the ways in which it has influenced their own culture.
Goal – Students will understand how other cultures have evolved over time and ultimately contributed to various aspects of our culture today.
Lesson Objective(s)
Objectives are measurable.
·  Students will complete a KWL chart to access their prior knowledge
·  Students will discuss the ancient Egyptian culture and why they think embalming was important to their way of life.
·  Students will write an opinion piece about an artifact that they would bring with them to the afterlife and why.
Vocabulary/ Academic Language
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language/vocabulary and develop fluency?
Pharaoh – a title of an ancient Egyptian king.
Mummy - the dead body of a human being or animal preserved by the ancient Egyptian process or some similar method of embalming.
Pyramid - a quadrilateral mass having smooth, steeply sloping sides meeting at an apex, used as a tomb.
Amulets – good luck charms worn in daily life and placed in the wrappings of mummies.
Cartouche – a length of rope shaped like a lasso to encircle the name of a pharaoh.
Scarab – a type of desert dung beetle that symbolized the renewal of life.
What do you need for this lesson?
·  Pictures that relate to the ancient Egyptians and their culture
·  KWL chart
·  Pencil/paper for opinion piece
·  Crayons, markers etc. for optional illustration
Formative: How will students demonstrate understanding of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor and/or give feedback?
Students will participate in a discussion about the Egyptians and their culture after responding to photographs that depict their way of life. They will then create a KWL chart; the teacher will monitor the students’ participation, in addition to the responses on their KWL chart.
Summative: What evidence will you collect and how will it document student learning/mastery of lesson objective(s)
I will collect the students’ opinion pieces to further assess their understanding of the ancient Egyptians and their culture.
(Include a suggested time for each major activity) / List Questions for higher order thinking These cannot be answered by yes or no.
(Identify Bloom’s Level of Thinking)
Set/Motivator: How will you engage student interest in the content of the lesson? Use knowledge of students’ academic, social, and cultural characteristics.
I will show the students photographs that correlate with the Egyptian culture to engage them. The students will work with a partner to fill out a KWL chart to assess their prior knowledge and to promote higher order thinking.
*15 minutes / Level 1 Knowledge – What does embalming mean?
Level 2 Comprehension – How is the Egyptian culture similar to your culture? How is it different?
Level 4 Analysis – Why do you think the Egyptians felt the need to mummify people and animals?
Instructional Procedures/Learning Tasks: Provide specific resources/details of lesson content and delivery.
The teacher will begin a grand conversation after engaging the students with the Egyptian photographs, including the mummy picture from the McClung museum. The teacher will explain that the picture is a primary source and ask the students if they can think of additional examples of primary sources. After learning about embalming and mummification, the students will write an opinion piece about an artifact that they would take with them to the afterlife, explaining in detail why they chose their selected item.
*30 minutes / Level 3 Application – If you were an ancient Egyptian, what item would you take with you to the afterlife?
Level 5 Synthesis – How would you improve the mummification process?
Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more time. May state future learning.
The students will volunteer to share their opinion pieces with the class. The teacher will close the lesson by having the students get into groups to discuss what they learned from the lesson.
*10 minutes / Level 6 Evaluation – How do you feel about the mummification process? Defend your answer.
Adaptations to Meet Individual Needs: How will you adapt the instruction to meet the needs of individual students? Include -
ELL? SPED? Gardner’s Learning Styles - Name and specify what happens in the lesson that uses each learning style listed; Other individual needs of the students/class you are teaching?
English Language Learners – Provide a partner for them to work with on the KWL chart and the opinion piece. They will also be seated close to the teacher.
SPED – Students will work with a partner for each activity; they will also have the option of creating an illustration of an artifact they would take with them to the afterlife, rather than writing an opinion piece on it.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences:
Logical-mathematical: Students will create a KWL chart to assess prior knowledge
Spatial: Students will view pictures from ancient Egyptian times and will listen to their peers’ opinions on the topic
Bodily-kinesthetic: Students will be able to illustrate their artifact from their opinion piece
Interpersonal – Students will work in pairs to complete their KWL chart
Intrapersonal – Students will reflect on their own opinions through their artifact paper
Naturalistic – Students will listen and respect their peers’ opinions throughout the discussion
Management/Safety Issues: Are there any management and/or safety issues that need to be considered when teaching this lesson?
Make sure students stay on task during the partner activities.
Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning:
Vygotsky’s social learning theory – Students listen to each other’s opinions, while working together on various activities throughout the lesson.
Scaffolding – allowing the students to participate in a group discussion and then working independently and with their peers.
References: List the reference used in this lesson
(n.d.). Retrieved from www.dictionary.com
Reflections/Future Modifications: To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? What will be your next steps instructionally? What did you learn about your students as learners? What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?

Revised Spring 2011