Hospitality Space Schedule as of July7, 2015. Hospitality Space meetings will occur in the Renaissance Toronto Downtown Hotel at One Blue Jays Way unless otherwise noted.

2015 APA Division 17 Hospitality Space Schedule
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Time / Raptor Room
Capacity=40 / Northern Lights Ballroom
CCPTP Outgoing EB Meeting
5-6:50 pm / 4pm -10pm
SCP Executive Board
Meeting and Dinner
International Section EB Retreat
7-10 pm

Please note: Media First Response Training will be held at the Intercontinental Center Toronto in the Haliburton Room from 1-5 pm.

2015 APA Division 17 Hospitality Space Schedule
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Time / Aurora Room
Capacity=28 / Blue Jays Room
Capacity=20 / Raptor Room
Capacity=40 / Northern Lights Ballroom Capacity=60-80
8:50a / Practice Stakeholders
Breakfast / Hospitality Space Volunteers Orientation Meeting
8:15-8:45 / International Scholars Welcome Breakfast Meeting
(meeting in the Arriba Restaurant)
9:50a / ECP and
Leadership Networking Meeting / SCP Treasurers Meeting
9-10:30 / SVP Conversation Hour Trends and Funding
10:50a / SAS Difficult Dialogue: Privilege, Oppression, Microaggressions / SVP
Conversation Hour / International Students Mentoring and Orientation Roundtables
11:50a / Therapeutic Practice STG: Trauma and Severe Mental Illness / SERD Business Meeting
12:50p / Therapeutic Practice STG: Balance & ECP Practitioner Engagement in SCP / SERD Town Hall Meeting / New Leader Orientation / International Section Practitioners in US with International Backgrounds
1:50p / Hospitality Space Closed (Leona Tyler Award Address –101 North Bldg)
2:50p / SCP members in APA Governance
2-3:30 / Older Adult SIG Annual Meeting / CCPTP/SCP
Discussion on Master’s Training Concerns / SVP General Business Meeting
4:50p / Japanese Psychologists Network / Positive Psychology Business Meeting / International Section Business Meeting / Adoption Research and Practice SIG
5:50p / Hospitality Space Closed (SCP/CCPTP Poster Session and Social Hour – Fairmont Royal York Hotel/Ballroom Convention Floor)

Counseling Psychology Synarchy Dinner, 7-9:30 pm, Dr. Mobley’s Presidential Suite, Intercontinental Center, Toronto

2015 APA Division 17 Hospitality Space Schedule
Friday, August 7, 2015
Time / Aurora Room
Capacity=28 / Blue Jays Room
Capacity=20 / Raptor Room
Capacity=40 / Northern Lights Ballroom Capacity=54
8:50a / Supervision and Training Exec. Board meeting / Hospitality Space Volunteers Orientation Meeting
8:15-8:45 / Section for the Advancement of Women (SAW) Business Meeting and
Champagne Breakfast
9:50a / CCPTP Business Meeting / Supervision and Training Speed Mentoring / TCP Editorial Board Meeting
10:50a / Independent Practice Section Business Mtg / SAW Woman of the Year Address
11:50a / Prevention Section Exec Board Meeting / Military SIG Annual Business Meeting
11-12:30 / Independent Practice Discussion / Joint Intl Network Meeting
12:50p / Prevention Section Business Meeting and Student Poster Session / SAS Get What You Want Out of Grad School Discussion / More Pie Social Justice Advocacy Dialogue and Action
1:50p / SAS: Work Life Balance Discussion / Honoring Our Elders Celebration
2:50p / Therapeutic Practice STG: How to Start a Side Private Practice / Human Animal Interaction Research Forum / SLGBTI Discussion: Discovering Section Identity / SAS Business Meeting and Social Hour
3:50p / Therapeutic Practice STG: ACT Group for International Students
4:50p / Hospitality Space Closed New Fellows Address
Convention Center
Room 146A

Leadership Academy Reception, 6-7 pm, Dr. Mobley’s Presidential Suite, Intercontinental Center, Toronto

ECP Social Hour, 7-8 pm, Baton Rouge Restaurant, 277 Front Street West, Toronto, ON M5V 2X4

2015 APA Division 17 Hospitality Space Schedule
Saturday, August 8, 2014
Time / Aurora Room
Capacity=28 / Blue Jays Room
Capacity=20 / Raptor Room
Capacity=40 / Northern Lights Ballroom Capacity=54
8:50a / Health Psychology Section (HPS) Past Chairs and Booz Black Award Breakfast / CCPTP incoming Executive Board Meeting / Religious/Spiritual Issues SIG Business Meeting and Posters
9:50a / HPS Exec. Board Meeting / Korean Psychology Network Business Meeting
10:50a / HPS Business Meeting / SCUCC
Business Meeting and Awards
10-11:30 / Korean Psychology Network Program
11:50a / HPS Student Interest Group / ECP Resources Development Working Group / Korean Psychology Network Program
12:50p / HPS “To Board or Not to Board” Discussion / Couples and Family SIG / Council of Specialties in Prof Psych: Future Directions / Taiwan Psychology Network Business Meeting
1:50p / SCUCC
Exec Board Meeting / Supervision and Training Business Meeting / Taiwan Psychology Network Program
2:50p / Hospitality Space Closed (President Mobley’s Address)
Fairmont Royal York, Concert Hall
3:50p / Hospitality Space Closed (Division Business Meeting)
Fairmont Royal York, Concert Hall
4:50p / Hospitality Space Closed (Division Social Hour)
Fairmont Royal York, Concert Hall

8-10 pm, Dr. Mobley’s Presidential Reception, by invitation, Renaissance Toronto, Aurora Room

2015 APA Division 17 Hospitality Space Schedule
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Time / Blue Jays Room
Capacity=20 / Raptor Room
8 – 8:50 am / Past President’s Breakfast
9- 9:50 am
10 –
10:50 am / Disaster Counseling Model Discussion
11 – 11:50 am