HRC Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2010

Members present were; Toni Brown, Chief Bryant, Michelle Chaney, Kristin Hollis, Nedialka Iordanova, Mike McNeely, Cheri Paradise, Janet Siders, and John Fox-Chairman

Members present were; Geng’an Chen, Karen Cook, Wanda Curtis, Chuchu Wu, and Carie Young.

Welcome-Chairman John Fox called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.

Review of past issues:

Student Appreciation Day-John reported that several HRC members helped out with Student Appreciation Day. All went well with the participation and students seemed to really enjoy the event.

HRC Website- The new website for the council looks very good. Karen Cook has been doing a great job at updating the website and posting the minutes in a timely fashion.

HRC Survey- There has been no new survey responses since May. Overall, there were around 85-90 responses that were turned in. Student survey participant, Brittany Musser, won the drawing for the $25.00 gift card to the bookstore that was graciously donated by Amber DeBaise.

Departmental Evaluations- This still continues to be a “stalled” issue. Chairman Fox and most all other council members would like to see the ability for each department on campus to conduct evaluations on themselves. This would be an effective tool to get feedback on a number of items including efficiency and customer service of the department. Ms. Siders commented that it gives people an opportunity to give their opinion about their dealings/encounters with different departments on campus. John Fox to will continue to work on this subject.

Four-way stop, traffic signs, and Sanford parking lot- It was noted that the four-way stop in front of the University had been re-configured to help out with the issue of safety and potential car wrecks. It seems now that the intersection is less confusing and people are getting a better idea of who has the right-of-way when stopped. The entrance/exit directional arrows in the Sanford Hall parking lot have been repainted to help ease potential accidents in this area. Chief Bryant brought up the possibility of the forthcoming pedestrian crossing sign for the area behind the SSC where people park in the side parking lot and cross over to the SSC. It has been a safety concern for some time, but it appears that a traffic sign and crosswalk will be in the future.

Drinks in Vending machines- There have been many requests for diet caffeine- free drinks in the drink machines. It seems that there are some locations around campus that offer these drinks, but not in every machine. John will follow up with Amber DeBaise on this issue.

Handicap Access to Java City- There is still no resolution on this issue. It seems that our handicapped students cannot enter Java City due to the lack of an automatic door. Both Chief Bryant and Janet Siders say that this needs to be addressed and cannot come under a “funding issue” due to ADA regulations. Mike McNeely will be talking with Arthur Clark to see when this can be accomplished.

New Issues

Campus Sidewalks:

John Fox reported that HRC member Carie Young had asked him why the campus couldn’t have sidewalks that went all the way around campus and that some of the sidewalks didn’t go anywhere. Most on the council said that this was due to so much construction that had taken place over time, and that it was always a cost issue to remove/replace a new/existing sidewalk.

HRC Meeting Times:

John Fox had a request from a council member to re-think the HRC’s standard meeting time of 3:00. However, everyone in attendance all agreed that due to class schedules and teaching times, that 3:00 fit most everyone’s schedule.

Thanksgiving Meal 2010:

Plans are underway for the HRC’s annual Thanksgiving Meal for our students that remain on campus during this holiday break. John will officially begin to organize the event in late September. Attendance last year ran around 75 students/staff/faculty, and with enrollment so high this year, we expect more people that will be attending. Dr. Jay Cliett, the secretary for the GSW retiree committee, has volunteered his group to help out with this event as well.

Topics for next month’s HRC meeting:

No new immediate topics were brought up.

Next meeting:

September 30th, 3:00 pm in Sanford Hall room 310