Direct Flux Covartiance SensorInstruments Proposals: Conformance Checklist

Offeror: ______

* Proposal conformance to the RFP should include, but not be limited to the following:

Volumes Submitted (Per Section L.-4.1)

Volume Name / # / Content / Submitted (Y/ N)
Volume 1 / Technical Proposal
Volume 2 / Past Performance
Volume 3 / Management
Volume 4 / Cost / Price


Section Reference / Requirement / Proposal Reference / Comments
A.3 and L.4.2 / Mail: One (1) signed original, two (2) hard copies, and two (2) electronic copies of each proposal volume on CDs
A.4 and Attachment J-5 / Conformance Checklist
L.4.2 / Cover page with volume identified
L.4.2 / 8 ½” x 11” paper with 1-inch margins around all edges, 12-font type
L.4.3 / Complete information for Offeror Points of Contact
K / Signed Representations and Certifications

Volume 1—Technical

Section Reference / Requirement / Proposal Reference / Comments
Throughout Section L-4.4.2 / Technical specifications and technical characteristics for the Direct Flux Covariance Sensor Instrument
L- / Completed Table L-1 (Word version to complete is included in an attachment to this RFP)
L.- / Completed Table L-2 (Word version to complete is included in an attachment to this RFP)
L- / Describe calibration procedures and details
L- / Describe bio-fouling susceptibility and mitigation
L- / Describe risks and risk reduction steps

Volume 2—Past Performance

Section Reference / Requirement / Proposal Reference / Comments
L-4.4.3 / Fill out Table L-3 and include in Volume 2
L-4.4.3 / Descriptions of three relevant past efforts
L-4.4.3 / Contact information for all Points of Contact for all references supplied
L-4.4.3 / Production Capacity to deliver Direct Flux Covariance Sensor instruments

Volume 3—Management

Section Reference / Requirement / Proposal Reference / Comments
L-4.4.4 and C-2.1 / Project Management and Communications Document
L-4.4.4 / Attach Existing Quality Management Plan
L-4.4.4 / Management techniques employed to meet delivery, schedule, management techniques
L-4.4.4 / Include Schedule for conducting testing
L-4.4.4 / Existing internal test procedures Direct Flux covariance Sensor instruments
L-4.4.4 / All management requirements

Volume 4—Cost

Section Reference / Requirement / Proposal Reference / Comments
L- / Narrative support for cost methodology
L- / Cost assumptions
L- / Completed Table B-1 for proposed FFP CLINs 0001 through 0002
B.5 and L- / Address availability of spare parts and sensing components in options 0003 and 0003A, for information only
L- / Provide proof of financial stability, including documentation from past 2 fiscal years

End of Checklist

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