Hands-On Lab
Build Your First Report with SQL Azure Reporting
Lab version:1.3.0
Last updated:10/12/2018
Getting Started: Provisioning a SQL Azure Reporting Account
Exercise 1: Designing and Deploying a Sales Report
Task 1 – Configuring the Report's Data Source to Access a SQL Azure Database
Task 2 – Designing the Sales Report
Task 3 – Customizing the Sales Report
Task 4 – Deploying the Report to SQL Azure Reporting
Exercise 2: Accessing the Sales Report from a Windows Azure Application
Task 1 – Configuring the ReportViewer Control
Microsoft SQL Azure Reporting provides a complete, cloud-based platform designed to support a wide variety of reporting needs enabling organizations to deliver relevant information where needed across the entire enterprise. Now developers can deliver highly visual, interactive reports as an integrated part of a Windows Azure-based solution. There’s no need to install your own Reporting Services instance or apply software updates, because SQL Azure Reporting runs as a highly available cloud service. Best of all, SQL Azure Reporting is based on SQL Server Reporting Services, so you can build reports using the same familiar tools that can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.
In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to:
- Create a SQL Azure data source and data set for a report.
- Add a table to a report.
- Work with report item properties to customize the report appearance.
- Add expressions to calculate values to be display in the report.
- Deploy the report in SQL Azure Report Server.
- Embed theSQL Azure report using the ReportViewer control.
The following is required to complete this hands-on lab:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Microsoft.NET Framework 4
- SQL Server Data Tools (included in SQL Server 2012 RC0 Express with Advanced Services)
- Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.6
- Created SQL Azure Server
In order to execute the exercises inthis hands-on lab you need to set up your environment.
- Open a Windows Explorer window and browse to the lab’sSourcefolder.
- Double-click the Setup.cmd file in this folder to launch the setup process that will configure your environment and install the Visual Studio code snippets for this lab.
- If the User Account Control dialog is shown, confirm the action to proceed.
- When prompted, enter you SQL Azure Server name and your administrator user and password. The script will create the AdventureWorks database in your server.
Note: Make sure you have checked all the dependencies for this lab before running the setup.
Using the Code Snippets
Throughout the lab document, you will be instructed to insert code blocks. For your convenience, most of that code is provided as Visual Studio Code Snippets, which you can use from within Visual Studio 2010 to avoid having to add it manually.
If you are not familiar with the Visual Studio Code Snippets, and want to learn how to use them, you can refer to the Setup.docx document in the Assets folder of the training kit, which contains a section describing how to use them.
This hands-on Lab includes the following exercises:
- Designing and Deploying a Sales Report
- Accessing the Sales Report from a Windows Azure Application
Estimated time to complete this lab: 30minutes.
Note:When you first start Visual Studio, you must select one of the predefined settings collections. Every predefined collection is designed to match a particular development style and determines window layouts, editor behavior, IntelliSense code snippets, and dialog box options. The procedures in this lab describe the actions necessary to accomplish a given task in Visual Studio when using the General Development Settings collection. If you choose a different settings collection for your development environment, there may be differences in these procedures that you need to take into account.
Getting Started: Provisioning a SQL Azure Reporting Account
To complete the exercises in this lab, you will need to create a new SQL Azure Reporting Server.
- Enter to Windows Azure portal ( and sign in with your account.
- Click the Reporting link to enter the SQL Azure Reporting provisioning site. On the Ribbon, click Create.
Figure 1
Provisioning SQL Azure
- Read the Terms of Use for creating a SQL Azure Reporting Server and continue the process.
Figure 2
SQL Azure Reporting - Terms of Use
- Select your SQL Azure Subscription and the region to be used and click Next.
Note: It is recommended that you locate the new server in the same region as your report data source, in order to optimize performance.
Figure 3
Selecting a subscription and a region
- Next, enter an Administrator user name and its password. This user will be the Administrator for you SQL Azure Reporting Server.
Figure 4
Entering the Administrator user name and password
- Click the Finish button to end the wizard and enter the Subscription Home. You will find your subscription information (ID, Account administrator, Service Administrator, status), and the list of Reporting service names with their Web Service URL. You can copy these values to use it later through the exercises.
Figure 5
Subscription Home
- Click on your subscription name located at the left pane to expand it and the click you reporting service name link to enter the Reporting Service Home. You will see your Web Service URL and user name. You can copy these values to use it later through the exercises.
Figure 6
Reporting Service Home
Exercise 1: Designing and Deploying a Sales Report
In this exercise, you will use SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio to design a report that uses a query to retrieve sales data from a SQL Azure database. Additionally, you will deploy the report into SQL Azure Report Server and be able to browse it. When you complete this exercise, the report will look like this:
Figure 7
Sales Summary Report
Task 1 – Configuring the Report's Data Source to Access a SQL Azure Database
In this task you will create a new report server project and configure the SQL Azure data source that will be used in the following tasks.
- Open SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.
- Create a new project, named AWSalesReport, using the Report Server Projecttemplate.
- Right click on the Reports folder in the Solution Explorer and select Add New Report.
- In the Welcome to the Report Wizard screen, click Next.
- In the Select the Data Source screen, rename the data source to AdventureWorks, and select the MicrosoftSQLAzure data source type.
- Click Edit. The ConnectionProperties dialog appears.
- In the Servername field,type your SQL Azure Server. E.g.:yourservername.database.windows.net.
- Select the Use SQL Server Authentication option, select the Save my password option, and enter your server credentials.
- In the Select or enter a database name field, typeAdventureWorksSalesReport.
- Click OK. The resulting configuration for the Select the Data Source screen is shown in the following figure.
Figure 8
Data Source Configuration
- Click Next to move on to the Design the Query screen.
Task 2 – Designing the Sales Report
In this task, you will build a relational query to retrieve total sales for each employee. Territory information will be used by the report for paging data by Country and grouping it by Region.
- In the DesigntheQuery screen, click QueryBuilder. The Query Designer provides a visual interface that simplifies the creation of queries.
- Select the following nodes:
- Tables | DimEmployee| FirstName
- Tables | DimEmployee| LastName
- Tables | FactResellerSales| SalesAmount
- Tables | DimSalesTerritory | SalesTerritoryRegion
- Tables | DimSalesTerritory | SalesTerritoryCountry
- Click Group and Aggregate.
- In the drop down list for the SalesAmount aggregate type select Sum.Thiswillreturn the total sales (sum of all sales) for each employee. You can click Run Query to test the query you just created.
- Click OK. The outcome should be similar to the one shown in the following figure.
Figure 9
Query outcome
- In the DesigntheQuery screen, click Next.
- In the Select the Report Type screen, make sure the Tabular option is selected, and click Next.
- In the DesigntheTable screen, perform the following actions in the specified order:
- Select SalesTerritoryCountry from the Availablefields list, and click Page.
- Select SalesTerritoryRegionfrom the Availablefields list, and click Group.
- Select FirstName from the Availablefields list, and click Details.
- Select LastName from the Availablefields list, and click Details.
- Select Sum_SalesAmount from the Availablefields list, and click Details.
The outcome is shown in the following figure.
Figure 10
Report design
- Click Next.
- In the ChoosetheTableLayoutscreen, check the Includesubtotals option and click Next.
- In the ChoosetheTableStylescreen, select the Corporate style, and click Finish.
Note: You will configure deployment information for the report in "Task 4 - Deploying the report to SQL Azure Reporting".
- In the CompletingtheWizard screen, update the report's name to SalesReport, and click Finish. The resulting report is shown in the following figure:
Figure 11
Sales Report
Task 3 – Customizing the Sales Report
In this task you will customize the look and feel of the Sales Report. You will add new controls, update the sales field to use a currency format, and use expressions to show theFirstName and LastName fields in only one column.
In this task you will not modify the report’s information, so if you are not interested in customizing the appearance of the report, you can skip it.
- Select the SalesTerritoryCountry Textbox control, and update the following members in the Properties window:
Property / Value
Size / 3.63195in, 0.27in
Location / 1.36805in, 0in
- Add a new Textbox control inside the red rectangle shown in the following figure and set its text to "Country:”.To do this, you can use the Textbox control from the Toolbox window.
Important: Unless the TextBox is added inside that rectangle, it will be considered outside the page's scope by the report. If this happens, and additional page will be added to the report displaying the TextBox alone.
Figure 12
Adding a Textbox
- Set the properties for the Textbox as shown in the following table:
Property / Value
Size / 1.34847in, 0.26792in
Location / 0in, 0.02in
FontFamily / Tahoma
FontSize / 14pt
- Delete the Last Name column. To do this:
- Select the table to display the row and column handles.
- Right-click the LastName column handleand select Delete Columns.
- Update the text of each column header as shown in the following table. To do this, double-click each of the headers and update its value.
Column / New Value / Original Value
1 / Region / Sales Territory Region
2 / Employee / First Name
3 / Total Sales / Sum Sales Amount
Figure 13
Table Header customization
- Configure the sales amount for each region to be displayed using a currency symbol. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Right-click the cell in the first row of the TotalSales column.
- In the context menu, select the Text Box Properties option.
Figure 14
Selecting the Text Box Properties
- Select the Numberoption of the left pane.
- In the Category list, select Currency.
- In the Decimal placesfield, set the value to 0.
- Select the Use 1000 separator (,)option.
- Click OK.
- Configure the sales amount for each employee to be displayed using a currency symbol. To do this, perform the preceding procedure, but this time, for the cell in the second row of the TotalSales column.
Figure 15
Displaying values as currency
- Configure the employees to be displayed using their first and last names in a single column. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Right-click the cell in the second row of the Employee column.
- Select the Expression option.
Figure 16
Selecting the Expression option
- Update the Set expression for: Valuefield, with the following expression:
=Fields!FirstName.Value & " " & Fields!LastName.Value
- Click OK.
- Rebuild the project.
- Click the Preview tab. This will display a preview of the report as shown in the following figure:
Figure 17
Sales Report
Task 4 – Deploying the Report to SQL Azure Reporting
In this task you will deploy the report created in the previous tasks to the SQL Azure Report Server. To do this you will configure the Report Server URL, folder and provide the necessary credentials.
- In the Solution Explorer, right-click the AWSalesReport project and select the Properties option.
- In the Property Pages dialog, update the TargetServerURL property to use the reporting Web service URL you recorded in the Provisioning exercise “Getting Started: Provisioning a SQL Azure Reporting Account”:.
- In the TargetReportFolderproperty, provide the folder name where you want the report to be deployed at. Use a meaningful name that helps you to identify your report, such as SQLAzureRSLab_<YourName> as shown in the following figure. Also make sure that the StartItem is the Sales Report.rdl file.
Note: You will have to use this folder name in the Verification to browse to the deployed report.
Figure 18
Configuring Deployment Options
- Click OK.
- Right-click the AWSalesReport project and select Deploy. Doing this, will connect with the SQL Azure Report Server you configured in task 1.
- In the Reporting Services Login dialog, enter thecredentials you used during the provisioning tasks.
- Click OK to deploy the report.
In order to verify that you have performed every step in the exercise correctly, proceed as follows:
- Access the SQL Azure Report Server website. To do this, in a web browser navigate to the following URL:.
- Login using the following credentials you created during the provisioning.
Figure 19
SQL Azure Report Server
- In the directory listing, open the folder named as you specified in Step 3 of Task 4.
- Inside the folder you will find a link to the Sales Report. Click the link to browse the report. You can page the report as shown in the following figure:
Figure 20
Report hosted on the SQL Azure Report Server
Exercise 2: Accessing the Sales Report from a Windows Azure Application
In this exercise, you will embed the report in an ASP.NET Application, hosted in a Windows Azure Web Role, using the ReportViewer control. To do that, you will use the authentication cookie obtained when logging-in to the SQLAzureReportServer to provide authentication for the ReportViewer control.
Task 1 – Configuring the ReportViewer Control
- Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Administrator privileges.
- Open the SalesSummary.sln solution located in the \Source\Ex02-EmbeddingReportViewer\Begin\CS folder of this Lab.
- Open the Web.Config file located in the SalesSummary_WebRole project.
- Complete the appSettings section with your SQL Azure Account information. You can check the steps 6 and 7 from exercise “Getting Started: Provisioning a SQL Azure Reporting Account” to locate the Reporting Service user, password and URL (for instance:
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
- Open the Default.aspxfile.
- Add a ScriptManager control as a child of the main content control, as shown in the following code.
<%@ PageTitle="AdventureWorks Reports"Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="SalesSummary_WebRole._Default" %>
asp:ContentID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent"
asp:ContentID="BodyContent"runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent"
asp:ScriptManagerID="ScriptManager1"runat="server" />
- From theReporting section of the Toolbox window add a ReportViewercontrol,as the last child of the main content control. The outcome is shown in the following code fragment.
<%@ PageTitle="AdventureWorks Reports"Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="SalesSummary_WebRole._Default" %>
<%@ RegisterAssembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %>
asp:ContentID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent"
asp:ContentID="BodyContent"runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent"
asp:ScriptManagerID="ScriptManager1"runat="server" />
Note:Take into account that copying the highlighted code might not be enough to get the ReportViewer control working. Use the Toolbox to add the control instead, which configures the application properly.
- In the SalesSummary_WebRoleproject, add a reference to the Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common assembly version
- Set the Copy Local property of both the Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms assemblies to True. This is because the ReportViewer needs both assemblies to be present when deployed in Windows Azure.