Present: Councillor Helen Reynolds (Chairman), Betty Gash (Secretary) Kate Capindale (Treasurer), Councillor Bill Wright Volunteer Committee: Paul Notley, Kevin Frisby and Tanya Kuzemczak.

The Chairman, Councillor Helen Reynolds, opened the meeting by thanking those present for attending the AGM and also introducing the new volunteer Kevin. 1. APOLOGIES. Councillor Blacklock not in attendance.
2. CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT. Helen circulated notes to members covering background of Youth Club, Finances and Outstanding issues. The Youth Club has had a successful year. The Club is to approach the Parish Council for support with Grant Aid. The discussions that took place and recommendations are listed under ‘Any other Business’.
Public Liability and Contents Insurance with Came & Co due November 2011.
3. SECRETARY’S ANNUAL REPORT Betty gave an overview of the year and covered expenditure. The Youth Club has had three articles in the newspaper: initial opening, Receipt of Funding and 1st year birthday. There are concerns over the expenditure whereby the subsidised trips of 4 visits to XSite Skatepark, Skegness and 2 visits to a Pool Party at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre; Cleethorpes has meant the Club is running low on funds. The Club needs to be more conservative on its future spending.
4. TREASURER’S REPORT The Treasurer gave a breakdown of the finances. A full report was not available until the signatories have been completed and the Treasurer has full control over the finances so the report has been delayed. At present Betty looks after the bank account and Kate the Cash.
5. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Proposed by Paul Notley that Helen Reynolds is appointed as Chairman. Seconded by Tanya Kuzemczak. All in favour.
6. ELECTION OF SECRETARY Proposed by Helen Reynolds that Kevin Frisby is appointed as Secretary. Seconded by Tanya Kuzemczak. All in favour.
7. ELECTION OF TREASURER Proposed by Helen Reynolds that Kate Capindale is appointed as Treasurer. Seconded by Betty Gash. All in favour.
8. ELECTION OF THREE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Proposed by Helen Reynolds that Betty Gash, Bill Wright and Paul Notley become appointed as members of the Management Committee and Councillor Clive Blacklock to continue as a signatory. Seconded by Tanya Kuzemczak. All in favour.
10. CONFIRMATION OF VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE MEMBERS Samantha Beatty, Suzanne Best, Hannah Faulder, Sara Jakubowski, Tanya Kuzemczak, Sean Rodwell and Sue Sinclair.
11. USE OF HCCA (COMMUNITY CENTRE) The HLC Youth Club to continue to use the Community Centre. Scheduled to move to the former Etherington Arms once it is renovated into a Village Hall. The Committees preference is to remain at the Community Centre
12. WEBSITE AND YOUTH FORUM NEWSLETTER A reminder that the Youth Club has its own website kindly set up by Paul Beatty which the committee is very grateful for. website www.hlcyc.org.uk/. If any committee member wishes to place information on the website they are to forward it to Helen who is the website Administrator.
13. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Item 8 b) to appoint the club leader, with the provision that the leader shall report to the Management Committee on the progress of the group at regular intervals. Item 8 i) to work with the leader in recruiting voluntary helpers.
The committee agreed to keep in Items 8 b) and 8 i) but to delete at Item 8 b) ‘to appoint the club leader’ and substitute with ‘To agree the leadership of the club’.
14. TREASURER ACCOUNT Betty informed members that she had been asked by the Royal Bank for Scotland to transfer the Current Account to a Treasurers account as this is the new type of account organisations such as ours are being transferred to. It was agreed to transfer to the new Treasurer Account. Proposed by Kate Capindale to transfer to the Treasure Account. Seconded by Helen Reynolds. All Approved.
RESOLVED that a Treasurer’s account be opened with the Royal Bank of Scotland PLC.
a. Laptops. (Monies from ‘Awards for All’ Grant - £1,500)). The 1 laptop to be purchased and the other 2 to purchase when the Youth Club moves to its permanent location at the new Village Hall at a cost of £500 each.
b. Projector. (Monies from ‘Awards for All’ Grant) The Big Lottery has approved for the Youth Club to purchase a projector for £500 instead of a WII console and TV as the equipment has already been leased through the District Council. The Xbox and Music Centre have been purchased within the total cost of £1,000.
c. Gardening Equipment. (Monies from ‘Awards for All’ Grant - £500). This needs to be discussed further once the Financial Report is completed.
The Youth Club has purchased and received the reimbursement of £495.80 as a District Grant Aid through B&Q.
As the gardening equipment has already been purchased via ELDC the £500 on the ‘Awards for All’ expenditure needs to be clarified whether outdoor seating and planters can be included in the category of ‘gardening equipment’.
d. Inventory. All agreed that it is important to have an inventory to identify the items the Youth Club hold and to distinguish the items that have been purchased via the Big Lottery fund for audit purchases and other funding. It has not been agreed who will initiate the inventory and maintain it.
e. Consent Forms. There are around 46 young people that have had their consent forms completed but equally there are the same number that still have not completed them. It was suggested to obtain addresses from the recent trips to the Cleethorpes Leisure Centre and the XSite Skatepark and deliver the forms to the home addresses. All agreed for the consent forms to be revised to include an ‘I have read the rules and abide by them’ and a signature by each young person.
The Consent Forms for the ‘Events and Trips’ have been modified and the information required is now held on one page.
f. First Aiders. There is one person who is fully qualified. Other committee members and volunteers are to be encouraged to attend First Aid training. A poster needs to be displayed to show who the qualified First Aiders at the Club are.
g. Events Organiser. Kate compiles a list of activities on a 6 week planner. The activities have included Quiz, Killer Pool, Baking and Ceramic painting and Rugby training.
h. Tuck Shop. Discussions took place on the types of items sold. All agreed that energy drinks will no longer be sold and that all soft drinks should be sugar free/diet. To offer healthier food options i.e. cereal bar. The shopping is usually done at Blakemore in Wilton Road. A rota needs to be completed so that the same persons do not have to do the shopping every week. A poster is to be displayed asking what the young people would like to see in the Youth Club. The Tuck shop needs to be monitored with the young people helping out and also an Adult should always be in attendance in the kitchen area.
i. Risk Assessments. The committee spoke about the dark nights drawing in and that risk assessment should be completed for the playground.
j. Hire of Community Centre. Permission has been granted by the HCCA for the Youth Club to erect the two LCD TVs onto the wall. As the Youth Club is a regular member of the Community Centre and other hirers may be able to use the TVs a suggestion of a possible rent reduction and to negotiate a better deal.
k. Suspended Young Person. Discussions took place on this individual and all agreed that a one month’s probationary period should be given in writing.
l. Funding. A suggestion of selling chips more frequently at the Tuck Shop. Possible Funding from the District Councillors and the Lincolnshire Police.
m. Increase in Entrance Fees. Discussions took place on how to raise funds within the Club and all agreed for a trial period that the entrance fees should be increased to £1.00 (7.00 pm – 8.00 pm) and 50 pence (8.00 – 9.00 pm) to include a free drink of squash. Proposed by Kate Capindale that the Holton-le-Clay Youth Group committee increases the Entrance Fees in January 2012 for a trial period. Seconded by Helen Reynolds. All in favour. Details to be included in the next newsletter.
n. Terms of Reference. All agreed that a Terms of Reference should be held within the Club. A 6 week rota with contact number for committee and volunteers, a list of the Volunteer Roles, Character Reference to be held and CRB checks. Name badges for all the volunteers. To take the pressure of attending every week volunteers could pair up and alternate their attendance at the Club. Suggestion Kate/Sara, Tanya/Betty and Sean/Kevin.
Betty informed members that a new person has been appointed as the Youth and Community Worker for East Lindsey:
Viv Cross
Youth and Community Worker
Skegness Hub
Prince Georges Street
PE25 3BD [
A further meeting needs to be held to discuss this item further.
o. Membership Cards. Once the consent forms have been completed then the Membership Cards will start to be issued again.
p. Trips to other Youth Clubs. The committee spoke about visits to other Youth Clubs in the area.
q. Generator. All agreed to look at purchasing a generator to enable the school field to be used during the winter with the dark nights.
r. Cleethorpes Carnival. The Youth Club is looking to enter a float in the 2012 carnival.
16. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT The Management Committee gave consent for the following payments which are over £100.
26 Apr 11 Trip to XSite Skatepark on 21 April 2011 Coach Fee £250.00 24 May 11 The Paint Box Ceramic Café Mothers Day Pottery £133.00 24 May 11 HCCA Room Hire Feb,Mar and Apr 10 times x £26.00 £260.00 31 May 11 YPO equipment (Big Lottery Funding) £331.44, £101.40, £294.00 and £22.68 £749.52 30 Jun 11 B & Q Gardening Equip (to be refunded by ELDC) £495.80 11 Jul 11 HCCA Room Hire May 4 times x £26.00 £104.00 25 Jul 11 Pool Party at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre fee £210.00 3 Aug 11 HCCA Room Hire Jun 4 times x £26.00 £104.00 3 Aug 11 HCCA Room Hire Jul 5 times x £26.00 £130.00 3 Aug 11 The Paint Box Ceramic Café Fathers Day Pottery £108.00 3 Aug 11 Pool Party at Cleethorpes Coach fee £225.00 19 Aug 11 Trip to XSite Skatepark on 18 August 2011 Coach Fee £250.00
17. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm. / ACTION