Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese

Anno scolastico 2013/14 Classe III E A Docente: Prof.ssa Emma Pompei

Dal libro di testo in adozione M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Layton “Performer FCE Tutor” Workbook con e-book ZANICHELLI

Unit 1“New epic heroes”

Reading: “Teens too can be heroes!”

Grammar: present simple and present continuous, dynamic and stative verbs, present perfect, been and gone

Vocabulary:adjectives ending in –ing and –ed, phrasal verbs (TAKE), suffixes

Unit 2 “Jobs”

Reading: “My first Part-Time Job”

Grammar: past simple, past continuous and past perfect, used to e would, be used to e get used to

Vocabulary: expression for the workplace, phrasal verbs riferiti al posto di lavoro, suffixes, easily confused words: the workplace, word formation.

Unit 3 “Free Time”

Reading: “Teen Hobbies”

Grammar: present perfect and past simple, present perfect continuous and expressing duration, for e since, articles

Vocabulary: word formation (compound words)

Unit 4 “Learning”

Reading: “Child prodigies”

Grammar: Future tenses, the future with time clauses

Vocabulary: word formation, expressions for learning and confused words

Unit 5 “Lifestyle”

Reading: “Can we be allergic to food?”

Grammar: Modals of obligation and necessity and modals of ability and possibility, countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers, confusing countable and uncountable nouns

Vocabulary: word formation (negative prefixes), expressions to do with health

Sono state eseguiti esercizi sul lessico e la grammatica con l’ausilio del libro di testo in possesso degli studenti:

Bonomi,Barili Pesenti , Furness “ Your New Grammar Matters” EUROPASS, Bonomi, Furness, Ciabarri, Seldon “English Pass” EUROPASS e fotocopie fornite dall’insegnante.

Dal libro di testo in adozione M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Layton “Performer Culture and Literature From theOrigin to the Eighteenth Century” ZANICHELLI


Meet the Celts

Roman Britain

The Anglo-Saxon,

“Beowulf”:a national epic.

“Beowulf and Grendel: the fight”: text analysis

The Norman Invasion

The Doomsday Book


A war of succession

King John and the Magna Carta

The medieval ballad: features. “Lord Randal” (fotocopia fornita dall’insegnante): text analysis

A modern ballad: “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall” by Bob Dylan (fotocopia fornita dall’insegnante): text analysis

Comparison between the two ballads

The Birth of Parliament

Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales: the premise of “The Canterbury Tales”, the pilgrimage, Chaucer’s language. “The Wife of Bath” (text analysis), The Miller (text analysis), General Prologue: “When in April” (text analysis)

The Black Death: a great human tragedy

The Wars of the Roses


Meet the Tudors : Henry VII, Henry VIII,Mary I, Elizabeth I

The English Renaissance

The Sonnet

Comparing literatures The English and the Italian Sonnet: the structure.

An Elizabethan sonnet:“My Mistress’ Eyes” by W. Shakespeare, text analysis

King by divine right: the Stuart line


William Shakespeare’s life

The structure of theatres

The audiences

The world of drama:

Opening scenes in Shakespeare’s plays:

“Romeo and Juliet”: the plot, the themes.

The prologue (text analysis)

“Macbeth”: the plot, the themes.

The three witches (text analysis)

Gli Studenti La Docente

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