Unit 4 – Developmental Psychology

Read pp. 108 – 111, 118 – 119 from Chapter 3

Read pp. 136-138, 140 –154, 159 -166, 175 – 181 from Chapter 4

These are vocabulary terms you will learn as you read the material:


Schemaassimilation accommodationconservation

Egocentrismattachmentcritical periodstranger anxiety

Imprintingadolescencepubertycross sectional study

Crystallized intelligencefluid intelligencelongitudinal study


You will have two reading quizzes, the dates are already on the website.

To help you understand the material, I want you to visit, read, and take notes from these sites:

Also, to understand Erikson, go to the class website and download or just read my summary of his theory.

Extra Credit for Unit 4

To receive 5 extra credit points on the Chapter 4 test, you should read the chapter and answer these questions. Each response should be AT LEAST four sentences in length. If any of your answers fall below that length, no credit will be given. You should know all this information for the test, even if you do not turn in the extra credit. The due date for extra credit is on the calendar on the class webpage.

1. Discuss the course of prenatal development, and the destructive impact of teratogens.

2. Describe the capacities of the newborn and the use of habituation for assessing infant cognition.

3. Describe the impact of physical maturation on infant’s memory capacities and motor skills.

4. Describe Piaget’s view of how the mind develops and discuss his stage theory of cognitive development.

5. Describe the benefits of a secure attachment and the impact of parental neglect and separation, as well as daycare on childhood development.

6. Discuss possible effects of different parenting styles on children.

7. Describe adolescents’ growing reasoning skills. Need to mention Piaget in this response.

8. Describe the impact of aging on adult memory and intelligence

9. Explain Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages

10. Explain Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Development.

Goes without saying that your responses, though similar, should not look like those of another student. Responses should be handwritten (unless you have a 504 or IEP that allows you to type your work).