October 9, 2017


Present: Deputy Supervisor John Francisco, Councilpersons: Barb Zlomek, Donald Skinner, Miranda Gates, Josh Brown. Absent: Supervisor Dana Ross

Town Clerk: Kristine Young

Deputy Clerk: Christina VanCuren

Highway Superintendent: Bill Bigelow

All Votes taken at this meeting will be by roll call.

The meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Francisco at 7:00 PM.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion to wave the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and to accept those minutes with corrections was made by Councilperson Gates. A second to the motion was made by Councilperson Brown. All Councilpersons and the Supervisor voted Aye. There were no Nay Votes. The motion was carried 4-0-0.

GUESTS: Stephen & Angel Guman-cemetery books


HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Exhibit B. Superintendent Bigelow reported they finished mowing roadsides, helped Alma pave, helped Cuba and Clarksville oil and stone. Cuba helped them oil and stone Saunders Hill and Old Withey Road. They hauled gravel for the county, helped Andover haul gravel, helped Friendship oil and stone. They have been cleaning up leaves in the cemetery. The leaf blower is working good. Two full burials were done and three cremations. The Phillips Creek Project has been started with assistance from the county. Under coating has been done on the Peterbilt and 2016 truck.

There have been no negotiation meetings. There will not be any more CHIPS monies used this year. There is a company that contacted Superintendent Bigelow about a demonstration of oil and stone. He stated this would be done on the Irons Road. Superintendent Bigelow asked if pine trees could be taken down. They will start this and replace with maple trees. The Board recommended he start with 8 trees and check with Supervisor Ross before taking all of them down at this time.

OLD BUSINESS: No update on the water project. All paperwork has gone to our attorney.

APPROVAL OF ABSTRACTS: A motion to accept the General Abstract 10 in the amount of $15,949.47 and Highway Abstract 10 in the amount of $40,662.19 made by Councilperson Skinner. A second was made by Councilperson Miranda Gates. All Councilpersons and the Supervisor voted Aye. There were no Nay Votes. The motion was carried 4-0-0.

ROUND TABLE: Councilperson Zlomek spoke on behalf of Wendy Skinner from the Town Planning Board. The land use law has been proofread, assigned a local law number and is ready to send to the Attorney General’s office. The Planning Board members will be requesting $10,000. In their budget so they can get paid per meeting starting January 2018. The Enforcement Officer and Land Use Officer will be asking to get paid as well. Deputy Francisco suggested they present to the Town Board in writing what they want.

Regarding the Saunders Pond and Amity Lake Emergency Plan, the landowners are responsible for the plan, not the Town. The Town is only responsible for the roads and culverts.

The Planning Board has discussed the fees for building permits and presented to the Town Board a Fee Schedule to increase the fees. They reviewed Alfred and Rushford’s fees and merged the two.

The attorney wants a list of municipal buildings other than the town and the library. There is the highway, village, sewer/water plant, fire department.

The contractors have been working on the pillars on the town hall. The workers suggested we wait to replace the chimney liner if or when the boilers (that are 27 years old) are replaced. It won’t hurt the liner more than it is to wait. This will save the Town some money for this year.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: The individual from Plum Bottom Road was here asking if anything has been decided on the destruction of the mail box by the town plow. Superintendent Bigelow will be sent up to talk to him.

NEXT MEETING: The next regular board meeting will be held the November 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall.

ADJOURN MEETING: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilperson Gates. A second was made by Councilperson Zlomek. Motion Carried 4-0-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.


State of New York

County of Allegany

IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, I Kristine Young have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town of Amity.



Kristine Young, Town of Amity Clerk

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