Secondary Substation Commissioning Form / Document Number: ECP 11-0501a
Version: 6.0
Date: 10/02/2017

Secondary Substation Commissioning Form

Substation Name
Substation Number
Make / Type / Serial No
Serial No / Battery Date
Switches and FPIs Fitted (delete as appropriate)
RTU SW1 / Y / N / RTU SW2 / Y / N
FPI1 / Y / N / Internal / External / FPI2 / Y / N / Internal / External
RTU SW3 / Y / N / RTU SW4 / Y / N
FPI3 / Y / N / Internal / External / FPI4 / Y / N / Internal / External
Equipment / Test Form / Tests Complete (ü)
Metering Unit
Protection Relay(s)
Power Meter(s)
Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)


HV Cable Insulation Tests (EOS 09-0001)
Conductors Under Test / Voltage (kV) / Duration (min) / Insulation Resistance (MW) / Leakage Current (mA)*
Sheath to Earth
L1 to Earth
L2 to Earth
L3 to Earth
L1 + L2 (L3 earthed)
L2 to L3 (L1 earthed)
L3 to L1 (L2 earthed)
HV cable insulation tests complete and satisfactory (ü)
* Complete as appropriate when carrying out a DC insulation test.
RTU Comms Information
Network to be used (delete as appropriate)
(only use PAKNET if Vodafone or O2 is not available and no other special site comms have been specified) / Standard / Vodafone / O2 / PAKNET
Special / ADSL / Satellite / Microwave / M2M Mobile / BGAN / IoT
RTU Preliminary Checks / (ü)
Visual inspection satisfactory (no visible signs of damage etc)
Check the RTU cabinet is correctly earthed (minimum using 16mm2)
Check all umbilical cables are correctly labelled and polarisation pins fitted
Check the security of all umbilical cable plugs
Check battery is installed and correctly connected
Ensure battery fuse is installed/MCB switched on
Power up the RTU using the batteries
RTU Configuration / (ü or n/a) /
Power up the RTU using the batteries (to power up the Remsdaq RTU on batteries press the red square near the RTU name CallistoNX at the top of the RTU)
Connect laptop to the relevant RTU configuration port using an Ethernet cable
(Lucy Gemini 3 ETH-1 port on the MCM module or Remsdaq CallistoNX Config Port next to the touch screen)
Run the relevant RTU commissioning wizard on the laptop
Lucy Gemini 3 / Enter the User Name ukpn, Password (not shown in this document), ensure the IP address is set to and select Login
Check the RTU has the correct Software and Config version installed as available on Alfresco. If the Software or Config versions are not up to date, download the new versions into the RTU (note when downloading new Software to the RTU, always upload the ‘bootloader’ file first)
Remsdaq CallistoNX / Enter the User Name ukpn, Password (not shown in this document) and select Login
Check the Config Tool has the correct Firmware version and Config version installed as available on Alfresco. If the Firmware or Config versions are not up to date, import the new versions into the Config Tool
Run the Commissioning Wizard and configure the RTU for the equipment installed in the substation (use a ‘dummy’ DNP3 address such as ‘1’)
Functional Checks / (ü)
Carry out the operations below using / Lucy Gemini 3 / The MIMIC in the RTU configuration tool on the Laptop
Remsdaq CallistoNX / The Touch Screen HMI installed in the RTU cabinet
Set RTU to Local and check operation of all automated Switches/CBs (Open/Close)
Set RTU to Remote and check all automated Switches/CBs do not operate (Open/Close)
Set the RTU to Local
Primary inject current into each switch and check RTU analogue readings are correct
Inject primary or secondary to initiate EFPI/PFPIs and record results in table below
If a PLTU is used, apply the appropriate test voltage to each phase and check the correct voltage present indication is activated on the RTU
Ensure the RTU is set to Local
If the RTU LV power supply is not available, turn off and disconnect the batteries
Complete the PowerOn build sheet (ECP 11-0501b) and submit to the PowerOn commissioning engineer
FPI Injection Tests
Test / Conductors / Current / FPI1 (ü) / FPI2 (ü) / FPI3 (ü) / FPI4 (ü)
Primary Injection Earth Fault / L1-E / A
L2-E / A
L3-E / A
Secondary Injection Phase Fault / L1 / A
L2 / A
L3 / A
Earth fault should operate at 90A primary or 180mA (500/1 CT) secondary current.
Phase fault should operate at 600A primary or 1.2 A (500/1 CT) secondary current.


HV phasing test method (Pfisterer, LV backfeed, end-to-end)
HV phasing tests complete and satisfactory / (ü)
Check LV phase rotation(sites without LV backfeed) / ABC (standard) / (ü)
ACB (non-standard) / (ü)
Measure LV voltage / Phase to phase / V
Phase to neutral / V
Note: Statutory voltage limits are 400V and 230V +10%/-6%
Circuit Identification
RTU Switch/CB No / Switch/CB/ACB No / Circuit Description
IP Comms (if fitted)
PowerOn Master Address / RTU DNP3 Address
PowerOn IP address 1 / PowerOn IP address 2
Signal Strength (should be -95dBm or better) / Signal Quality
Paknet Comms (if fitted)
Master Address / DNP3 Address
Main Telephone No / Standby Telephone No
Paknet ESN / Paknet NUA1
RSSI / FSSI / Base Station
RTU Preliminary Checks / (ü)
Visual inspection satisfactory (no visible signs of damage etc)
Check the security of all umbilical cable plugs
Check all umbilical cables are correctly labelled
Check battery is installed and correctly connected
Check mains supply is correctly installed (no earth connection from mains cable) and fused
Ensure battery fuse is installed/MCB switched on
Turn on RTU LV supply switch
RTU Configuration / (ü or n/a)
Connect laptop to the relevant RTU configuration port using an Ethernet cable
(Lucy Gemini 3 ETH-1 port on the MCM module or Remsdaq CallistoNX Config Port next to the touch screen)
Run the relevant RTU commissioning wizard on the laptop
Lucy Gemini 3 / Enter the User Name ukpn, Password (not shown in this document), ensure the IP address is set to and select Login
Check the RTU has the correct Software and Config version installed as available on Alfresco. If the Software or Config versions are not up to date, download the new versions into the RTU (note when downloading new Software to the RTU, always upload the ‘bootloader’ file first)
Remsdaq CallistoNX / Enter the User Name ukpn, Password (not shown in this document) and select Login
Check the Config Tool has the correct Firmware version and Config version installed as available on Alfresco. If the Firmware or Config versions are not up to date, import the new versions into the Config Tool
Run the Commissioning Wizard and set the DNP3 address to the address provided by the PowerOn commissioning engineer, check the details on each page of the Wizard are correct and download to the RTU
GPRS/3G/4G Modem Installation and Configuration / (ü) /
Install modem in the RTU and connect the power cable to the RTU and modem
If the modem has not been setup with the site specific Radius Username, log onto the modem and set it up with the Radius Username provided by the PowerOn commissioning engineer and check the IP address changes to the IP address provided by the PowerOn commissioning engineer
Connect aerial lead and RJ45 patch lead
(Lucy Gemini 3 – ETH-0 port, Remsdaq CallistoNX – System Bus ‘A’ port)
Paknet Pad Installation and Configuration / (ü) /
Install Paknet pad
Connect aerial lead, power supply and data lead (Lucy RTU – RS232A port, Remsdaq RTU – RS232 Com 1 port)
Register Paknet pad
Check pad registration using Vodafone automated health check (08700 700600 option 1) – enter ESN and record RSSI (>60), FSSI (>14), NUA and base station
Check pad configuration using Vodafone Customer Services (08700 700600 option 2)
Port / Port Parameters
NUA1 / Schneider RTU / 0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:1, 5:0, 6:5, 11:13 12:0, 13:0, 15:0, 21:0
NUA2 / Nu-Lec WSOS / 0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:2, 5:0, 6:5, 11:14 12:0, 13:0, 15:0, 21:0
Contact Commissioning Operator and provide ESN, NUA, RSSI, FSSI and base station. Request system code, RTU address and telephone numbers
Site Equipment Commissioning / (ü)
Setup equipment connected on the comms bus with the correct comms parameters below
Device / Modbus Address / Baud Rate / Parity / Stop Bit
Power Meter 1 / 1 / 9600 / No / 1
Power Meter 2 / 2 / 9600 / No / 1
Protection Relay 1 / 11 / 9600 / No / 1
Protection Relay 2 / 12 / 9600 / No / 1
Check data is being received from the devices connected on the Comms Bus (i.e. values displayed on MIMIC/Touch Screen HMI the same as on the device)
Initiate Actuator Disconnected alarm from each automated switch/CB and check correct alarms appear on the MIMIC (Lucy Gemini 3) / Touch Screen HMI (Remsdaq CallistoNX). Leave the alarms activated
Call the PowerOn commissioning engineer
Operation Location / Action / Status / Pass/Fail /
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
Set RTU to Local and ensure it is not communicating with PowerOn
Substation / Turn off mains supply to RTU (RTU should continue to run on batteries) / Charger Supply fail alarm
Substation / Reconnect mains supply / Charger Supply fail alarm reset
Substation / Select RTU to Remote / PowerOn shows RTU is selected to Remote
PowerOn / Disconnect PowerOn from the RTU / RTU disconnected from PowerOn
PowerOn / Initiate Dummy CB control / Dummy CB operates on RTU
Substation / Reinstate actuators on each automated switch/CB in turn / Actuator Disconnected alarm resets for each automated switch/CB
Substation / For LPN Spec RMUs with external FPIs. For all other RMUs ignore / Send each FPI in turn
PowerOn / For LPN Spec RMUs with external FPIs. For all other RMUs ignore / Confirm operation of each FPI and Send FPI Reset
Substation / Unplug the RJ45 cable from each Power Meter and Protection relay and wait up to 20 seconds (repeat test for each device in turn) / Comms Fail alarm for relevant device (ensure the correct transformer number/relay alarm is shown on PowerOn)
Values show invalid data on PowerOn
Substation / For sites with Power Meter installed in LV board / Check the values displayed on PowerOn match the values displayed on the Power Meter(s)
Substation / For sites with Power Meters connected to clip-on CTs – Measure voltage/current at LV board / Check the values displayed on PowerOn match the measured values
Substation / Check Power Meter kW and kVAr analogues have correct direction of flow / Power analogues displayed on PowerOn have correct flow direction (-ve into LV Board, +ve into TX)
PowerOn / Check the ring switch analogues are being received / Values being displayed on PowerOn match those on the RTU
PowerOn / Observe air temp on PowerOn / PowerOn displays correct air temp
Substation / Initiate flood alarm (if fitted) / Flood Alarm
Substation / Reset flood alarm (if fitted) / Flood Alarm Reset
Substation / Initiate intruder alarm (if fitted) / Intruder Alarm
Substation / Reset intruder alarm (if fitted) / Intruder Alarm Reset
Substation / Ensure the RTU is set to Remote / PowerOn and the RTU both show the RTU set to Remote
PowerOn / Set site on PowerOn to Commissioned / Site appears on the PowerOn commissioned diagram
RTU Final Checks (after site has been commissioned to PowerOn) / (ü or n/a)
Check umbilical labels are correct
Check all connections/plugs are secure
Check RTU set to Remote
Check RTU and switchgear cable guard is fitted (outdoor sites only)
Check circuit name form is completed and fitted in the RTU near HMI
Close and secure RTU door
Check all outstanding PowerOn alarms are cleared
ACB (if fitted) / (ü or n/a)
Check neutral-earth bond is installed between transformer neutral bushing and transformer tank earth terminal (where a customer is directly supplied via the ACB)
Protection Settings / (ü or n/a)
Correct HV (TLF, relay) protection applied
Correct LV (Fuse, ACB) protection applied
Labels and Locks / (ü or n/a)
Correct substation labels fitted
Correct switchgear labels fitted
Correct transformer labels fitted
Correct control Unit/RTU labels fitted
Correct LV Cabinet/Board (e.g. earthing) labels fitted
Correct padlocks fitted to all relevant switches and circuit-breakers
Final Checks / (ü or n/a)
Asset data form submitted to ART
Test Equipment
Purpose / Make/Type / Serial Number
Certification / (ü)
All tests have been completed satisfactorily
Commissioning Engineer / Signature / Date

This completed test form shall be left on-site in a plastic wallet and in secure location. A copy of the completed test shall be sent to the relevant ART mailbox.

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