1. http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day

History of Valentine’s Day

Vocabulary: pagan, ban, condemned, romantic

2. http://www.history.com/videos/science-of-love-attraction#science-of-love

Science of Love

Vocabulary: dopamine, stimulant

3. http://www.history.com/videos/science-of-love-attraction#science-of-love-heartbreak

Science of Love: Heartbreak

Vocabulary: rejection, resignation, despair, addiction

4. http://www.history.com/videos/science-of-love-attraction#science-of-love-kissing

Science of Love: Kissing

Vocabulary: attachment, trigger, testosterone

5. http://www.history.com/shows/modern-marvels/videos/modern-marvels-valentines-day---history-of-chocolate

History of Chocolate

Vocabulary: Aztec, Montezuma, Cortez

NAME: ______History of Valentine’s Day

SCORE: ______







SHORT ANSWER: You do NOT need to write complete sentences.

1.  Where did the holiday begin?

2.  What happened on February 14th?

3.  How many roses are bought for Valentine’s Day?

4.  How much money is spent on Valentine’s Day?

5.  What are the three types of love that Dr. Fisher discusses?

6.  What is dopamine?

7.  What are the two stages of heartbreak?

8.  Which country was chocolate discovered in?

9.  When did the Dutch chocolate maker invent a machine to make chocolate bars?


TRUE / FALSE Read aloud

1. Valentine’s Day became a Christian holiday in the 5th century.

2. Romantic love is a kind of addiction.

3. Romantic rejection is a natural stimulant.

4. Kissing is more important to men than women throughout the relationship.

5. Montezuma, the Aztec emperor of Mexico, took chocolate back to Spain.

SHORT ANSWER: You do NOT need to write complete sentences.

1.  Where did the holiday begin? Rome

2.  What happened on February 14th? St. Valentine was killed,

3.  How many roses are bought for Valentine’s Day? 180 million

4.  How much money is spent on Valentine’s Day? 14 billion

5.  What are the three types of love that Dr. Fisher discusses?

Sex drive, romantic love, attachment

6.  What is dopamine? A natural stimulant that creates a feeling associated with romantic love.

7.  What are the two stages of heartbreak?

Protest – try to win the person back; resignation

8.  Which country was chocolate discovered in? Mexico

9.  When did the Dutch chocolate maker invent a machine to make chocolate bars? 1828