IBM Topic Question Code
Column # Marginal Question #
Card 1_
00 – Actual age of respondent
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 1
15 / Years of schooling completed by respondent
How many years did you attend school?
0 – None or doesn’t apply
1 – Part of Primary
2 – Primary completed
3 – Secondary-high school
4 – University / 2
16 / Years of schooling completed by oldest son of respondent
And your eldest son?
0 – None or doesn’t apply
1 – Part of Primary
2 – Primary completed
3 – Secondary-high school
4 – University / 3
17 / Years of schooling respondent for oldest son
And how many years would you like him to attend school?
0 – Less than his father, or doesn’t know
1 – Same as his father
2 – More than his father / 4
18 / Occupations respondent aspires for oldest son
What occupation would you like him to have?
0 – Low status occupation
1 – Doesn’t know; no response
2 – Middle school status occupation or not specified
3 – Fazendeiro (large land owner), layer, dentist, professor, pharmacist, military, doctor, physicist
4 – Economist, agronomist, veterinarian, engineer, sociologist, chemist / 5
19 / Residence outside of community
Have you ever lived away from this community?
0 – Never lived outside community
1 – Lived outside but not in a large city; doesn’t know; no response
2 – Lived in a large city / 6
20,21 / Number of visits to a large city in the past year
Did you visit a large city last year? (one with more than 40,000 inhabitants)
00 – Did not visit a large city in past year
01 – Number of visits in past year to a larger city
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 7
22,23 / Number of contacts per year with relative living in a large city
Do you have any relative who lives in a large city?
(more than 40,000 inhabitants)
00 – Does not have relative living in a large city
01 – Number of contacts per year with relative living in a larger city
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 8
24 / Choice to begin life again in city or in country, given the opportunity
If you were starting your life now and were young, healthy, and in good condition, where would you like to start?
0 – Chooses to begin again in country
1 -- Doesn’t answer; doesn’t know
2 – Chooses to begin again in city / 9
25 / Membership in a cooperative
Are you a member of the cooperative?
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 10
26 / Membership in other organizations
To how many other organizations, clubs, societies’ charities (conferencias), etc., do you belong?
0 – number of organization a member of
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- ``
4 -- ``
5 -- ``
6 -- ``
7 -- ``
8 -- ``
9 -- `` / 11
Coded on card 5 (page 50) / 12
27 / Considers technical help a favor or obligation of the government
What do you think about technical help (extension): is it a favor to the farmer by the government, or is it a government duty towards the farms?
0 – A favor the government grants to the farmer
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – An obligation the government owes to the farmer / 13
28 / Willingness to allow daughters to choose own husbands?
If possible, would you like your daughters to marry: who they had chosen, or some body, you had chosen?
0 – Marry with man chosen by respondent
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Marry whomever they choose / 14
29 / Willingness to allow sons to choose own occupation
If possible: would you like your sons to take up the occupation they should wish, or would you like them to take up an occupation you yourself had chosen?
0 – Follow an occupation chosen by respondent
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Follow whatever occupation they choose / 15
30 / Willingness to allow wife to spend money on her own
When your wife needs to buy some clothes or medicine: would you have to ask your first, or would she buy first and tell you afterwards?
0 – Wife has to first ask respondent
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – She can buy and then tell him / 16
31 / Willingness to allow son to live far away
If it was possible for one of your sons to go away and succeed would you: prefer him to go, or rather have him around?
0 – Would prefer son to remain near by
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Would prefer that he go / 17
32,33 / Score: Patriarchalism
Sum of codes in columns 27-31
00 – High patriarchalism
01 –
02 –
03 –
04 –
05 –
06 –
07 –
08 –
09 –
10 – Low patriarchalism / 13-17
34 / Has (or would like to have) work outside of agriculture
Do you have other activities besides farming?
0 – Doesn’t have and doesn’t want work outside of agriculture
1 – Doesn’t have, but would like to have; doesn’t know, no response
2 – Has other work outside agriculture / 18
35,36 / Percentage of time spend in outside work
What is the time percentage it takes from you?
00 – Code “0” or “1” in column 34
01 – Percentage of time spend in outside work
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 19
37,38 / Percentage of income from outside work
What is the income percentage it gives you?
00 – Code “0” or “1” in column 34
01 – Percentage of time spend in outside work
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 20
39 / Role behavior if he were mayor of municipio
If you were the prefect of this municipio, what would you do?
0 – Doesn’t matter; foolish responses: responses that show respondent’s inability to think of himself in another person’s role; no response
1 – very general responses that show some understanding of the situation and of the things that respondent might do but which are not specified
2 – more specific responses with indication that the respondent was actually thinking of himself in another person’s role
3 – very specific responses where the respondent really puts himself in another’s role and makes good suggestions about carrying out the obligations of that role / 21
40 / Can read (or someone in family can read) a newspaper
Can you read a newspaper
0 – No one in family can read a newspaper
1 – He cannot, but someone in family can, doesn’t know; no response
2 – Respondent can read a newspaper / 22
41,42 / Number of newspapers of magazines read per month
Have you read (or has anybody read for you) newspapers or magazine lately? (IF YES) How many times a month?
00 – No or a “0” code in column 40
01 – Number of times per month exposed to newspaper or magazine
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 23
43 / Respondent customarily receives newspaper or magazines
Are you used to receiving newspaper or magazines?
0 – Never
1 – Sometimes; doesn’t know, no response
2 – More or less regularly / 24
44 / Has radio in the home
Do you have a radio at home?
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 25
45 / Frequency of radio listening
How often do you listen to the radio?
0 – Never (skip to question 28)
1 – Almost never; doesn’t know; no response
2 – Sometimes
3 – More or less an hour per day / 26
46 / Radio program type preference
What program do you like best?
0 – Doesn’t listen
1 – Musical
2 – Sports
3 – Others, doesn’t know, no response
4 – News
5 – Agriculture / 27
47 / Frequency of TV viewing
Do you watch TV?
0 – Never sees it
1 – Sometimes sees it, in some other place: doesn’t know; no response
2 – More or less regularly / 28
48,49 / Frequency of cinema attendance per year
Do you go to the cinema?
00 – Doesn’t go
01 – Number of times per year attended cinema
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
-- ``
99-- `` / 29
50 / Frequency of litter writing
Can you write letter?
0 – Not able to write a letter
1 – Is able, but doesn’t; doesn’t know; no response
2 – Writes about one a year
3 – Writes about one a month
4 – Writes about one a week / 30
Sources from which respondent receives agricultural news
Do you usually receives news about agriculture through:
51 / Radio
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 31
52 / Television
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 32
53 / Newspaper
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 33
54 / Magazine
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 34
55 / ACRA bulletin
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 35
Do you usually receive news about agriculture through:
56 / Agronomist or Veterinary
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 36
57 / Neighbor
0 – No
1 – Doesn’t know, no response
2 – Yes / 37
58 / SCORE: total number of sources utilized
0—Total number of sources utilized
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- ``
4 -- ``
5 -- ``
6 -- ``
7 -- ``
SCORE: Media (and source) credibility
Whom do you trust most when it comes to new ideas about farming and cattle in general? In those you learn through:
a) Newspaper (doesn’t know) or 2. Agronomist or veterinarian
b) Neighbor (doesn’t know) or 2. Agronomist or veterinarian
c) Agronomist or veterinarian (doesn’t know) or 3. radio
d) Newspaper (doesn’t know) or 1. neighbor
e) Radio (doesn’t know) or 1. neighbor
f) Radio (doesn’t know) or 4. Newspaper / 31-37
59 / Radio
0 – Number of times “radio” was chosen
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- `` / 38
60 / Newspaper
0 – Number of times “newspaper” was chosen
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- ``
61 / Agronomist
0 – Number of times “agronomist” was chosen
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- ``
62 / Neighbor
0 – Number of times “neighbor” was chosen
1 -- ``
2 -- ``
3 -- ``
63 / Media with highest score
1 – Neighbor
2 – Agronomist
3 – Radio
4 – Newspaper
64 / Media with second highest score
1 – Neighbor
2 – Agronomist
3 – Radio
4 – Newspaper
Choices for each pair of information sources in Question 38
65 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38a
0 – Doesn’t know
2 – Agronomist
4 – Newspaper / 38a
66 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38b
0 – Doesn’t know
1 – Neighbor
2 – Agronomist / 38b
67 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38c
0 – Doesn’t know
2 – Agronomist
3 – Radio / 38c
68 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38d
0 – Doesn’t know
1 – Neighbor
4 – Newspaper / 38d
69 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38e
0 – Doesn’t know
1 – Neighbor
3 – Radio / 38e
70 / Source indicated in pairwise choice 38f
0 – Doesn’t know
3 – Radio
4 – Newspaper / 38f
71-80 / ? / 39