MINUTES OF THE Urban Planning Committee Meeting
HELD AT THECouncil Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg
ONWednesday 27 April 2016
The meeting commenced at 6.30 pm and closed at 7.53 pm.
Present: / Time In / Time OutCr Helen Davidson (Chair) / 6.30 / 7.53
Cr Lita Gillies / 6.30 / 7.53
Cr Meghan Hopper / 6.30 / 7.53
Cr John Kavanagh / 6.30 / 7.53
Cr Lambros Tapinos
Cr Rob Thompson / 6.30 / 7.53
Cr Tapinos.Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Hopper seconded that the apology for Cr Tapinos be accepted.
Cr Samantha Ratnam
Group Manager City Development – Phillip Priest
Planning Co-ordinator – Robert Shatford
Planning Co-ordinator –Mark Hughes
Principal Urban Planner–Lauren Lees
Governance Officer – Saskia Hunter
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Hopper seconded that the minutes of the Urban Planning Committee Meeting held on 23 March 2016 be confirmed.Carried
DED26/16184-186 Glenroy Road, Glenroy and 10-12 Blenheim Street, Glenroy - Application to Amend Planning Permit MPS/2000/1057/A (D16/65121)The application seeks approval for an amendment to the existing planning permit to allow for the construction of buildings and works to the existing place of assembly and gaming venue, an increase to the area licensed to serve liquor and the installation of ten additional Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs). The application was advertised and 53 objections including 51pro-forma objections to date and 1 submission of support. The main issues raised in the objections relates to the negative social impact of the additional machines. One objector also raised a concern about proposed landscaping and access to the site. There has been no formal Information and Discussion Meeting held as the proposed increase in EGMs is clearly contrary to the local planning policies in the Moreland Planning Scheme and an increase in EGMs cannot be supported.
The report details the assessment of the application against the policies and provisions of the Moreland Planning Scheme, in particular Clause 22.09 (Entertainment and Licensed Venues), Clause 22.10 (Gaming) and Clause 52.28 (Gaming) of the Moreland Planning Scheme.
The key planning conclusions are:
The buildings and works are a positive outcome as they enhance the existing conditions.
The installation of 10 additional machines is inconsistent with Clause 22.10 (Gaming) and Clause 52.28 (Gaming).
The application is being report to the Urban Planning Committee at the request of Cr Kavanagh.
It is recommended that a Notice of Decision to Amend Planning Permit MPS/2000/1057 be issued for the proposal supporting the proposed buildings and works without approval for the installation of the 10 additional Electronic Gaming Machines.
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Gillies seconded that -
The Urban Planning Committee resolve:
That DED26/16 184-186 Glenroy Road, Glenroy and 10-12 Blenheim Street Glenroy- Application to Amend Planning Permit MPS/2000/1057/A (D16/65121) be brought before the full Council, at the May Council meeting, and that the matter be voted on by the whole Council.
DED27/16476-478 Brunswick Road, Parkville - Planning Permit Application - MPS/2015/895 (D16/55307)
The application seeks approval for the temporary use, buildings and works for a car park for staff, and construction vehicles associated with the CityLink Tullamarine widening project. The application was advertised and eleven objections were received. The main issues raised in objections are truck traffic, truck noise, car parking, impact upon a neighbouring aged care facility, noise, dust and disturbance.
The subject site is divided by the municipal boundary between the City of Moreland and the City of Melbourne. The eastern portion of the site is within the City of Melbourne’s municipal boundaries and a separate planning application is currently being considered by the City of Melbourne. The western portion of the site is within the City of Moreland municipal area and is the subject of this planning permit application.
The application is for the temporary use and development of the site as a car park, providing a location for staff and construction vehicles to be parked associated with the freeway widening project (CityLink Tullamarine Widening). The freeway widening project was approved by the Minister for Planning by a planning scheme amendment on 7 May 2015. The proposed car park is required for a two-year period after which the site will be reinstated as a soccer field.
A Public Information session attended by the applicant was held at the site on 7 December 2015 during the public notification period. Seven residents attended. A Planning Information and Discussion meeting (PID) was held onThursday 8 March 2016 which was attended by a number of objectors, the permit applicant, members of the Reggio Calabria Club and Council Officers. The PID meeting allowed objectors to raise their concerns and the applicant to respond. The applicant agreed post the PID meeting to restrict the daily number of truck movements and to the erection of hoarding around the site.
The report details the assessment of the application against the policies and provisions of the Moreland Planning Scheme.
The key planning considerations are:
Impact upon car parking and traffic in particular the Brunswick Road and Gibson Street intersection.
Amenity impacts including noise, dust and disturbance.
The proposal generates traffic for a short amount of time in the morning and evening for a two year period. The site offers adequate on site car parking to negate the need for staff to use on-street parking or parking associated with the Reggio Calabria Club. No works will be undertaken on-site other than the creation of a hard stand paved area. A permit condition will ensure remedial works are undertaken to reinstate the site.
It is recommended that a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit be issued for the proposal.
6.44 pmCr Gillies left the Council Chamber.
6.44 pmCr Gillies returned to the Council Chamber and resumed her seat.
Adjournment of Meeting
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that the Urban Planning Committee resolve that Standing Orders be suspended.
The Urban Planning Committee meeting was adjourned at 7.06 pm.
Resumption of Meeting
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Gillies seconded that the Urban Planning Committee resolve that Standing Orders be resumed.
The Urban Planning Committee meeting was resumed at 7.16 pm with all Councillors present.
Lay Motion on the Table
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Gillies seconded that the motion lay on the table.
Adjournment of Meeting
Cr R Thompson moved, Cr Gillies seconded that the Urban Planning Committee resolve that Standing Orders be suspended.
The Council meeting was adjourned at 7.34 pm.
Resumption of Meeting
Cr Gillies moved, Cr Hopper seconded that the Urban Planning Committee resolve that Standing Orders be resumed.
The Urban Planning Committee meeting was resumed at 7.43 pm with all Councillors present.
Take Motion Off the Table
Cr R Thompson moved, Cr Hopper seconded that Urban Planning Committee Report DED27/16 476-478 Brunswick Road, Parkville - Planning Permit Application - MPS/2015/895 (D16/55307) be taken off the table.
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that -
The Urban Planning Committee resolve:
That a Refusal to Grant a Planning Permit No. MPS/2015/895 be issued for the temporary use, building and works for a car park for staff and construction vehicles associated with the CityLink Tullamarine widening project at 476-478 Brunswick Road, Parkville, subject to the following grounds of refusal:
1.The proposed use of the land as a car park fails the purpose of the Special Use Zone (Schedule 1 – Private Sports Ground) which seeks to provide for areas in private ownership to be used as private sports grounds.
2.The proposed use and development is contrary to Clause 2 of the Special Use Zone (Schedule 1 – Private Sports Ground), due to the adverse amenity impacts. In particular:
a)Transport of materials, goods or commodities to or from the land.
b)Appearance of the building, works or materials.
c)The emission of noise, artificial light and dust.
Carried unanimously
DED28/1668 Everett Street, Brunswick West - Planning Permit Application MPS/2015/466 (D16/46494)
The application seeks approval for the construction of four dwellings (three double storey and one single storey). The application was advertised and 11 objections were received. The main issues raised in objections are overdevelopment, neighbourhood character, traffic, use of the laneway and private open space provision. A Planning Information and Discussion meeting was held, however no objectors attended the meeting.
The report details the assessment of the application against the policies and provisions of the Moreland Planning Scheme.
Subject to conditions of this recommendation, the proposal will achieve a high level of compliance with Clause 55 standards and objectives and will result in a built form that adequately respects the existing character of the area. The key issue with the proposal is whether the extent of double storey form of Dwellings 1 – 3 respects the adjoining sensitive interfaces, particularly to the south. To address this issue, a condition of the recommendation requires an increased setback to part of the first floor of Dwellings 2 and 3 and additional ground floor landscaping.
It is recommended that a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit be issued for the proposal.
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr R Thompson seconded that -
The Urban Planning Committee resolve:
That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No. MPS/2015/466 be issued for the construction of four dwellings (three double storey and one single storey) at 68 Everett Street, Brunswick West, subject to the following conditions:
1.Before thedevelopment commences, amended plans to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the plans will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The plans must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The plans must be generally in accordance with the plans advertised 25November 2015 but modified to show:
a)Changes in accordance with the sketch plans TP1 – TP4 prepared by GSA Architects with revision date February 2016 including, but not limited to:
i.Increased landscaping at ground floor along the south boundary.
ii.Increased setbacks of the first floor of Dwellings 2 and 3 from the south boundary.
iii.An increase to the setback of the first floor of Dwelling 1 from the street.
b)The ground floor bedroom windows of Dwellings 2, 3 and 4 facing the vehicle access way dimensioned as having a sill height that is at least 1.4 metres above ground level.
c)The south facing wall on boundary reduced in height to a maximum average of 3.2 metres.
d)The south facing first floor habitable room windows all annotated as having a sill height of 1.7 metres above finished floor level and deletion of the annotations that state ‘obscure glazing to 1.7 m high’.
e)The north facing first floor meals room window of Dwelling 1 modified so that there is an offset (east-west distance) of at least 1.5 metres from the edge of this window to the edge of the closest habitable room window at 70 Everett Street.
f)The floor of the Dwelling 2 balcony extended to the same line as the angled balcony balustrade, with clear glazing provided to the west facing section of the balustrade, to provide a view over the pedestrian access way.
g)The provision of 1.8 metre high fencing to the north, east and south boundaries that reduces to no greater than 1.5 metres in height within 3 metres of the west boundary.
h) A shared bin enclosure for four 240 litre waste bins located adjacent to the southern wall of Dwelling 1 and screened from view from the street.
i)The single width garage doors dimensioned as being at least 3.2 metres wide and the double width garage door dimensioned as being at least 5 metres wide.
j)Provision of a 2.4 metre by 2.4 metre clear splay in the south-eastern corner of the fence of the Dwelling 4 private open space, to improve access to the Dwelling 4 car space.
k)The proposed vehicle crossing on Everett Street with 1 metre straight splays on both sides commencing where the footpath meets the nature strip and finishing at the kerb in accordance with Council’s Standard Vehicle Crossing design.
l)Provision of at least 4 cubic metres of storage space to Dwellings 2, 3 and 4, with storage areas dimensioned to demonstrate compliance.
m)A landscape plan in accordance with Condition 3 of this permit.
n)The location of any air-conditioning units and other plant equipment, including any screening.
o)A schedule of all proposed exterior decorations, materials, finishes and colours, including colour samples (3 copies in a form that can be endorsed and filed).
2.The development as shown on the endorsed plans must not be altered without the written consent of the Responsible Authority.
3.Prior to the commencement of any development works, a landscape plan must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The landscape plan must provide the following:
a)A schedule of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers (including numbers, size at planting, size at maturity and botanical names), as well as sealed and paved surfaces. The flora selection and landscape design should be drought tolerant and based on species selection recommended in the Moreland Landscape Guidelines 2009.
b)Identification of any existing tree(s) and vegetation proposed to be removed and retained. Vegetation retainment must include strategies for the retainment (i.e. barriers and signage during the construction process).
c)The provision of at least one tree within the front setback to assist in the integration of the development within the existing streetscape, with the tree species selected according to the available space, in accordance with the Moreland Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.
d)The provision of screening vegetation along the southern boundary adjacent to the Dwelling 2 and 3 garages, to soften the visual impact of the double storey form.
e)Provision of bollard lighting no higher than 1.2 metres above ground level, located to illuminate pedestrian access to the rear dwellings.
f)Details of the location and type of all paved and sealed areas. Extensive hard surfaces are not supported. The adoption of porous/permeable paving, rain gardens and other water sensitive urban design features is encouraged.
4.Prior to the issuing of a Statement of Compliance or occupation of the development, whichever occurs first, all landscaping works must be completed in accordance with the approved and endorsed landscape drawing to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. The areas designated as landscaped areas on the endorsed landscape plan must thereafter be maintained and used for that purpose.
5.Prior to the issue of a Building Permit in relation to the development approved by this permit, a Development Infrastructure Levy and Community Infrastructure Levy must be paid to Moreland City Council in accordance with the approved Development Contributions Plan. The Levy amount for the development is $602.51 per dwelling. In accordance with the approved Development Contributions Plan, these amounts will be indexed annually on 1 July.
6.If an application for subdivision of the land in accordance with the development approved by this permit is submitted to Council, payment of the Development Infrastructure Levy can be delayed to a date being whichever is the sooner of the following:
For a maximum of 12 months from the date of issue of the Building Permit for the development hereby approved; or
Prior to the issue of a Statement of Compliance for the subdivision;
When a staged subdivision is sought, the Development Infrastructure Levy must be paid prior to the issue of a Statement of Compliance for each stage of subdivision in accordance with a Schedule of Development Contributions approved as part of the subdivision.
7.Prior to the issuing of Statement of Compliance or occupation of the development, whichever occurs first, all visual screening measures shown on the endorsed plans must be installed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. All visual screening and measures to prevent overlooking must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Any screening measure that is removed or unsatisfactorily maintained must be replaced to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
8.Prior to the occupation of the development, any existing vehicle crossing not to be used in this use or development must be removed and the kerb and channel, footpath and nature strip reinstated to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority (Moreland City Council, City Infrastructure Department).
9.Prior to the occupation of the development, a vehicle crossing must be constructed in every location shown on the endorsed plans to a standard satisfactory to the Responsible Authority (Moreland City Council, City Infrastructure Department).
10.Prior to the occupation of the development, any Council or service authority pole or pit within 1 metre of a proposed vehicle crossing, including the 1 metre splays on the crossing, must be relocated or modified at the expense of the permit holder to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and the relevant service authority.
11.Prior to the occupation of the development, the garage doorsmust be automatic and remote controlled.
12.Before the occupation of the development, bollard lighting no higher than 1.2 metres above ground level is to be installed and maintained on the land to automatically illuminate pedestrian access to the rear dwellings between dusk and dawn with no direct light emitted onto adjoining property to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
13.All stormwater from the land, where it is not collected in rainwater tanks for re-use, must be collected by an underground pipe drain approved by and to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority (Moreland City Council, City Infrastructure Department).
14.Stormwater from the land must not be directed to the surface of the right-of-way to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
15.The stormwater run-off from the access way must not flow out of the property over the public footpath to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
16.Prior to the occupation of the development, all boundary walls must be constructed, cleaned and finished to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
17.Unless with the written consent of the Responsible Authority, any plumbing pipe, ducting and plant equipment must be concealed from external views. This does not include external guttering or associated rainwater down pipes.