Fens Primary School, Hartlepool / RJ & SM- 2017-2018
Long Term Planning
T1a / T1b / T2a / T2b / T3a / T3b
Science / Living things and their habitats.
Revision: Green Plants / Animals including humans. / Properties and changes to materials. / Earth and Space. / Forces. / Science Project – Living things and their habitats – Shelters – (linked to DT).
Computing / Creativity: Creating geometrical art.
E-safety. / Communication/Collaboration
Creating and writing a blog page.
E-safety. / Programming: Developing an interactive game. / Computer networks: Creating an e-safety websites. / Productivity: Creating a virtual space.
E-safety. / Computational thinking: Cracking codes.
RE / What can we learn about Christian faith through studying the lives of northern saints? / What are the themes of Christmas? / What do we know about the Bible and why is it important to Christians? / Why is the Last Supper so important to Christians? / What do Muslims believe and how are these beliefs expressed?
Geography / Tropical Rainforests: Amazon / Disparity: A village in India Chembakoli
History / Ancient Egypt / British History: The Second World War / Ancient Greece
D&T / Food: Bread / Construction: We are plant protection designers (linked to Science prjoect)
Art &
Design / Drawing:
Portraits-exploring shape and space / Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci or Picasso / Modelling: Mythical creatures.
Music / Singing / Composer Period: Romantic / Musical Notation: Focus on Keyboards
PE / Outwitting Opponents- Tag Rugby
Power walking/ jogging / Outwitting Opponents- Netball
OAA (Kingswood)
Boot Camp (Champions Scheme) / Creative Movement- Dance
Power walking/ jogging / Creative Movement- Gymnastics
Skip to the Beat (Champions Scheme) / Outwitting Opponents-
Power walking/ jogging / Athletics (Champions Scheme)
Fitness Frenzy (Champions Scheme)
Languages / Bon Appétit / On y Va / Je suis le musicien