PeninsulaSchool District
Student Technology Competencies 6-12
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve GradeConcept 1: General Technology Awareness /
- Identify icons for files, system files, programs, folders & drivers (M)
- Start and Log onto a computer (M)
- Open, resize, move and close a window using a mouse (M)
- Explain what a diskette is used for (M)
- Insert a diskette into a storage device (M)
- Explain the “do’s & don’ts” of using a diskette (M)
oVirus scan a diskette
oCheck health of diskette prior to use (metal slider)
- Eject a diskette from a storage device (M)
- Launch a program and open files (M)
- Differentiate between writable and rewritable CD (M)
- Right click to accomplish tasks (M)
- Copy file(s) to a storage device (M)
- Duplicate a file or a folder (M)
- Save files to another location, drive, &/or folder (M)
- Change the view of a window (M)
- Identify the parts of a computer/Hardware Knowledge (M)
ocleaning – preventive maintenance
- Identify files types by icon and extensions (txt, doc, pdf, exe, gif, tif, jpg, etc.) especially in regards to downloading, copyright laws & virus protection. (M)
- Access network resources/navigate through a wide variety networked resources (drives, folders, printers, scanners, software, etc.) (M)
- Troubleshoot and problem solve technology issues (D & P)
oUtilize personal strengths of group to solve problems
oDetermine appropriate solutions
oDevelop a logical sequence of events to solve a problem
oIdentify appropriate tool(s) needed to solve a problem /
- Troubleshoot and problem solve technology issues (P)
oUtilize personal strengths of group to solve problems
oDetermine appropriate solutions
oDevelop a logical sequence of events to solve a problem
oIdentify appropriate hardware and software tool(s) needed to solve a problem
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 2: Responsibilities and Ethics /
- Understand consequences of destructive or harmful computer behaviors (e.g. internet browsing, downloading, email tools) (D & R)
- Define and use technology terms (D & R)
- Respect personal nature of files, documents, data disks and work produced using technology (D & R)
- Respect ownership of information stored on user storage system (D & R)
- Maintain and keep files organized (M)
- Use appropriate technology to enhance their productivity (D)
- Understand and abide by telecomputing etiquette when using e-mail, newsgroups, listservs and other Internet functions. (D & R)
- Demonstrate an understanding of copyright by citing sources by copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multimedia presentations (D)
- Describe and articulate the role that technology plays in society (D)
- Describe the concept of “intellectual property” (M)
- Discuss the impact of inappropriate use of technology (D)
- Read, sign and discuss Acceptable Use Policy (D & R)
- Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information.This should include:
- Read, sign and discuss Acceptable Use Policy (D & R)
- Understand consequences of destructive or harmful computer behaviors (e.g. internet browsing, downloading, email tools) (D & R)
- Define and use technology terms (D & R)
- Respect personal nature of files, documents, data disks and work produced using technology (D & R)
- Respect ownership of information stored on user storage system (D & R)
- Understand and abide by telecomputing etiquette when using e-mail, newsgroups, listservs and other Internet functions. (D & R)
- Demonstrate an understanding of copyright by citing sources by copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multimedia presentations (D)
- Discuss the impact of inappropriate use of technology (D)
- Identify capabilities and limitations of contemporary and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning, and workplace needs. (D)
- Use appropriate technology systems, resources, and services to enhance their productivity (P)
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 3: Information Research and Resources /
- Assess the value of various types of electronic resources for data gathering, including databases, CD-ROM resources, commercial and Internet online resources, electronic reference works, community and government information electronic resources (D)
- Locate and use appropriate computer resources and technologies available within the school (e.g., online catalogs, periodical indexes, full-text sources, multimedia computer stations, CD-ROM stations, online terminals, scanners and/or digital cameras) (M)
- Locate and use computer resources and technologies available beyond the school through Internet (e.g., WWW sites via browser, online public access catalogs, commercial databases and online services, other community, academic and government resources) (M)
- Use appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational software, multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning (D)
- Use electronic reference materials (e.g., electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographical reference sources, atlases, geographical databanks, thesauri, almanacs, fact books) available through local area networks, stand-alone workstations, or the Internet (D)
- Demonstrate use of search tools and commands for searching the Internet (M)
- Identify and apply specific criteria for evaluating computerized electronic resources (M)
- Analyze the validity and strength of resources while filtering electronic information in relation to the task, rejecting non-relevant information (D)
- Take notes and outline with a word processor or similar program (M)
- Fair Use and Copyright Guidelines by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multimedia presentations (D)
- Cut, copy and paste information from an electronic source into a personal document complete with proper citation
- Record electronic sources of information and locations of those sources to properly cite and credit in footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies
- Use electronic spreadsheets, databases and statistical software to process and analyze statistical data (D)
- Investigate and apply appropriate multimedia resources (e.g. expert systems, intelligent agents, multimedia encyclopedias and simulations in real-world situations) to support learning (D)
- Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publications, communications, and productivity. (D & P) This should include:
- Assess the validity, bias and strength value of various types of electronic resources for data gathering, including databases, CD-ROM resources, commercial and Internet online resources, electronic reference works, community and government information electronic resources
- Use electronic reference materials (e.g., electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographical reference sources, atlases, geographical databanks, thesauri, almanacs, fact books) available through local area networks, stand-alone workstations, or the Internet
- Use electronic spreadsheet, database and statistical software to process and analyze data
- Fair Use and Copyright Guidelines by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multimedia presentations (D & M)
- Cut, copy and paste information from an electronic source into a personal document complete with proper citation
- Record electronic sources of information and locations of those sources to properly cite and credit in footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies
- Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning (P).
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 4: Keyboarding /
- Locate and use letter and number keys (R& M)
- Locate and use punctuation and symbol keys (R& M)
- Use informal keyboarding skills (left hand on left side of keyboard, right have on right side of keyboard, thumb on space bar, etc) (R& M)
- Use shift, caps lock, special (command, option, control, etc.) and arrow keys and the space bar (R& M)
- Use formal keyboarding skills (R& M)
- Use proper posture (R& M)
- Use correct Enter key technique (R& M)
- Identify Home Row keys (R& M)
- Review of general keyboarding and typing skills (R)
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 5: Word Processing /
- Use and understand the concept of the insertion point & the cursor (M)
- Understand and demonstrate correct use of Enter and Tab keys and space bar (M)
- Backspace and delete text (M)
- Move, cut, paste and copy text (M)
- Use a spell and grammar checking feature to proof a document (M)
- Save & retrieve word processing files (M)
- Use the “save” or “save as” feature to create copies or new versions of documents (M)
- Create, copy, import, position & manipulate relevant graphics into a word processing document (M)
- Create and manipulate tables in a work processing document (M)
- Use the following formatting tools (M):
- Bullets/numbering
- Outlining
- Hanging indents
- Alignment (graphic & text)
- Hyphens
- Footnote/citations/endnotes
- Text Styles
- Footer/headers (pg #s, file name, path, date, etc.)
- Margins
- Page Breaks
- Thoroughly edit, examine, and preview work prior to finalization and printing (D)
- Use two different types of word processing applications (M)
- Use a word processing program to manage and communicate personal/professional/academic information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence, and resumes). Students will use the following tools to simplify these tasks (DM):
- Pre-made templates
- Wizards
- Mail merge
- Editing features (e.g. thesaurus, comment fields, note fields, print previews, etc.)
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 6: Spreadsheets /
- Recognize the parts of a spreadsheet/database (M)
- Add new text and numbers (M)
- Add new text, or numbers to a spreadsheet/database to see the effect that this change has on the rest of the information (M)
- Change or correct information in one or more cells on an existing spreadsheet/database (M)
- Create formulas in cells (M)
- Format a cell or range of cells (M)
- Determine what data items to use in the spreadsheet/database and text data (D)
- Name, save & edit the spreadsheet/database (M)
- Create a spreadsheet with accumulated subtotals & totals (M)
- Perform appropriate data entry operations (D)
- Organize the information (sort, arrange, sequence, group, classify) (D)
- Use the information (analyze for patterns, relationships or generalizations) (D)
- Synthesize the information (interpret, infer, predict or problem solve) (D)
- Produce graphs and charts based on spreadsheet data. (I & D)
- Export data from and import data into a document (I & D)
- Format cells into text, numerical, etc. (I & D)
- Format the cell layout (borders, fonts, outlines, width/length, etc.) (I & D)
- Move cells, columns, and rows (I & D)
- Sort and filter data (I & D)
- Create formulas and perform cell calculations (I & D)
- Will lock and unlock cells (I & D)
- Use spreadsheets for managing and communicating personal/professional information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases) (M). This includes:
- Determine what data items to use in the spreadsheet/database and text data
- Organize the information
- Group and classify
- Sort and filter data
- Create formulas and perform cell calculations
- Use the information (analyze for patterns, relationships or generalizations)
- Synthesize the information (interpret, infer, predict or problem solve)
- Produce graphs and charts based on spreadsheet data.
- Export data from and import data into a document
- Use the following formatting tools(M):
- Perform appropriate data entry operations (e.g. move and insert cells, columns, and rows)
- Format cells into text, numerical, etc.
- Format the cell layout (borders, fonts, outlines, width/length, etc.)
- Lock and unlock cells
Sixth – Eighth Grade / Ninth – Twelve Grade
Concept 7: Multimedia /
- Create and use computer-generated graphics and art in various print and electronic presentations (M)
- Use a graphic to illustrate an idea in a document (M)
- Access the draw tools in application software (D)
- Select, resize and move objects (M)
- Differentiate between text and graphic objects (M)
- Insert an object to a different application (M)
- Draw a line and change its thickness (M)
- Draw different graphic object shapes (e.g., squares, circles, etc.) (M)
- Group and ungroup objects (M)
- Import objects, pictures, sounds and text boxes (M)
- Animate slides and select transitions (M)
- Make a storyboard and move slides in slide sorter view (M)
- Become familiar with hypertext, links and action buttons (D)
- Understand the differences between graphic formats (jpg, tif, pic, jif, wmf, bmp, etc.) (D)
- Knowledge and experience using different photo editing software. (D)
- Use multimedia resources (e.g. video conferencing, electronic presentation software, electronic mail, etc.) to collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. Students will use the following tools to simplify these tasks:
- Pre-made templates(D & M)
- Wizards(D & M)
- Mail merge from another source(ID)
- Become familiar with hypertext, links and action buttons
- Understand the differences between graphic formats (jpg, tif, pic, jif, wmf, bmp, etc.) (M)
- Knowledge and experience using different photo editing software.(M)
I = Introduce D = Develop M = Master R = Review P = Process Skill
Note: some 9-12 competencies taken from the National Educational Technology Standards10/27/2018